[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_activesync-2.0.9 created. 9feae660575545099838b1aba4209631a3ee27a9

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Dec 12 18:06:02 UTC 2012

The annotated tag "horde_activesync-2.0.9" has been created.
        at  9feae660575545099838b1aba4209631a3ee27a9 (tag)
   tagging  b983ec6a9c6a26ff079815a9d228014d0f9da4f6 (commit)
  replaces  sesha-1.0.0rc2
 tagged by  Michael J Rubinsky
        on  Wed Dec 12 13:01:55 2012 -0500

Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.0.9.

Jan Schneider (7):
      Development mode for sesha-1.0.0RC3
      [jan] Fix more strftime() formatting of certain locale-specific format specifiers (Bug #11831).
      [jan] Fix editing tasks from the merged list view in smartmobile mode (Bug #11840).
      [jan] Fix changing permissions for shared rulesets.
      Use base_address for levenshtein sorting, to avoid breaking up address groups.
      [jan] Include address groups in auto-completion list if address book is below AJAX lookup threshold.

Michael J Rubinsky (3):
      Hopefully finally resolve charset issues breaking iOS syncing.
      Tweak changelog entry.
      Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.0.9

Michael M Slusarz (3):
      Bug #11862: Fix missing header text
      [mms] Ensure that polled mailboxes in dynamic view continue to show unseen message count if its child status changes (Bug #11864).
      Strip corrected SPAN after spellcheck is complete

Ralf Lang (6):
      Solution (at least partial) for bug #11658 Fatal error editing date property.
      Move the search to topbar in list view and allow quicksearching by name and ID (Request #11657).
      Combine filters with OR to allow multi-field searches. Complicated searches with AND and OR may be added later.
      Move quicksearch to topbar and remove the "menu" template. Allow search by Name or Id (Request #11657).
      Cope with serialized date formats in txt_datavalue for backward compatibility #11865.
      fix broken package.xml (one dependency missed the <channel> attribute)

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