[commits] Horde branch develop updated. 40fb982c80156ab52431187f35cd644f7a87a855

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jul 4 14:43:46 UTC 2012

The branch "develop" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.

from: f81d0acbba1365c47319474f3836d3171a8421c9

40fb982 Update icon set.


commit 40fb982c80156ab52431187f35cd644f7a87a855
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date:   Wed Jul 4 14:27:27 2012 +0200

    Update icon set.

 horde/themes/default/screen.css                             |   35 ++++-------
 imp/themes/default/dynamic/screen.css                       |   11 +++-
 imp/themes/default/graphics/add_contact.png                 |  Bin 600 -> 542 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/addressbook_add.png             |  Bin 275 -> 0 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/addressbook_browse.png          |  Bin 260 -> 471 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/application_tile_horizontal.png |  Bin 432 -> 430 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/application_tile_vertical.png   |  Bin 492 -> 453 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/arrow_down.png                  |  Bin 404 -> 384 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/arrow_up.png                    |  Bin 173 -> 370 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/attachment.png                  |  Bin 348 -> 650 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/blacklist.png                   |  Bin 471 -> 699 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/calendar.png                    |  Bin 320 -> 574 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/checkmail.png                   |  Bin 236 -> 678 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/close.png                       |  Bin 234 -> 647 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/compose.png                     |  Bin 415 -> 486 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/delete.png                      |  Bin 3148 -> 412 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/download.png                    |  Bin 190 -> 422 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/drafts.png                      |  Bin 345 -> 623 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/edit.png                        |  Bin 513 -> 486 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/email_attach.png                |  Bin 744 -> 650 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/empty_spam.png                  |  Bin 727 -> 996 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/empty_trash.png                 |  Bin 727 -> 996 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/encrypted.png                   |  Bin 394 -> 591 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/favicon.ico                     |  Bin 1406 -> 1742 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/fetchmail.png                   |  Bin 359 -> 678 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/filters.png                     |  Bin 152 -> 435 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/create.png              |  Bin 233 -> 434 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/delete.png              |  Bin 234 -> 0 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/drafts.png              |  Bin 3597 -> 623 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/edit.png                |  Bin 164 -> 486 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/folder.png              |  Bin 3297 -> 319 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/inbox.png               |  Bin 3569 -> 555 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/minus.png               |  Bin 3279 -> 442 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/open.png                |  Bin 332 -> 441 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/plus.png                |  Bin 3341 -> 461 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/sent.png                |  Bin 3528 -> 535 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/spam.png                |  Bin 245 -> 605 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/trash.png               |  Bin 3377 -> 412 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/forward.png                     |  Bin 3083 -> 365 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/gallery.png                     |  Bin 493 -> 454 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/group.png                       |  Bin 626 -> 609 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/help.png                        |  Bin 583 -> 650 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/ico_message_off.png             |  Bin 457 -> 598 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/imp.png                         |  Bin 330 -> 853 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/info_icon.png                   |  Bin 365 -> 610 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/innocent.png                    |  Bin 545 -> 614 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/locked.png                      |  Bin 505 -> 451 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/logout.png                      |  Bin 337 -> 731 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mail_answered.png               |  Bin 312 -> 556 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mail_clearflag.png              |  Bin 406 -> 364 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mail_deleted.png                |  Bin 491 -> 412 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mail_draft.png                  |  Bin 400 -> 623 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mail_flagged.png                |  Bin 375 -> 373 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mail_forwarded.png              |  Bin 304 -> 559 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mail_personal.png               |  Bin 661 -> 427 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mail_priority_high.png          |  Bin 244 -> 591 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mail_priority_low.png           |  Bin 169 -> 634 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mail_seen.png                   |  Bin 335 -> 616 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mail_unseen.png                 |  Bin 341 -> 476 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/message_source.png              |  Bin 329 -> 634 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mime/itip.png                   |  Bin 302 -> 574 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/first-grey.png              |  Bin 184 -> 497 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/first.png                   |  Bin 268 -> 790 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/last-grey.png               |  Bin 263 -> 482 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/last.png                    |  Bin 267 -> 796 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/left-grey.png               |  Bin 162 -> 372 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/left.png                    |  Bin 243 -> 511 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/right-grey.png              |  Bin 167 -> 364 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/right.png                   |  Bin 242 -> 516 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/newmail.png                     |  Bin 539 -> 678 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/newwin.png                      |  Bin 257 -> 442 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/plus.png                        |  Bin 208 -> 626 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/prefs.png                       |  Bin 333 -> 634 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/preview.png                     |  Bin 129 -> 248 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/print.png                       |  Bin 535 -> 464 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/reload.png                      |  Bin 261 -> 615 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/reply.png                       |  Bin 3086 -> 358 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/replyall.png                    |  Bin 3338 -> 714 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/search.png                      |  Bin 662 -> 519 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/select.png                      |  Bin 676 -> 0 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/shared.png                      |  Bin 225 -> 500 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/signed.png                      |  Bin 394 -> 591 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/spam.png                        |  Bin 262 -> 605 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/spellcheck.png                  |  Bin 182 -> 500 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/undelete.png                    |  Bin 408 -> 412 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/warning.png                     |  Bin 169 -> 548 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/whitelist.png                   |  Bin 388 -> 682 bytes
 imp/themes/default/screen.css                               |    6 +--
 88 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 imp/themes/default/graphics/addressbook_add.png
 delete mode 100644 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/delete.png
 delete mode 100644 imp/themes/default/graphics/select.png


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