[commits] Horde branch develop updated. dd96d0f1c0b18cdddeca5a4d45acccc09d7fe2c2

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Jul 13 17:16:40 UTC 2012

The branch "develop" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.

from: 80cfbd2c9fb5b77dfbfd8c6a23ee6c4dd9f40b8f

ac084eb New icon set, incomplete.
71261c7 Better error icon that doesn't look like you can close the notification.
dd96d0f Fix search icon.


commit ac084eb6d14f2aa5a296acb7f9296c3377344b77
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date:   Fri Jul 13 19:06:02 2012 +0200

    New icon set, incomplete.

 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/addressbook_browse.png |  Bin 260 -> 585 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/agenda.png             |  Bin 109 -> 203 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/alarm-000.png          |  Bin 127 -> 374 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/alarm-fff.png          |  Bin 127 -> 381 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/alarm.png              |  Bin 422 -> 479 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/alerts/alarm.png       |  Bin 422 -> 695 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/alerts/error.png       |  Bin 184 -> 647 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/alerts/message.png     |  Bin 365 -> 610 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/alerts/success.png     |  Bin 336 -> 604 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/alerts/warning.png     |  Bin 169 -> 548 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/attendee-accepted.png  |  Bin 388 -> 604 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/attendee-declined.png  |  Bin 515 -> 545 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/attendee-none.png      |  Bin 510 -> 650 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/attendee-tentative.png |  Bin 378 -> 856 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/attendees-000.png      |  Bin 115 -> 353 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/attendees-fff.png      |  Bin 115 -> 357 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/attendees.png          |  Bin 626 -> 609 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/big_agenda.png         |  Bin 3608 -> 1426 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/big_alarm.png          |  Bin 14849 -> 4903 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/big_invitation.png     |  Bin 6408 -> 4140 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/big_share.png          |  Bin 2953 -> 3352 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/calendars.png          |  Bin 241 -> 574 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/checkbox_off.png       |  Bin 116 -> 3063 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/checkbox_on.png        |  Bin 318 -> 606 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/checkbox_over.png      |  Bin 293 -> 606 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/close.png              |  Bin 234 -> 647 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/delete-000.png         |  Bin 110 -> 313 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/delete-fff.png         |  Bin 110 -> 324 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/down.png               |  Bin 241 -> 525 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/edit-000.png           |  Bin 128 -> 305 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/edit-fff.png           |  Bin 128 -> 307 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/exception-000.png      |  Bin 131 -> 453 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/exception-fff.png      |  Bin 131 -> 468 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/favicon.ico            |  Bin 1406 -> 1742 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/help.png               |  Bin 583 -> 650 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/kronolith.png          |  Bin 241 -> 574 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/left.png               |  Bin 243 -> 511 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/logout.png             |  Bin 337 -> 731 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/minus.png              |  Bin 181 -> 545 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/new_task.png           |  Bin 500 -> 543 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/plus.png               |  Bin 208 -> 626 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/prefs.png              |  Bin 333 -> 634 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/print.png              |  Bin 535 -> 464 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/private-000.png        |  Bin 180 -> 346 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/private-fff.png        |  Bin 122 -> 352 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/recur-000.png          |  Bin 127 -> 395 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/recur-fff.png          |  Bin 127 -> 404 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/right.png              |  Bin 242 -> 516 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/search.png             |  Bin 794 -> 603 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/tasks.png              |  Bin 529 -> 476 bytes
 50 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)



commit 71261c7059f5c44ef4a2841f139f4fcde4168887
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date:   Fri Jul 13 19:13:08 2012 +0200

    Better error icon that doesn't look like you can close the notification.

 horde/themes/default/graphics/alerts/error.png     |  Bin 647 -> 545 bytes
 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/alerts/error.png |  Bin 647 -> 545 bytes
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)



commit dd96d0f1c0b18cdddeca5a4d45acccc09d7fe2c2
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date:   Fri Jul 13 19:16:28 2012 +0200

    Fix search icon.

 kronolith/themes/default/graphics/search.png |  Bin 603 -> 519 bytes
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)


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