[commits] Horde branch develop updated. 548799010c25bffe55025cba2f169df31869c7f1
Michael M Slusarz
slusarz at horde.org
Mon May 21 21:36:02 UTC 2012
The branch "develop" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.
from: 5b9b6fc8740d10fdcaffe5c8ebfd7065dfa13b02
436134f New Horde_Core_Ajax_Response framework
f6e8a17 Fix file permissions
5487990 Imple rewrite
commit 436134f3a08f1aa3674296c6ada9ef7756cc0572
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
Date: Thu May 17 17:30:46 2012 -0600
New Horde_Core_Ajax_Response framework
ansel/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 7 -
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application.php | 60 +--
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Response.php | 107 +----
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Response/HordeCore.php | 37 ++-
.../Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Response/HordeCore/JsonHtml.php | 26 +
.../lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Response/HordeCore/SessionTimeout.php | 54 +++
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Response/Prototypejs.php | 26 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Response/Raw.php | 42 ++-
framework/Core/package.xml | 12 +-
hermes/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 7 -
horde/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 32 +-
horde/services/ajax.php | 5 +-
imp/compose.php | 4 +-
imp/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 38 +--
kronolith/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 8 -
15 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 243 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Response/HordeCore/JsonHtml.php
create mode 100644 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Response/HordeCore/SessionTimeout.php
create mode 100644 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Response/Prototypejs.php
commit f6e8a175eaf8f493898821de2f22c7129f2fc4db
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
Date: Mon May 21 13:08:28 2012 -0600
Fix file permissions
0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
mode change 100755 => 100644 ansel/lib/Widget/SimilarPhotos.php
commit 548799010c25bffe55025cba2f169df31869c7f1
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
Date: Thu May 17 17:31:10 2012 -0600
Imple rewrite
Main goal is to ensure that ALL imple actions are token-protected. This
means that imple actions need to be passed through our existing
HordeCore js framework, so that we aren't duplicating code.
This also means that the separate imple endpoint has disappeared.
Instead, imple's are processed through the 'imple' AJAX action that
lives in Horde.
After refactoring this, it has become clear that imples are not
tremendously useful and are improper in about 95% of the use cases.
Right now, these are the only cases where I see imples being of value:
- autocompletion
- in-place-editing
- spellchecking
These are good uses of imples because 1) they heavily feature code
reusage of complex systems, 2) they generally attach to HTML elements
that exist on the page at creation (i.e. when the page script outputs
the initial page), and 3) they perform a single action in the handle
They are of some use in this case:
- as a click handler that performs simple javascript actions on success
(see, e.g., image unblocking in IMP).
Almost every other use case is more appropriate for use by defining an
AJAX application handler instead. In no case should this ever happen
with an imple:
- Empty attach method. The whole point of an imple is to make it easy
to attach to an existing element in the page. If the attach method is
not being used, you are Doing It Wrong (see, e.g., the Embed imples
which have been removed).
- Imples that attach to an element for an action, and then have that
action subsequently trigger other actions that are handled within the
imple. An imple is designed to handle a SINGLE action. Additional
actions should use the AJAX application code instead.
It is most likely that the Imples, and the above usage, is simply an
artifiact from before we had a unified AJAX framework for all
applications. Just know that moving forward an Imple will generally be
the less desirable choice - it is much cleaner to implement all
javascript into an includable file, add the necessary configuration via
a call to addInlineJsVars(), and attach the action to the HTML element
using the prototypejs .observe() method (this has the added advantage of
allowing an action to be attached to a DOM element that may not yet
exist, as opposed to imples which are restricted to elements that exist
at the time the page is outputted).
ansel/js/blocks/geotag.js | 10 +-
ansel/js/editfaces.js | 60 +-
ansel/js/map_edit.js | 14 +-
ansel/js/slugcheck.js | 87 +-
ansel/js/tagactions.js | 88 +-
ansel/js/togglewidget.js | 23 +-
ansel/js/upload.js | 19 -
ansel/js/widgets/geotag.js | 39 +-
ansel/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 339 +++++
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/EditCaption.php | 98 +-
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/EditFaces.php | 125 +--
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/EditGalleryFaces.php | 131 --
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/Embed.php | 47 -
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/GallerySlugCheck.php | 45 -
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/ImageSaveGeotag.php | 101 --
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/LocationAutoCompleter.php | 63 +-
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/MapLayerSelect.php | 33 -
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/TagActions.php | 113 --
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/ToggleGalleryActions.php | 28 +-
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/ToggleOtherGalleries.php | 29 +-
ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/UploadNotification.php | 72 -
ansel/lib/Ansel.php | 9 +-
ansel/lib/Block/RecentlyAddedGeodata.php | 12 +-
ansel/lib/Tile/Image.php | 6 +-
ansel/lib/View/GalleryProperties.php | 8 +-
ansel/lib/View/Image.php | 6 +-
ansel/lib/View/Upload.php | 11 +-
ansel/lib/Widget/Actions.php | 4 +-
ansel/lib/Widget/Geotag.php | 18 +-
ansel/lib/Widget/ImageFaces.php | 7 +-
ansel/lib/Widget/OtherGalleries.php | 4 +-
ansel/lib/Widget/Tags.php | 23 +-
ansel/map_edit.php | 5 +-
ansel/templates/faces/image.inc | 4 +-
framework/Core/js/imple.js | 52 +
framework/Core/js/prettyautocomplete.js | 2 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple.php | 174 ++-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/AutoCompleter.php | 128 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/AutoCompleter/Ajax.php | 75 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/AutoCompleter/Base.php | 43 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/AutoCompleter/Local.php | 67 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/AutoCompleter/Pretty.php | 70 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/ContactAutoCompleter.php | 33 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/Geocoder/Geonames.php | 52 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/InPlaceEditor.php | 111 ++
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/SpellChecker.php | 85 +-
.../lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/WeatherLocationAutoCompleter.php | 54 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/Imple.php | 36 +-
framework/Core/package.xml | 16 +-
hermes/lib/Ajax/Imple/ClientAutoCompleter.php | 57 -
horde/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 23 +
horde/services/imple.php | 90 --
imp/js/compose-base.js | 7 +
imp/js/compose-dimp.js | 30 +-
imp/js/compose.js | 18 +-
imp/js/dimpcore.js | 2 +-
imp/js/imageunblock.js | 49 -
imp/js/imp.js | 2 +-
imp/js/importencryptkey.js | 53 -
imp/js/itiprequest.js | 46 -
imp/lib/Ajax/Imple/ContactAutoCompleter.php | 42 +-
imp/lib/Ajax/Imple/ImageUnblock.php | 70 +-
imp/lib/Ajax/Imple/ImportEncryptKey.php | 72 +-
imp/lib/Ajax/Imple/ItipRequest.php | 96 +-
imp/lib/Ajax/Imple/PassphraseDialog.php | 106 +-
imp/lib/Dynamic/Base.php | 1 +
imp/lib/Dynamic/Mailbox.php | 5 -
imp/lib/Dynamic/Message.php | 6 -
imp/lib/Mime/Viewer/Html.php | 2 +-
imp/lib/Mime/Viewer/Itip.php | 5 +-
imp/lib/Mime/Viewer/Pgp.php | 12 +-
imp/lib/Mime/Viewer/Smime.php | 8 +-
imp/lib/Prefs/Ui.php | 8 +-
imp/lib/Ui/Compose.php | 38 +-
imp/templates/itip/base.html | 4 +-
imp/test/Imp/Unit/Mime/Viewer/ItipTest.php | 12 +-
kronolith/attendees.php | 5 +-
kronolith/calendars/edit.php | 4 +-
kronolith/index.php | 70 +-
kronolith/js/kronolith.js | 35 +-
kronolith/js/panel.js | 5 +
kronolith/js/tagactions.js | 30 -
kronolith/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 100 ++
kronolith/lib/Ajax/Imple/ContactAutoCompleter.php | 28 +-
kronolith/lib/Ajax/Imple/Embed.php | 128 --
kronolith/lib/Ajax/Imple/ResourceAutoCompleter.php | 90 +-
kronolith/lib/Ajax/Imple/TagActions.php | 99 +-
kronolith/lib/Ajax/Imple/TagAutoCompleter.php | 45 +-
kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php | 11 +-
kronolith/templates/edit/edit.inc | 2 +-
kronolith/templates/panel.inc | 38 +-
mnemo/lib/Ajax/Imple/EditNote.php | 92 +-
mnemo/lib/Block/Note.php | 6 +-
trean/add.php | 22 +-
trean/edit.php | 27 +-
trean/lib/Ajax/Imple/TagAutoCompleter.php | 56 +-
whups/lib/Ajax/Imple/ContactAutoCompleter.php | 2 +-
whups/lib/Ui/VarRenderer/Whups.php | 2 +-
98 files changed, 1920 insertions(+), 2520 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 ansel/js/upload.js
delete mode 100644 ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/EditGalleryFaces.php
delete mode 100644 ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/Embed.php
delete mode 100644 ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/GallerySlugCheck.php
delete mode 100644 ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/ImageSaveGeotag.php
delete mode 100644 ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/MapLayerSelect.php
delete mode 100644 ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/TagActions.php
delete mode 100644 ansel/lib/Ajax/Imple/UploadNotification.php
create mode 100644 framework/Core/js/imple.js
create mode 100644 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/AutoCompleter/Ajax.php
create mode 100644 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/AutoCompleter/Base.php
create mode 100644 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/AutoCompleter/Local.php
create mode 100644 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/AutoCompleter/Pretty.php
create mode 100644 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/InPlaceEditor.php
delete mode 100644 hermes/lib/Ajax/Imple/ClientAutoCompleter.php
delete mode 100644 horde/services/imple.php
delete mode 100644 imp/js/imageunblock.js
delete mode 100644 imp/js/importencryptkey.js
delete mode 100644 imp/js/itiprequest.js
create mode 100644 kronolith/js/panel.js
delete mode 100644 kronolith/js/tagactions.js
delete mode 100644 kronolith/lib/Ajax/Imple/Embed.php
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