[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_form-1.0.6 created. 494ee2bd639b74032837f362b7097706ce1179fa
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Tue Jan 17 11:38:09 UTC 2012
The annotated tag "horde_form-1.0.6" has been created.
at 494ee2bd639b74032837f362b7097706ce1179fa (tag)
tagging ece2d7b0877eb656f71cbc828f0a32160cfd476c (commit)
replaces horde_activesync-1.2.1
tagged by Jan Schneider
on Tue Jan 17 12:22:47 2012 +0100
Released Horde_Form-1.0.6.
Jan Schneider (30):
Horde LLC.
Disable group caching flag (Bug #10882).
[jan] Fix WebDAV access to application resources.
Fix listing applications as collections.
At least show the backends.
[jan] Sort user and group names in permission screen (Request #10896).
[jan] Fix day sorting in agenda view.
[jan] Only show end time if different from start time.
Show ellipsis if event text overflows.
[jan] Display event time in dynamic if requested (Request #9866).
Restrict event height in month view more reliably, even if we lose ellipsis this way.
Fix age calculation if not providing an end time.
Fix adding events to event list if it recurs but showing recurrences is not requested.
Tweak display of applications without names.
Revert "Rename Portal links in mobile views to Home (Request #10667)."
Fix viral class name typo (Bug #10917).
Fix resetting page titles after returning from a different view/dialog.
Show title when displaying tasks list.
Temporarily make methods public that are used in Horde_SyncMl (Bug #10908).
[jan] Fix compatibility with Horde_SyncMl (Bug #10908).
[jan] Fix undefined method while synchronizing events with Funambol (Bug #10908).
ValEnum tags in DevInf may contain comma separated values (Bug #10912).
We don't have URL properties for tasks.
Add @since tag.
Update fr translation.
[jan] Fix horde-set-perms (piper at hrz.uni-marburg.de, Bug #10923).
Fix variable name.
Make sure that text mime parts always return a charset (Bug #10925).
Merge remote-tracking branch 'curecanti/xss_vulnerabilities'
Released Horde_Form-1.0.6
Michael J Rubinsky (5):
Development mode for Horde_ActiveSync-1.2.2
fix url to phpshell
avoid undefined property notices
Ensure we are talking about the same timezones.
Ensure we alrways return an array Bug: 10921
Michael M Slusarz (40):
Fix missing reply-list log icon in dynamic view
[mms] Fix 'changedsince' and 'vanished' parameters' in the fetch() command (Bug #10915).
Fix undefined variable error
Bug #10900: Fix top signature location.
Bug #10901: Fix signature positioning in mobile view.
Bug #10911: Fix undefined error.
Fix translations of message part names.
Fix translation of search element descriptions
Clean up output of <body> tag in dynamic view.
[mms] Fix deleting cached mailbox when mailbox name is given as an object.
Parameters not needed for a simple composition
Hide loading icon after a rangeslice request
Never show browser context menu when clicking on a viewable context element
Fix example
[mms] Fix regression preventing sending of MDNs.
Attempt to translate search header, if possible
Revert "Bug #10901: Fix signature positioning in mobile view."
Bug #10918: target can be document if clickup after drag occurs outside of window
Bug #10920: icon may be a string, in which case we do not have access to application information
Fix HTML part detection when resuming compositon
[mms] Allow multiple date searches to be specified in a single AND search query.
Switching search field during quicksearch needs to be atomic
No longer needed - expand/collapse is done in AJAX code
[mms] Fix expand/collapse of folder tree in mobile view.
Update imp's package.xml with new file
Fix setting advanced search details when switching from dynamic view quicksearch
Don't save quicksearch across page reloads
[mms] Fix line-endings for transport drivers that send messages using local tools/programs.
[mms] Fix updating context menu when a mailbox is converted into a container element after being deleted.
Can't hide deleted when using thread sort
Bug #10895: Fix inconsistent behavior of show/hide deleted in dynamic view
This width declaration got lost somewhere
Fix inconsistent/incompatible definitions of the Turba_Driver::_read() function
Clean up Turba_Object_Group::addMember() return handling
[mms] SECURITY: Fix XSS vulnerabilities.
[mms] SECURITY: Fix XSS vulnerability in email validation.
Internal cleanups; phpdoc
[mms] Add Horde_Variables#filter().
Ralf Lang (76):
A basic Application.php
Remove the version.php file
application permissions
Port api.php to Api.php, rename methods, remove require_once
Fixed misplaced ; - Now sesha shows up in configuration
rename prefs.php.dist to prefs.php and drop the "shared" items
added a pref to select default view
some formal conversions in stock.php
convert the search controller page
pear error to horde exception - this page is probably not yet complete
Merge branch 'sesha' of https://github.com/imr/horde into sesha
show default view pref
Add an exception class
catch initial case where no properties exist
applicationUrl() -> url()
Horde_Ui_Tabs -> Horde_Core_Ui_Tabs
Renamed category forms and split into one file per class
Use new category form names
yet another exception
retrieve categories
Renamed property forms and split into one file per class
Conversion of the Stock and Search forms
Exceptions and applicationurl, rename form classes
A basic test suite which doesn't to any useful tests yet
remove reference to .sql files
Rebase factory on Horde_Core_Factory_Base
This was misplaced.
Remove unneeded argument name
The default graphics set needs to move now
re-add the menu
replace deprecated function calls in getMenu
added sidebar
Renamed Stockedit_Html file and class
change call to stockedit form
convert category update to Horde_Db
fix search page menu and form class name
Move Type Client class out of Stock Form class file
factor out class name generation to a helper method
no more &
Rename administration permission to admin (consistent with whups and
consistently use Sesha::isAdmin and convert some Pear_Errors
Remove base.php
pear_error to exception, ApplicationUrl to url, backend to injector
Applicationurl-> url
many try/catch blocks and phpdoc. Still a lot of DB calls are wrong
Fix categoryExists and addcategory and add some basic tests for them
move pot file to locale
move existing translation files
Add some unit tests to Horde_Rdo
Fix lazy to-one relations as in ticket #10880
Merge branch 'master' into sesha
use property_id attribute instead of array index because array index of db query result is not property id
fix getProperty wrong assumption that property_id is array index in result
fix getCategory
fix Category form: Use real property id, not the array index
Merge branch 'master' into sesha
use selectOne instead of fetching the row object
Pass the parameters to the prepared sql
again, use category ids instead of array keys
return properties as id-keyed array
fix typo wrong url for group resources
Shouldn't it read create resource group?
a first iteration of the German translation
First attempt at a package.xml
Set license to GPL-2.0, current text version
required dependencies
[rla] Converted to Horde 4 Framework
Use a distinct function name to avoid conflict with Horde_Db test cases in jenkins/horde-git test_framework step
moved this inside the class - no need for a global function here
Added the role and some obvious base requirements
Add property "locked =>false" to sesha_default view for consistency
array_sum doesn't turn these strings into constant values anymore
don't use the same alias symbol p twice
pass by reference is now the default behavior
Merge branch 'sesha'
imr (17):
Sesha migration scripts.
Remove old SQL scripts, update driver file name.
Update driver structure, add factory
Add application API.
Initial changes to SQL driver to get list.php working.
Remove sesha specific header template.
Update migration script header.
Fix urls in list.php.
CS, fixes to SQL driver.
Add autoincrement migration script.
New Sesha::isAdmin function. Consider permissions system when determining admin status.
Remove repeated year from header.
SQL driver conversion, updates to admin.php and stock.php
SQL Driver conversion.
Correct class call in stock.php
More information about the commits
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