[commits] Horde branch develop updated. 454a190991aeb3389dc60fea97695807f958d199

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Jul 12 23:56:09 UTC 2012

The branch "develop" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.

from: 071b7c72d622d0035e00c0b7901a930afd20da5f

454a190 Update icon set.


commit 454a190991aeb3389dc60fea97695807f958d199
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date:   Fri Jul 13 01:55:46 2012 +0200

    Update icon set.

 horde/docs/CHANGES                                           |    1 +
 horde/package.xml                                            |    2 ++
 horde/themes/default/graphics/about.png                      |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/add_group.png                  |  Bin 577 -> 513 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/add_perm.png                   |  Bin 282 -> 592 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/administration.png             |  Bin 263 -> 617 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/alerts/alarm.png               |  Bin 422 -> 695 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/alerts/error.png               |  Bin 184 -> 647 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/alerts/message.png             |  Bin 365 -> 610 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/alerts/success.png             |  Bin 336 -> 604 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/alerts/warning.png             |  Bin 169 -> 548 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/app-unknown.png                |  Bin 554 -> 650 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/block.png                      |  Bin 412 -> 683 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/calendar.png                   |  Bin 320 -> 574 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/close.png                      |  Bin 234 -> 647 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/colorpicker.png                |  Bin 485 -> 678 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/config.png                     |  Bin 170 -> 526 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/data.png                       |  Bin 583 -> 530 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/datatree.png                   |  Bin 354 -> 483 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/delete-small.png               |  Bin 135 -> 289 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/delete.png                     |  Bin 491 -> 412 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/devel.png                      |  Bin 311 -> 648 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/download.png                   |  Bin 190 -> 422 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/edit-small.png                 |  Bin 199 -> 330 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/edit.png                       |  Bin 513 -> 486 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/external.png                   |  Bin 162 -> 548 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/feed.png                       |  Bin 520 -> 612 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/group.png                      |  Bin 626 -> 609 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/help.png                       |  Bin 583 -> 650 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/help_index.png                 |  Bin 583 -> 650 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/info.png                       |  Bin 275 -> 414 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/info_icon.png                  |  Bin 365 -> 610 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/keyboard.png                   |  Bin 197 -> 549 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/layout.png                     |  Bin 259 -> 335 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/lhand.png                      |  Bin 221 -> 515 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/locked.png                     |  Bin 505 -> 451 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/map.png                        |  Bin 308 -> 465 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/map_eu.png                     |  Bin 523 -> 465 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/minus.png                      |  Bin 181 -> 545 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/mobile.png                     |  Bin 412 -> 416 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/myaccount.png                  |  Bin 661 -> 427 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/bottom-grey.png            |  Bin 254 -> 564 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/bottom.png                 |  Bin 258 -> 700 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/down-grey.png              |  Bin 163 -> 438 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/down.png                   |  Bin 241 -> 525 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/first-grey.png             |  Bin 184 -> 497 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/first.png                  |  Bin 268 -> 790 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/last-grey.png              |  Bin 263 -> 482 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/last.png                   |  Bin 267 -> 796 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/left-grey.png              |  Bin 162 -> 372 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/left.png                   |  Bin 243 -> 511 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/right-grey.png             |  Bin 167 -> 364 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/right.png                  |  Bin 242 -> 516 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/top-grey.png               |  Bin 175 -> 561 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/top.png                    |  Bin 261 -> 678 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/up-grey.png                |  Bin 161 -> 437 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/nav/up.png                     |  Bin 244 -> 518 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/office.png                     |  Bin 589 -> 461 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/organizing.png                 |  Bin 566 -> 436 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/perms.png                      |  Bin 243 -> 592 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/phone.png                      |  Bin 473 -> 416 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/plus.png                       |  Bin 208 -> 626 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/prefs.png                      |  Bin 333 -> 634 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/print.png                      |  Bin 535 -> 464 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/problem.png                    |  Bin 124 -> 591 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/reload.png                     |  Bin 261 -> 615 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/required.png                   |  Bin 118 -> 485 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/rhand.png                      |  Bin 222 -> 508 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/save.png                       |  Bin 495 -> 422 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/shell.png                      |  Bin 325 -> 366 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/alerts/alarm.png   |  Bin 735 -> 0 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/alerts/error.png   |  Bin 671 -> 0 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/alerts/message.png |  Bin 724 -> 0 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/alerts/success.png |  Bin 726 -> 0 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/alerts/warning.png |  Bin 619 -> 0 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/bottom.jpg         |  Bin 15540 -> 0 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/display.jpg        |  Bin 1132 -> 0 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/left.jpg           |  Bin 1320 -> 0 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/right.jpg          |  Bin 1294 -> 0 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/top.jpg            |  Bin 3955 -> 0 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/sql.png                        |  Bin 215 -> 671 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/tree/folder.png                |  Bin 583 -> 319 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/tree/folderopen.png            |  Bin 524 -> 441 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/tree/leaf.png                  |  Bin 152 -> 288 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/tree/rev-leaf.png              |  Bin 152 -> 288 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/unlocked.png                   |  Bin 448 -> 448 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/user.png                       |  Bin 661 -> 427 bytes
 horde/themes/default/graphics/website.png                    |  Bin 727 -> 582 bytes
 horde/themes/default/smartmobile/screen.css                  |    8 ++++----
 89 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 horde/themes/default/graphics/about.png
 delete mode 100644 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/alerts/alarm.png
 delete mode 100644 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/alerts/error.png
 delete mode 100644 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/alerts/message.png
 delete mode 100644 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/alerts/success.png
 delete mode 100644 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/alerts/warning.png
 delete mode 100644 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/bottom.jpg
 delete mode 100644 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/display.jpg
 delete mode 100644 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/left.jpg
 delete mode 100644 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/right.jpg
 delete mode 100644 horde/themes/default/graphics/smartmobile/top.jpg


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