[commits] [Wiki] changed: ActiveSync
Michael Rubinsky
mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Jun 13 21:14:55 UTC 2012
mrubinsk Wed, 13 Jun 2012 21:14:54 +0000
Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/ActiveSync
New Revision: 145
Change log: Some tweaks, corrections, and back patting
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
+ !ActiveSync
-Horde 4 has support for allowing Horde to sync with mobile devices
using the mobile device's support for Microsoft Exchange/!ActiveSync.
The code that Horde's !ActiveSync implementation uses for handling the
protocol communication is based in part on the Z-Push library
+Support for allowing Horde to sync with mobile devices using support
for Microsoft Exchange/!ActiveSync. This functionality has been
available and stable since Horde 4.
++ People
[MichaelRubinsky Michael Rubinsky]
++ Description
-The Horde !ActiveSync implementation provides over the air
synchronization of contacts, calendar, task, and Email (Horde 5) data
to devices such as the iPhone/iPod Touch, Android and any other system
supporting !ActiveSync. Horde 4's implementation supports Microsoft
!ActiveSync protocol versions up to 2.5 -the version implemented by
Microsoft Exchange 2003 while Horde 5 will support up to 12.0/12.1 -
the version implemented by Microsoft Exchange 2007sp1.
+The Horde !ActiveSync implementation provides over the air
synchronization of contacts, calendar, task, and (since Horde 5) Email
data to devices such as the iPhone/iPod Touch, Android and any other
system supporting Exchange !ActiveSync. Horde 4's implementation
supports Microsoft !ActiveSync protocol versions up to 2.5 -the
version implemented by Microsoft Exchange 2003 while Horde 5 supports
up to 12.1 - the version implemented by Microsoft Exchange 2007sp1.
++ Server Setup
!ActiveSync support is stable, but there are still devices on which
it has not been tested yet. If you have used a device with Horde's
!ActiveSync support that is not listed below, please feel free to let
us know how it went.
-To activate the server, it needs to be enabled in Horde's
configuration, on the !ActiveSync tab. It's already enabled by
default. The SQL tables that horde uses are created as usual from the
Horde configuration screen.
+To activate the server, it needs to be enabled in Horde's
configuration, on the !ActiveSync tab. The SQL tables that horde uses
are created as usual from the Horde configuration screen.
-Next, you will need to configure your webserver to redirect the URL
/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync to your horde/rpc.php file. How you do
this depends on your webserver and it's configuration. For Apache,
something like:
+You will also need to configure your webserver to redirect the URL
/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync to your horde/rpc.php file. How you do
this depends on your webserver and it's configuration. For Apache,
something like:
Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /var/www/horde/rpc.php
@@ -48,21 +48,22 @@
alias.url = ("/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" => "/var/www/horde/rpc.php",
"/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml" => /var/www/horde/rpc.php");
+Note that Autodiscovery support is VERY flaky in most clients that we
have tested.
++ Application Configuration
No additional steps are normally necessary for synchronization of
the supported applications. However, each application that supports
synchronization also has a user preference to determine which shares
will be synchronized. For example, in Kronolith the user's default
calendar is *always* synchronized, but the user can choose to add any
additional calendars he/she owns. Whenever the user changes one of
these settings, the device is always automatically re-paired with the
server to pick up the change.
Users can also view all their paired !ActiveSync devices by visiting
their //!ActiveSync Devices// preferences. This is located within
Horde's //Global Preferences//. From here, it is possible to force a
complete re-sync, or to request a remote wipe of a provisioned device
(see below).
++ Email Support
-Email synchronization has been added in Horde 5. Since !ActiveSync
email support is inferior to many native email clients, this
functionality is disabled by default. If you would like to enable
Email support, you need to select this in the !ActiveSync tab of
Horde's configuration screen.
+Email synchronization has been added in Horde 5. Since in some
installs this could increase server load or may be otherwise
undesirable, it is possible to deactivate email support via Horde's
configuration, on the !ActiveSync tab.
-!ActiveSync email support requires an IMAP server, not POP3. It will
use the same server that IMP is configured to connect to. It is
recommended that this server support the QRESYNC server extension for
performance reasons, though it will work without this. It can also
help performance if an IMAP proxy is used.
+!ActiveSync email support requires an IMAP server POP3 is not
supported. It will use the same server that IMP is configured to
connect to. It is recommended that this server support the QRESYNC
server extension for performance reasons, though it will work without
this. It can also help performance if an IMAP proxy is used.
-The only flag supported by !ActiveSync is the //seen// flag. Flag
changes will be synchronized, but flag changes alone will not trigger
a SYNC (again, for performance reasons). The only thing that will
trigger a SYNC is the arrival of a new message (technically, an
increase in the NEXTUID value). Once this SYNC is triggered though,
all message changes are taken into account.
+The only flags supported by !ActiveSync are the //seen// and
//flagged for follow up// flags. Flag changes will be synchronized,
but flag changes alone will **not** trigger a SYNC for performance
reasons. The only thing that will trigger a SYNC is the arrival of a
new message (technically, an increase in the NEXTUID value). Once this
SYNC is triggered though, all message changes are taken into account -
including any flag changes.
Since !ActiveSync does not support the //deleted// flag, messages in
a mailbox with this flag are ignored when syncing. Deleting a message
on the device will do one of two things; If the user has enabled a
Trash mailbox then the message will be moved to that mailbox.
Otherwise, the message is immediately expunged. This is in accordance
with the !ActiveSync protocol specs.
Forwarding a message will always attempt to put the main message
text body in-line and keep any original attachments. It seems that a
number of devices cannot view message/rfc822 attachments, so any
messages that have been forwarded as an attachment may not be viewable
in the !ActiveSync mail client.
@@ -72,12 +73,12 @@
Some devices attempt to use Exchange's Autodiscovery service to make
it easier for both the user to setup the account and for the
administrator to make drastic changes like moving the server to a new
URL. Horde attempts to support this as best it can. For this to work,
you must create the URL alias as described above, and Horde must be
able to figure out the Horde username based on the email address the
user provided to the device. The configuration screen provides
multiple options for this. In the worst case, if Horde cannot
authenticate based on the provided information from the Autodiscover
request, the device will fall back to requiring manual configuration.
++ !ActiveSync Versions
-Horde 5 adds support for !ActiveSync version 12.0 - the version
shipped with Exchange Server 2007. This adds HTML email support, flag
or followup, more atomic policy settings, additional search sources,
local wipe rules, and WBXML based provisioning (instead of the XML
used in 2.5). There are a few things to mention regarding 12.0 support:
+Horde 5 adds support for !ActiveSync versions 12.0 and 12.1 - the
version shipped with Exchange Server 2007 and 2007sp1. This adds among
other things: HTML email support, flagged for followup, more atomic
policy settings, additional search sources, local wipe rules, and
WBXML based provisioning (instead of the XML used in 2.5). There are a
few things to mention regarding 12.0 support:
-* It seems some device, most notably older Android devices that will
not automatically detect the new version support - even if the device
is removed from Horde. You must actually remove the account from the
device and configure it again. So, if you are not seeing 12.0 only
features, be sure to try re-adding the account to the device.
-* It seems that iOS devices do NOT support 12.0. The device will
communicate using version 2.5 with a 12.0 server. The next version
they support is 12.1 - what ships with Exchange Server 2007sp1.
Support for this version is planned for an upcoming Horde 5.x release.
+* It seems some devices, most notably older Android devices, will not
automatically detect the new version support - even if the device is
removed from Horde. You must actually remove the account from the
device and configure it again. So, if you are not seeing 12.0/12.1
only features, be sure to try re-adding the account to the device.
+* It seems that iOS devices do NOT support 12.0. The device will
communicate using version 2.5 with a 12.0 server. The next version
they support is 12.1 - what ships with Exchange Server 2007sp1. So, if
you are seeing 2.5 only features on an iOS device, be sure the Horde
server has been configured to support 12.1. If it has, then see the
first point above.
++ Administration
Administrators can view all of the !ActiveSync devices paired with
the server. This is the //!ActiveSync Devices// link located under the
Administration menu. From here an administrator can request a remote
wipe, or force a re-provisioning of any device.
@@ -91,9 +92,9 @@
Clicking //Wipe// in the Horde interfaces for device management
flags the server to send the wipe command to the device the next time
it synchronizes. The next time the device attempts to request a
command other then PING or OPTIONS, it will be wiped. The !ActiveSync
preference page shows the status of all the user's devices. If the
status is listed as //Pending//, and you wish to cancel the wipe
request, you may do this by clicking the //Cancel Wipe// button. You
should see the status be reset to //Provisioned//. After it is wiped,
the status will be shown as //Wiped//, if you wish to allow the device
to connect to your server again, you need to explicitly remove the
device as a sync partner by clicking the //Remove// button. If you do
not remove this entry, the device will continue to be wiped each time
it reconnects to the server.
++ What works
-Contacts, Calendar and Task syncing are working. Note that not all
devices support Tasks. Of the tested devices, iOS (versions < 5.0) and
Android are lacking native Task applications. The !TouchDown client
and Windows Mobile both support Tasks.
+Contacts, Calendar, Task and Email syncing are all working. Note that
not all devices support Tasks. Of the tested devices, iOS (versions <
5.0) and Android are lacking native Task applications. The !TouchDown
client, Moxier Mail, and Windows Mobile both support Tasks.
Client searching of an "Exchange Global Address List" (GAL) is
supported, provided that Turba (or other application providing the
//contacts// api) is configured to provide a GAL. See the Turba
configuration for details.
Provisioning along with remote wipe is also working on devices that
actually support it.
@@ -121,13 +122,13 @@
|| Windows Phone 7 || 7.0 || ? || ? || Contacts, Calendars || 2.5 ||
++ Setting up the device
-It's beyond the scope of this page to go into detail for each
individual device. In general, you will need to create a new account
on the device. The account type should be something like //Microsoft
Exchange// or //!ActiveSync//. Some devices use //Corporate//. You
will need to enter your normal Horde username and password in the
appropriate fields. In the field for the server address, you should
enter the **root** of the webserver or virtual host that hosts Horde.
For example, if you host horde at http://host.example.com/horde then
you should enter //host.example.com//. You can ignore any reference to
a //domain// entry.
+It's beyond the scope of this page to go into detail for each
individual device. In general, you will need to create a new account
on the device. The account type should be something like //Microsoft
Exchange// or //!ActiveSync//. Some devices use //Corporate//. You
will need to enter your normal Horde username and password in the
appropriate fields. In the field for the server address, you should
enter the **root** of the webserver or virtual host that hosts Horde.
For example, if you host horde at http://host.example.com/horde then
you should enter //host.example.com//. You can ignore any reference to
a //domain// entry. If the device **requires** the domain entry (some
Windows Mobile devices do this) you may safely enter any value.
A special note for the iPhone/iPod (and possibly others) - if you do
not use a SSL enabled site you may receive errors about not being able
to find the !ActiveSync server. If this happens, just continue, or
save, or whatever your option is to continue. On the iPhone, after
everything is completely set up, you must go back into the account
settings and disable SSL.
-After the connection particulars are entered, you should choose to
enable the folders that you want sync'd. Contacts, Calendar and Tasks
are supported, but your device also needs to support the requested
+After the connection particulars are entered, you should choose to
enable the folders that you want sync'd.
++ What to do if you have problems (or How to help us help you)
**If you are not even able to get past the initial setup page on
your phone**: you should first check to be sure you do not have SSL
enabled on the phone when you're server is not serving SSL. The
iPhone/iPod will not let you turn this off until after you save the
configuration, so you must continue through all the errors and go back
into the settings to disable SSL. You should also make sure that you
have not enabled Provisioning support if your phone does not support it.
@@ -167,9 +168,9 @@
* "Enable Exchange SD card logging" - If checked, puts all of the
Exchange related logging onto SD card in a file named emaillog.txt.
This file grows continuously until deleted (or the checkbox is
unchecked). This can be helpful in finding issues that are sporadic,
as the log is essentially unlimited in size.
++ Horde_ActiveSync vs. Z-Push
-Horde_ActiveSync was based on Z-Push. The code that handles the
protocol level is essentially the same, though it has been heavily
refactored and cleaned.
+The protocol handling in Horde_ActiveSync was based on Z-Push. The
code that handles the protocol level is essentially the same, though
it has been heavily refactored and cleaned.
Z-Push comes out of the box with a number of backends. The only one
that is really //fully// functional is the "ICS" backend which
connects to a Zarafa server. In addition to the ICS backend, Z-Push
also provides a number of other backends - all of which extend what
they call the "Diff" backend.
The diff backend is a very inefficient way of determining what needs
to be synched. It uses file based storage - depending on the Z-Push
version it uses either a single file or a directory of files for each
device. These files contain, along with some basic device state
information, a list of every UID that is on the device.
@@ -185,22 +186,22 @@
* A !SearchLdap backend that - from what I can tell - is used as a
Global Address Book source for searching for individual contacts (not
for syncing the entire address book).
As of the time Horde_ActiveSync was written, you could only use
//one// backend at a time - so, unless you were using Zarafa (or maybe
Kolab) you could sync email //or// contacts. Since then they have
started a "combined" backend that is supposed to wrap any number of
backends. Last I checked it wasn't complete yet.
-The main differences between 1.5.x and 2 are the versions of EAS that
are supported. 1.5.x supports only up to Exchange 2003sp1 (same as
Horde 4). Version 2 is supposedly going to support up to EAS 14
(Exchange 2010) - though I believe only up to 12.1 (Exchange 2007) is
currently working.
+The main differences between 1.5.x and 2 are the versions of EAS that
are supported. 1.5.x supports only up to Exchange 2003sp1 (same as
Horde 4). Version 2 is supposedly going to support up to EAS 14
(Exchange 2010) - though I believe only up to 12.1 (Exchange 2007) is
working...and I don't believe that is even fully functional.
+++The main differences
Some of these are specific to using Horde data as a backend to
-# Modularity. Separate classes for maintaining device state and for
obtaining message diffs. If not using Horde as a backend, all that
would theoretically be needed is to write a new class that extends
Horde_ActiveSync_Driver_Base. This allows the backend, itself, to
determine the best way to calculate diffs...like using Horde's History
system. Support is also built in to allow using a different method of
determining diffs based on the collection we are syncing. So, for
example, if we ever implement email we would need a way of determining
diffs that is not based on on the History system. This implementation
allows us to easily add a new diff system and use multiple diff
systems at once e.g., use History for contacts/calendar/tasks and some
other diff system for email. In Z-Push, diff generation and state
management are tightly coupled.
-# Efficiency. The history based diff engine is orders of magnitude
more efficient than using Z-Push's file based diff backend.
+# Modularity. Separate classes for maintaining device state and for
obtaining message diffs. If not using Horde as a backend, all that is
needed is to write a new class that extends
Horde_ActiveSync_Driver_Base. This allows the backend, itself, to
determine the best way to calculate diffs...like using Horde's History
system. In Z-Push, diff generation and state management are tightly
+# Efficiency. The history based diff engine is orders of magnitude
more efficient than Z-Push's file based diff backend.
# Unless using Zarafa, Z-Push contained no message-specific logic.
For example, no code for dealing with appointment related issues such
as timezones, recurrence series etc. Horde_ActiveSync contains support
for these things out of the box.
-# At least at the time of writing, Horde allowed better configuration
of things such as heartbeat/timeout intervals. We also actually allow
configuring available security policies. Z-Push had basic support for
provisioning and for turning on or off the requirement for a device
PIN - but contained no facility for configuring any of the other
options. Also, if using Horde_ActiveSync as part of a typical Horde
install you get all the ease of configuration that our administration
interface provides. I think some of this has improved as part of
implementing more recent EAS versions in Z-Push.
-# I don't have hard data on device compatibility as it compares to
Z-Push, but I do know that we have fixed some device specific issues
in the past that - at least at the time - were not working with
Z-Push. Certain Nokia devices come to mind that use !MfE. Z-Push lists
these as "unknown" compatibility but they work, at least for
contacts/calendar with Horde.
-# Email sync with Horde_ActiveSync uses the vastly more efficient
Horde_Imap_Client library, Z-Push uses the c-client PHP extension.
-# Horde's email support is more complete than Z-Push's IMAP based
implementation - with support for version 12.0 style email store
searching, follow-up flag synchronization, and more.
-# Horde_ActiveSync currently supports up to Exchange 2007 - Z-Push
has code in development that works to some extent with 2007 and plans
to look at supporting up to 2010.
+# At least at the time of writing, Horde allowed better configuration
of things such as heartbeat/timeout intervals. We also actually allow
configuring available security policies. Z-Push had basic support for
provisioning and for turning on or off the requirement for a device
PIN - but contained no facility for configuring any of the other
options without editing code. Also, if using Horde_ActiveSync as part
of a typical Horde install you get all the ease of configuration that
our administration interface provides.
+# I don't have hard data on device compatibility as it compares to
Z-Push, but I do know that we have fixed some device specific issues
in the past that - at least at the time of this writing - were not
working with Z-Push. Certain Nokia devices come to mind that use !MfE.
Z-Push lists these as "unknown" compatibility but they work, at least
for contacts/calendar with Horde. Remote wiping iOS devices is also
problematic in Z-Push.
+# Email sync with Horde_ActiveSync uses the vastly more efficient
Horde_Imap_Client library and takes full advantage of IMAP servers
with QRESYNC capabilities. Z-Push uses the very poor performing
c-client PHP extension.
+# Horde's email support is more complete than Z-Push's IMAP based
implementation - with support for version 12.0 style email store
searching, follow-up flag synchronization, S/Mime signatures and
encryption, and more.
+# Horde_ActiveSync currently supports almost the full feature set up
to Exchange 2007sp1 - Z-Push has code in development that works to
some extent with 2007 and plans to look at supporting up to 2010.
# Horde_ActiveSync supports multiple users per device - when the
device supports it. AFAIK, Z-Push only supports a single user account
per device.
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