[commits] Horde branch master updated. f3b243dfa47ded09320a24aca82ce070e3d9e7e3
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Mon Apr 8 10:30:13 UTC 2013
The branch "master" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.
from: 863a3a9b8012229c78d51b7ae8bb226506fdb5a6
d922ec9 typo
7b52833 Fix filtering out smartlists when not restricting to user owned shares.
5512e14 BFN
d4d0140 Merge branch 'master' into develop
245c485 [jan] Use ssh2_sftp_chmod() if available (ssh2 0.12).
9bcf7a5 Merge branch 'master' into develop
b9d2cfb Update/fix package.xml from merge
d6d5810 Merge branch 'master' into develop
051de5d Readd MyTopo support to develop.
f1c85d6 The hash needs to be uppercase for MyTopo to validate it.
3dd2dc3 Merge branch 'master' into develop
f3b243d Merge branch 'develop'
commit d922ec9f36160ab38297c49082161dd8e3814e2d
Author: root <root at dol2dev.(none)>
Date: Wed Aug 29 15:36:18 2012 +0200
folks/lib/Application.php | 2 +-
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
commit 7b52833f6aa13a610559d01b8c7f621468d59cf3
Author: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Date: Fri Aug 31 13:12:33 2012 -0400
Fix filtering out smartlists when not restricting to user owned shares.
Simplify a bit as well.
nag/lib/Nag.php | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------
1 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
commit 5512e1444816fa486acf9c72d69eb794138ed0d9
Author: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Date: Fri Aug 31 13:15:38 2012 -0400
nag/docs/CHANGES | 1 +
nag/package.xml | 2 ++
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
commit d4d0140dbc303ef779b94303ba13192e6feb83f0
Merge: 5512e14 905f90a
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date: Mon Oct 15 22:33:10 2012 +0200
Merge branch 'master' into develop
agora/ban.php | 12 +-
agora/deleteforum.php | 15 +-
agora/editforum.php | 15 +-
agora/forums.php | 3 +-
agora/lib/Agora.php | 15 +-
agora/lib/Api.php | 3 +-
agora/lib/Block/Threads.php | 2 +-
agora/lib/Comments.php | 2 +-
agora/lib/Driver.php | 27 +-
agora/locale/agora.pot | 132 +-
agora/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/agora.mo | Bin 81397 -> 81992 bytes
agora/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/agora.po | 132 +-
agora/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/agora.mo | Bin 85822 -> 84435 bytes
agora/messages/abuse.php | 1 -
agora/messages/delete.php | 1 -
agora/messages/edit.php | 1 -
agora/messages/index.php | 15 +-
agora/messages/lock.php | 1 -
agora/messages/merge.php | 1 -
agora/messages/move.php | 1 -
agora/messages/split.php | 1 -
agora/moderate.php | 1 -
agora/moderators.php | 5 +-
agora/owner.php | 1 -
agora/rss/index.php | 2 +-
agora/search.php | 1 -
agora/templates/ban.html.php | 1 -
agora/templates/forums.html.php | 1 -
agora/templates/main.html.php | 3 -
agora/templates/messages/edit.html.php | 1 -
agora/templates/messages/form.html.php | 1 -
agora/templates/messages/index.html.php | 1 -
agora/templates/messages/message.html.php | 1 -
agora/templates/moderate.html.php | 3 -
agora/templates/moderators.html.php | 1 -
agora/templates/search.html.php | 1 -
agora/templates/threads.html.php | 1 -
agora/themes/default/graphics/forums.png | Bin 286 -> 286 bytes
agora/threads.php | 3 +-
ansel/browse.php | 1 -
ansel/browse_edit.php | 1 -
ansel/disclamer.php | 1 -
ansel/docs/CHANGES | 9 +-
ansel/docs/INSTALL | 28 +-
ansel/edit_dates.php | 1 +
ansel/faces/claim.php | 1 -
ansel/faces/custom.php | 1 -
ansel/faces/face.php | 1 -
ansel/faces/gallery.php | 1 -
ansel/faces/report.php | 1 -
ansel/faces/search/all.php | 1 -
ansel/faces/search/image.php | 1 -
ansel/faces/search/image_define.php | 1 -
ansel/faces/search/image_search.php | 1 -
ansel/faces/search/name.php | 1 -
ansel/faces/search/named.php | 1 -
ansel/faces/search/owner.php | 1 -
ansel/gallery.php | 1 -
ansel/gallery/captions.php | 1 -
ansel/gallery/sort.php | 1 -
ansel/group.php | 1 -
ansel/image.php | 4 -
ansel/img/upload.php | 1 -
ansel/js/blocks/geotag.js | 7 +-
ansel/js/embed.js | 10 -
ansel/js/widgets/geotag.js | 10 +-
ansel/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 365 +-
ansel/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler.php | 377 +
ansel/lib/Ansel.php | 66 -
ansel/lib/Application.php | 6 +
ansel/lib/Block/RecentlyAddedGeodata.php | 3 +-
ansel/lib/Image.php | 11 +-
ansel/lib/Widget/Geotag.php | 4 +-
ansel/locale/ansel.pot | 116 +-
ansel/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ansel.mo | Bin 106660 -> 107311 bytes
ansel/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ansel.po | 116 +-
ansel/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ansel.mo | Bin 102092 -> 100650 bytes
ansel/map_edit.php | 6 +-
ansel/package.xml | 5 +-
ansel/perms.php | 2 +
ansel/protect.php | 1 -
ansel/report.php | 1 -
ansel/templates/faces/custom.inc | 6 +-
ansel/templates/faces/define.inc | 6 +-
ansel/templates/gallery/delete_confirmation.inc | 4 +-
ansel/templates/image/upload.inc | 2 +-
ansel/templates/xppublish/list.inc | 2 +-
ansel/themes/default/screen.css | 2 +-
ansel/view.php | 2 -
ansel/xppublish.php | 2 +
beatnik/lib/Beatnik.php | 6 +-
beatnik/listzones.php | 8 +-
beatnik/locale/beatnik.pot | 12 +-
beatnik/templates/listzones/header.inc | 3 +-
beatnik/templates/menu.inc | 2 -
beatnik/templates/view/header.inc | 8 +-
beatnik/templates/view/record.inc | 4 +-
beatnik/viewzone.php | 6 +-
bundles/kolab_webmail/config/hooks.php | 1 -
bundles/kolab_webmail/kronolith/config/hooks.php | 59 +
bundles/kolab_webmail/kronolith/config/prefs.d/20-kolab.php | 2 +
bundles/kolab_webmail/mnemo/config/hooks.php | 59 +
bundles/kolab_webmail/mnemo/config/prefs.d/20-kolab.php | 2 +
bundles/kolab_webmail/nag/config/hooks.php | 59 +
bundles/kolab_webmail/nag/config/prefs.d/20-kolab.php | 2 +
bundles/kolab_webmail/turba/config/backends.d/20-kolab.php | 232 +-
bundles/kolab_webmail/turba/config/hooks.php | 59 +
bundles/kolab_webmail/turba/config/prefs.d/20-kolab.php | 2 +
chora/app/views/file/html.html.php | 4 +-
chora/browsedir.php | 2 +-
chora/co.php | 10 +-
chora/lib/Chora.php | 10 +-
chora/locale/chora.pot | 38 +-
chora/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/chora.mo | Bin 71781 -> 72172 bytes
chora/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/chora.po | 38 +-
chora/templates/directory/header.inc | 8 +-
chora/templates/menu.inc | 2 -
components/data/qc_standards/phpmd.xml | 8 +-
components/lib/Components/Qc/Task/Cpd.php | 11 +-
components/lib/Components/Qc/Task/Md.php | 5 +-
components/lib/Components/Qc/Task/Unit.php | 11 +-
content/docs/CHANGES | 12 +-
content/lib/Application.php | 2 +-
content/lib/Tagger.php | 4 +-
content/package.xml | 23 +-
folks/activity.php | 2 +-
folks/birthday.php | 2 +-
folks/config/hooks.php.dist | 5 +-
folks/edit/friends/add.php | 4 +-
folks/edit/friends/groups.php | 4 +-
folks/friends.php | 2 +-
folks/lib/Api.php | 16 +-
folks/lib/Application.php | 7 +-
folks/lib/Folks.php | 22 +-
folks/list.php | 2 +-
folks/locale/folks.pot | 46 +-
folks/login.php | 4 +-
folks/new.php | 2 +-
folks/online.php | 2 +-
folks/perms.php | 2 +
folks/popularity.php | 2 +-
folks/report.php | 2 +-
folks/search.php | 2 +-
folks/services.php | 2 +-
folks/templates/block/users.php | 2 +-
folks/templates/edit/activity.php | 2 +-
folks/templates/edit/friends.php | 2 +-
folks/templates/edit/groups.php | 6 +-
folks/templates/edit/header.php | 2 +-
folks/templates/list/list.php | 16 +-
folks/templates/list/search.php | 4 +-
folks/templates/menu.inc | 3 -
folks/templates/user/actions.php | 6 +-
folks/templates/user/user.php | 2 +-
folks/user.php | 2 +-
framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Connector/Importer.php | 20 +-
framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Imap/Adapter.php | 160 +-
framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Imap/Message.php | 15 +-
.../ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Message/MeetingRequest.php | 18 +
framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/FolderSync.php | 8 +-
framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/MoveItems.php | 2 +-
framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Search.php | 2 +-
framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Sync.php | 10 +-
framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Rfc822.php | 11 +-
framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/State/Sql.php | 2 +-
framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/SyncCache.php | 4 +-
framework/ActiveSync/locale/Horde_ActiveSync.pot | 16 +-
framework/ActiveSync/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_ActiveSync.mo | Bin 1008 -> 1008 bytes
framework/ActiveSync/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_ActiveSync.po | 16 +-
framework/ActiveSync/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_ActiveSync.mo | Bin 0 -> 1006 bytes
framework/ActiveSync/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_ActiveSync.po | 71 +
framework/ActiveSync/package.xml | 61 +-
framework/Alarm/lib/Horde/Alarm/Handler/Desktop.php | 4 +-
framework/Alarm/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Alarm.mo | Bin 817 -> 817 bytes
framework/Alarm/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Alarm.po | 2 +-
framework/Alarm/package.xml | 38 +-
framework/Argv/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Argv.mo | Bin 1648 -> 1648 bytes
framework/Argv/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Argv.po | 2 +-
framework/Auth/lib/Horde/Auth/Cyrsql.php | 4 +-
framework/Auth/lib/Horde/Auth/Imap.php | 4 +-
framework/Auth/lib/Horde/Auth/Msad.php | 2 +-
framework/Auth/lib/Horde/Auth/Passwd.php | 6 +-
framework/Auth/lib/Horde/Auth/Sql.php | 2 +-
framework/Auth/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Auth.mo | Bin 2768 -> 3044 bytes
framework/Auth/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Auth.po | 15 +-
framework/Auth/package.xml | 25 +-
framework/Browser/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Browser.mo | Bin 1580 -> 1580 bytes
framework/Browser/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Browser.po | 18 +-
framework/Browser/package.xml | 25 +-
framework/Cache/lib/Horde/Cache/Storage/Stack.php | 2 +-
framework/Cache/package.xml | 14 +-
framework/Cli/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Cli.mo | Bin 648 -> 747 bytes
framework/Cli/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Cli.po | 22 +-
framework/Cli/package.xml | 23 +-
framework/Compress/lib/Horde/Compress/Dbx.php | 4 +-
framework/Compress/lib/Horde/Compress/Gzip.php | 6 +-
framework/Compress/lib/Horde/Compress/Rar.php | 2 +-
framework/Compress/lib/Horde/Compress/Tnef.php | 1 +
framework/Compress/locale/Horde_Compress.pot | 4 +-
framework/Compress/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Compress.mo | Bin 939 -> 939 bytes
framework/Compress/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Compress.po | 4 +-
framework/Compress/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Compress.mo | Bin 997 -> 997 bytes
framework/Compress/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Compress.po | 10 +-
framework/Compress/package.xml | 33 +-
framework/Controller/package.xml | 23 +-
framework/Core/doc/Horde/Core/UPGRADING | 2 +
framework/Core/js/autocomplete.js | 2 +
framework/Core/js/calendar.js | 20 -
framework/Core/js/date/de-DE.js | 2 +-
framework/Core/js/dialog.js | 4 +-
framework/Core/js/horde-jquery.js | 8 +-
framework/Core/js/hordecore.js | 26 +-
framework/Core/js/hordetree.js | 45 +-
framework/Core/js/jquery.mobile/jquery.mobile.js | 657 +-
framework/Core/js/jquery.mobile/jquery.mobile.min.css | 4 +-
framework/Core/js/jquery.mobile/jquery.mobile.min.js | 361 +-
framework/Core/js/jquery.mobile/plugins/autocomplete.js | 163 +
framework/Core/js/jquery.mobile/plugins/swipebutton.js | 107 +
framework/Core/js/liquidmetal.js | 190 +-
framework/Core/js/map/OpenLayers-debug.js |36357 +++++
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framework/Core/js/map/bing.js | 318 +
framework/Core/js/map/cloudmade.js | 32 +
framework/Core/js/map/google.js | 1379 +
framework/Core/js/map/horde.js | 440 +
framework/Core/js/map/img/blank.gif | Bin 0 -> 42 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/cloud-popup-relative.png | Bin 0 -> 2313 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/drag-rectangle-off.png | Bin 0 -> 1037 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/drag-rectangle-on.png | Bin 0 -> 1056 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/east-mini.png | Bin 0 -> 297 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/layer-switcher-maximize.png | Bin 0 -> 297 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/layer-switcher-minimize.png | Bin 0 -> 151 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/marker.png | Bin 0 -> 545 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/measuring-stick-off.png | Bin 0 -> 231 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/measuring-stick-on.png | Bin 0 -> 299 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/north-mini.png | Bin 0 -> 322 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/panning-hand-off.png | Bin 0 -> 759 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/panning-hand-on.png | Bin 0 -> 791 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/slider.png | Bin 0 -> 206 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/south-mini.png | Bin 0 -> 325 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/img/west-mini.png | Bin 0 -> 307 bytes
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framework/Core/js/map/img/zoombar.png | Bin 0 -> 247 bytes
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framework/Core/js/map/lang/cs-CZ.js | 65 +
framework/Core/js/map/lang/da-DK.js | 112 +
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framework/Core/js/map/lang/fr-FR.js | 77 +
framework/Core/js/map/lang/gl-ES.js | 75 +
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framework/Core/js/map/lang/id-ID.js | 76 +
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framework/Core/js/map/lang/nn-NO.js | 27 +
framework/Core/js/map/lang/no-NO.js | 111 +
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framework/Core/js/map/theme/default/img/blank.gif | Bin 0 -> 42 bytes
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framework/Core/js/map/theme/default/img/drag-rectangle-off.png | Bin 0 -> 1024 bytes
framework/Core/js/map/theme/default/img/drag-rectangle-on.png | Bin 0 -> 1041 bytes
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framework/Core/js/map/theme/default/img/draw_point_off.png | Bin 0 -> 562 bytes
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framework/Core/js/map/theme/default/img/pan_on.png | Bin 0 -> 570 bytes
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framework/Core/js/map/theme/default/img/panning-hand-on.png | Bin 0 -> 791 bytes
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framework/Core/js/map/theme/default/img/zoom-panel.png | Bin 0 -> 1123 bytes
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framework/Core/js/smartmobile.js | 136 +-
framework/Core/js/spellchecker.js | 12 +-
framework/Core/js/tooltips.js | 83 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde.php | 168 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Connector.php | 61 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Driver.php | 70 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Imap/Factory.php | 10 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application.php | 77 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application/Handler.php | 93 +
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framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application/Handler/Groups.php | 45 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application/Handler/Imple.php | 40 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application/Handler/Noop.php | 27 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application/Handler/Prefs.php | 34 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application/Helper/Chunk.php | 37 -
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application/Helper/Email.php | 64 -
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application/Helper/Groups.php | 45 -
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application/Helper/Imple.php | 40 -
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application/Helper/Prefs.php | 34 -
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ajax/Imple/ContactAutoCompleter.php | 6 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Auth/Application.php | 7 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Auth/Imsp.php | 2 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Block/Collection.php | 2 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Block/Layout/Manager.php | 6 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/Data.php | 7 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/KolabStorage.php | 18 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/SessionHandler.php | 4 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Imsp/Utils.php | 4 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Mime/Viewer/Vcard.php | 6 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Perms.php | 4 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Perms/Ui.php | 10 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Prefs/Identity.php | 2 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Prefs/Ui.php | 8 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Smartmobile/Url.php | 92 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Smartmobile/View/Helper.php | 72 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/TagBrowser.php | 29 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Tagger.php | 22 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Text/Filter/Emails.php | 16 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Topbar.php | 6 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Tree/Renderer/Html.php | 12 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ui/Pager.php | 2 -
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ui/Tabs.php | 29 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ui/TagCloud.php | 10 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ui/VarRenderer.php | 16 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ui/VarRenderer/Html.php | 111 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Ui/VarRenderer/TablesetHtml.php | 21 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/View/Helper/Accesskey.php | 28 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/View/Helper/Help.php | 27 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/View/Helper/Image.php | 27 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/View/Helper/Label.php | 27 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/ErrorHandler.php | 50 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Exception/PushApp.php | 2 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Help.php | 12 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Menu.php | 154 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/PageOutput.php | 51 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Registry.php | 157 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Registry/Api.php | 83 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Registry/Application.php | 9 +
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Script/File.php | 22 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Script/File/JsDir.php | 2 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Session.php | 24 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Themes/Cache.php | 5 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Themes/Css.php | 12 +-
framework/Core/lib/Horde/Themes/Element.php | 2 +-
framework/Core/locale/Horde_Core.pot | 310 +-
framework/Core/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Core.mo | Bin 19803 -> 19877 bytes
framework/Core/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Core.po | 310 +-
framework/Core/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Core.mo | Bin 17448 -> 20501 bytes
framework/Core/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Core.po | 598 +-
framework/Core/package.xml | 321 +-
framework/Core/test/Horde/Core/SmartmobileUrlTest.php | 57 +
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framework/Crypt/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Crypt.po | 249 +-
framework/Crypt/package.xml | 23 +-
framework/Data/lib/Horde/Data/Outlookcsv.php | 1 +
framework/Data/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Data.mo | Bin 588 -> 1438 bytes
framework/Data/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Data.po | 36 +-
framework/Data/package.xml | 21 +-
framework/Date/lib/Horde/Date/Recurrence.php | 19 +-
framework/Date/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Date.mo | Bin 1072 -> 1072 bytes
framework/Date/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Date.po | 8 +-
framework/Date/package.xml | 36 +-
framework/Date/test/Horde/Date/RecurrenceTest.php | 8 +-
framework/Db/lib/Horde/Db/Adapter/Base.php | 3 +-
framework/Db/lib/Horde/Db/Adapter/Base/Table.php | 2 +-
framework/Db/lib/Horde/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Pgsql.php | 4 +-
framework/Db/lib/Horde/Db/Adapter/Postgresql/Schema.php | 1 -
framework/Db/package.xml | 14 +
framework/Exception/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Exception.mo | Bin 575 -> 575 bytes
framework/Exception/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Exception.po | 2 +-
framework/Form/lib/Horde/Form/Action.php | 10 -
framework/Form/lib/Horde/Form/Action/SumFields.php | 42 +
framework/Form/lib/Horde/Form/Action/conditional_enable.php | 49 -
framework/Form/lib/Horde/Form/Action/conditional_setvalue.php | 95 -
framework/Form/lib/Horde/Form/Action/sum_fields.php | 42 -
framework/Form/lib/Horde/Form/Action/updatefield.php | 5 +-
framework/Form/lib/Horde/Form/Renderer.php | 69 +-
framework/Form/lib/Horde/Form/Type.php | 9 +-
framework/Form/locale/Horde_Form.pot | 214 +-
framework/Form/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Form.mo | Bin 10911 -> 10966 bytes
framework/Form/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Form.po | 218 +-
framework/Form/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Form.mo | Bin 11385 -> 11385 bytes
framework/Form/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Form.po | 299 +-
framework/Form/package.xml | 45 +-
framework/History/lib/Horde/History.php | 2 +-
framework/History/lib/Horde/History/Sql.php | 2 +-
framework/Http/lib/Horde/Http/Client.php | 2 +
framework/Http/lib/Horde/Http/Exception.php | 2 +-
framework/Http/lib/Horde/Http/Request/Base.php | 3 +-
framework/Http/lib/Horde/Http/Request/Curl.php | 1 +
framework/Http/lib/Horde/Http/Request/Fopen.php | 32 +-
framework/Http/lib/Horde/Http/Request/Peclhttp.php | 15 +-
framework/Http/package.xml | 26 +-
framework/Icalendar/lib/Horde/Icalendar.php | 2 +-
framework/Icalendar/lib/Horde/Icalendar/Vevent.php | 4 +-
framework/Icalendar/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Icalendar.mo | Bin 506 -> 506 bytes
framework/Icalendar/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Icalendar.po | 6 +-
framework/Icalendar/package.xml | 21 +-
framework/Image/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Image.mo | Bin 13433 -> 14405 bytes
framework/Image/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Image.po | 46 +-
framework/Image/package.xml | 21 +-
framework/Imap_Client/doc/Horde/Imap/Client/UPGRADING | 56 +
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client.php | 10 -
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Auth/DigestMD5.php | 12 +-
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Base.php | 289 +-
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format.php | 75 +
.../Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/Astring.php | 24 +
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/Atom.php | 45 +
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/Date.php | 41 +
.../Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/DateTime.php | 31 +
.../Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/Exception.php | 17 +
.../lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/Filter/Quote.php | 35 +
.../lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/Filter/String.php | 100 +
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/List.php | 91 +
.../Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/ListMailbox.php | 29 +
.../Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/Mailbox.php | 48 +
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/Nil.php | 38 +
.../Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/Nstring.php | 56 +
.../Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/Number.php | 33 +
.../Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Format/String.php | 157 +
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Thread.php | 148 +-
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Exception.php | 10 +
.../Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Exception/NoSupportPop3.php | 2 +-
.../lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Exception/ServerResponse.php | 30 +-
.../Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Interaction/Client.php | 52 +
.../Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Interaction/Server.php | 133 +
.../lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Interaction/Server/Continuation.php | 17 +
.../lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Interaction/Server/Tagged.php | 38 +
.../lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Interaction/Server/Untagged.php | 17 +
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Search/Query.php | 191 +-
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Socket.php | 2775 +-
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Socket/ClientSort.php | 301 +
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Socket/Pop3.php | 59 +-
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Tokenize.php | 262 +
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Utils.php | 135 +-
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Utils/Pop3.php | 2 +-
framework/Imap_Client/locale/Horde_Imap_Client.pot | 90 +-
framework/Imap_Client/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Imap_Client.mo | Bin 6899 -> 6981 bytes
framework/Imap_Client/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Imap_Client.po | 92 +-
framework/Imap_Client/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Imap_Client.mo | Bin 0 -> 7060 bytes
framework/Imap_Client/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Imap_Client.po | 242 +
framework/Imap_Client/package.xml | 169 +-
framework/Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/DataFormatTest.php | 631 +
framework/Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/SocketTest.php | 176 +-
framework/Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/Stub/Socket.php | 72 +-
.../Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/Stub/SocketClientSort.php | 37 +
framework/Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/TokenizeTest.php | 429 +
framework/Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/test_client.php | 860 -
framework/Imsp/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Imsp.mo | Bin 536 -> 536 bytes
framework/Imsp/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Imsp.po | 6 +-
framework/Itip/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Itip.mo | Bin 1477 -> 1477 bytes
framework/Itip/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Itip.po | 6 +-
framework/Kolab/Kolab.php | 813 -
framework/Kolab/Kolab/Translation.php | 50 -
framework/Kolab/doc/Horde/Kolab/COPYING | 458 -
framework/Kolab/locale/Horde_Kolab.pot | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 498 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 41 -
framework/Kolab/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 502 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 41 -
framework/Kolab/locale/bs/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 422 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/bs/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 675 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 41 -
framework/Kolab/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 741 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 711 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 782 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 707 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 749 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 803 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 44 -
framework/Kolab/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 706 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 380 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 16 -
framework/Kolab/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 544 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 41 -
framework/Kolab/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 781 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 715 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 482 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 41 -
framework/Kolab/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 423 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 851 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 44 -
framework/Kolab/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 716 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 520 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 41 -
framework/Kolab/locale/is/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 380 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/is/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 697 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 788 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/km/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 565 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/km/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 41 -
framework/Kolab/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 514 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 829 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/lv/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 885 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/lv/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 47 -
framework/Kolab/locale/mk/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 429 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/mk/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 41 -
framework/Kolab/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 526 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 423 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 17 -
framework/Kolab/locale/nn/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 527 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/nn/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 582 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 714 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 770 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 568 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 671 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 44 -
framework/Kolab/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 726 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 745 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 575 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 709 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 42 -
framework/Kolab/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 877 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 43 -
framework/Kolab/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 652 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 41 -
framework/Kolab/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.mo | Bin 664 -> 0 bytes
framework/Kolab/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab.po | 41 -
framework/Kolab/package.xml | 548 -
framework/Kolab_Cli/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab_Cli.mo | Bin 2261 -> 4195 bytes
framework/Kolab_Cli/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab_Cli.po | 20 +-
framework/Kolab_Format/doc/Horde/Kolab/Format/usage.txt | 42 +-
framework/Kolab_Format/lib/Horde/Kolab/Format/Date.php | 144 +-
framework/Kolab_Format/lib/Horde/Kolab/Format/Xml/Hprefs.php | 1 +
framework/Kolab_Format/lib/Horde/Kolab/Format/Xml/Task.php | 2 +
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Format/Xml/Type/AutomaticDate/V1.php | 2 +-
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Format/Xml/Type/CreationDate/V1.php | 10 +-
.../Kolab_Format/lib/Horde/Kolab/Format/Xml/Type/Date/V1.php | 15 +-
.../Kolab_Format/lib/Horde/Kolab/Format/Xml/Type/DateTime/V1.php | 15 +-
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Format/Xml/Type/RecurrenceRange/V1.php | 4 +-
framework/Kolab_Format/lib/Horde/Kolab/Format/Xml/Type/Root.php | 2 +-
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Format/Xml/Type/String/Empty/List.php | 105 +
framework/Kolab_Format/package.xml | 29 +-
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Format/Integration/ContactTest.php | 3 +-
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Format/Integration/PreferencesTest.php | 2 +-
framework/Kolab_Format/test/Horde/Kolab/Format/Unit/DateTest.php | 123 -
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Format/fixtures/contact_category.xml | 2 +-
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/FreeBusy/Freebusy/Controller/Freebusy.php | 4 +-
.../Kolab_FreeBusy/lib/Horde/Kolab/FreeBusy/Object/Event.php | 2 +-
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Server/Class/Server/Decorator/LogTest.php | 8 +-
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Session/Unit/Decorator/LoggedTest.php | 6 +-
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Session/Unit/Valid/Decorator/LoggedTest.php | 2 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/doc/Horde/Kolab/Storage/TODO | 79 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Base.php | 31 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Cache.php | 41 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Cached.php | 50 -
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Data.php | 7 -
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Data/Base.php | 123 +-
.../Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Data/Decorator/Log.php | 18 -
.../Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Data/Exception.php | 30 +
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Data/Format.php | 43 -
.../Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Data/Format/Mime.php | 302 -
.../Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Data/Modifiable.php | 83 -
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Data/Parser.php | 51 -
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Data/Parser/Structure.php | 293 -
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Driver.php | 42 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Driver/Base.php | 68 +-
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Driver/Decorator/Base.php | 13 +
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Driver/Imap.php | 74 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Factory.php | 92 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Folder.php | 7 +
.../Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Folder/Stamp/Uids.php | 3 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/List/Cache.php | 275 +-
.../Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/List/Cache/Base.php | 426 -
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/List/Decorator/Cache.php | 328 -
.../Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/List/Exception.php | 2 +-
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/List/Manipulation/Base.php | 2 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/List/Query.php | 67 -
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/List/Query/List/Base.php | 23 +
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/List/Query/List/Cache.php | 41 +-
.../Horde/Kolab/Storage/List/Query/List/Cache/Synchronization.php | 200 +-
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/List/Query/List/Defaults.php | 34 +
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/List/Tools.php | 164 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Object.php | 621 +
.../Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Object/Exception.php | 30 +
.../Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Object/MimeType.php | 179 +
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Object/Writer.php | 48 +
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Object/Writer/Format.php | 106 +
.../Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Object/Writer/Raw.php | 54 +
framework/Kolab_Storage/locale/Horde_Kolab_Storage.pot | 10 +-
.../Kolab_Storage/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab_Storage.mo | Bin 5931 -> 5932 bytes
.../Kolab_Storage/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Kolab_Storage.po | 14 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/package.xml | 127 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Autoload.php | 2 +-
.../Storage/ComponentTest/Data/Object/Message/ModifiedTest.php | 116 +
.../Kolab/Storage/ComponentTest/Data/Object/Message/NewTest.php | 112 +
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/ComponentTest/List/CacheTest.php | 96 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Stub/Driver.php | 446 +
.../Kolab_Storage/test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Stub/ListQuery.php | 73 -
framework/Kolab_Storage/test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/TestCase.php | 18 +-
.../Kolab_Storage/test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/CacheTest.php | 70 -
.../Kolab_Storage/test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/Data/BaseTest.php | 46 +-
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/Data/CachedTest.php | 6 +-
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/Data/Format/MimeTest.php | 292 -
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/Data/Parser/StructureTest.php | 154 -
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/Driver/MockTest.php | 16 -
.../Kolab_Storage/test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/FactoryTest.php | 71 +-
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/List/Decorator/CacheTest.php | 496 -
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/List/Manipulation/BaseTest.php | 12 +
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/List/Query/Acl/CacheTest.php | 4 +-
.../Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/List/Query/ActiveSync/CacheTest.php | 4 +-
.../test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/List/Query/List/BaseTest.php | 100 +
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.../test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/List/Query/List/CacheTest.php | 146 +-
.../Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/List/Query/List/DefaultsTest.php | 47 +
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imp/themes/default/graphics/spellcheck.png | Bin 500 -> 443 bytes
imp/themes/default/graphics/whitelist.png | Bin 682 -> 618 bytes
imp/themes/default/mime.css | 4 +-
imp/themes/default/screen.css | 59 +-
imp/themes/default/smartmobile/screen.css | 38 +
imp/thread.php | 36 +-
ingo/bin/ingo-convert-prefs-to-sql | 6 +-
ingo/bin/ingo-postfix-policyd | 4 +-
ingo/blacklist.php | 9 +-
ingo/config/backends.php | 65 +-
ingo/config/hooks.php.dist | 36 +-
ingo/docs/CHANGES | 20 +-
ingo/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 18 +-
ingo/docs/UPGRADING | 27 +-
ingo/filters.php | 29 +-
ingo/index.php | 13 +-
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ingo/lib/Ajax/Application/Smartmobile.php | 52 +
ingo/lib/Api.php | 29 +-
ingo/lib/Application.php | 32 +-
ingo/lib/Factory/Transport.php | 37 +-
ingo/lib/Ingo.php | 75 +-
ingo/lib/Smartmobile.php | 137 +
ingo/lib/Storage.php | 42 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Filters/Sql.php | 2 +-
ingo/lib/Ui/VarRenderer/Ingo.php | 2 +-
ingo/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ingo.mo | Bin 84322 -> 85420 bytes
ingo/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ingo.po | 211 +-
ingo/locale/ingo.pot | 209 +-
ingo/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ingo.mo | Bin 88106 -> 87492 bytes
ingo/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ingo.po | 348 +-
ingo/package.xml | 52 +-
ingo/rule.php | 147 +-
ingo/smartmobile.php | 28 +
ingo/templates/blacklist/blacklist.inc | 2 +-
ingo/templates/filters/footer.inc | 4 +-
ingo/templates/filters/settings.inc | 43 +-
ingo/templates/menu/menu.html | 1 -
ingo/templates/rule/footer.inc | 6 +-
ingo/templates/script/activate.inc | 8 +-
ingo/templates/smartmobile/rule.html.php | 12 +
ingo/templates/smartmobile/rules.html.php | 20 +
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ingo/themes/default/graphics/spam.png | Bin 605 -> 550 bytes
ingo/themes/default/graphics/whitelist.png | Bin 682 -> 618 bytes
ingo/themes/default/smartmobile/screen.css | 12 +
jonah/delivery/rss.php | 4 +-
jonah/feed.php | 1 -
jonah/lib/View/ChannelDelete.php | 2 +-
jonah/lib/View/ChannelEdit.php | 2 +-
jonah/lib/View/ChannelList.php | 2 +-
jonah/lib/View/DeliveryHtml.php | 1 -
jonah/lib/View/StoryDelete.php | 2 +-
jonah/lib/View/StoryEdit.php | 2 +-
jonah/lib/View/StoryList.php | 2 +-
jonah/lib/View/StoryView.php | 4 +-
jonah/lib/View/TagSearchList.php | 2 +-
jonah/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/jonah.mo | Bin 75335 -> 75962 bytes
jonah/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/jonah.po | 10 +-
jonah/locale/jonah.pot | 10 +-
jonah/stories/share.php | 17 +-
jonah/stories/view.php | 2 +-
jonah/templates/delivery/html.html | 1 -
jonah/templates/menu.inc | 2 -
jonah/templates/stories/share.html | 2 -
klutz/backend.php | 14 +-
klutz/comics.php | 55 +-
klutz/lib/Application.php | 4 +-
klutz/lib/Block/Comics.php | 12 +-
klutz/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/klutz.mo | Bin 70209 -> 70784 bytes
klutz/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/klutz.po | 44 +-
klutz/locale/klutz.pot | 44 +-
klutz/templates/backend.html.php | 4 +-
klutz/templates/comics/main.inc | 7 +-
klutz/templates/comics/missing.inc | 12 +-
klutz/templates/savecomic.html.php | 4 +-
kolab/index.php | 1 -
kolab/themes/default/graphics/kolab.png | Bin 1038 -> 897 bytes
koward/lib/Koward/View/Object/delete.html.php | 4 +-
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koward/www/htdocs/horde/themes/screen.css | 4 +-
koward/www/htdocs/horde/themes/silver/screen.css | 4 +-
kronolith/attendees.php | 1 +
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kronolith/calendars/delete.php | 15 +-
kronolith/calendars/edit.php | 36 +-
kronolith/calendars/index.php | 84 -
kronolith/calendars/info.php | 36 -
kronolith/calendars/remote_edit.php | 9 +-
kronolith/calendars/remote_subscribe.php | 7 +-
kronolith/calendars/remote_unsubscribe.php | 9 +-
kronolith/config/conf.xml | 28 +-
kronolith/config/prefs.php | 10 +-
kronolith/data.php | 8 +-
kronolith/day.php | 10 +-
kronolith/delete.php | 2 +-
kronolith/docs/CHANGES | 33 +-
kronolith/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 27 +-
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kronolith/js/kronolith.js | 210 +-
kronolith/js/smartmobile.js | 196 +-
kronolith/js/taghandler.js | 88 -
kronolith/js/views.js | 93 +-
kronolith/lib/Ajax.php | 12 +-
kronolith/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 1569 +-
kronolith/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler.php | 1621 +
kronolith/lib/Ajax/Imple/TagActions.php | 8 +-
kronolith/lib/Api.php | 23 +-
kronolith/lib/Application.php | 314 +-
kronolith/lib/Block/Month.php | 16 +-
kronolith/lib/Block/Monthlist.php | 6 +-
kronolith/lib/Block/Prevmonthlist.php | 4 +-
kronolith/lib/Block/Summary.php | 6 +-
kronolith/lib/Calendar/External.php | 15 +-
kronolith/lib/Calendar/Resource.php | 2 +-
kronolith/lib/Calendar/ResourceGroup.php | 129 +
kronolith/lib/Calendars/Base.php | 11 +
kronolith/lib/Calendars/Kolab.php | 10 +
kronolith/lib/Driver.php | 55 +-
kronolith/lib/Driver/Holidays.php | 24 -
kronolith/lib/Driver/Horde.php | 2 +-
kronolith/lib/Driver/Ical.php | 13 +-
kronolith/lib/Driver/Kolab.php | 49 +-
kronolith/lib/Driver/Resource.php | 336 -
kronolith/lib/Driver/Resource/Sql.php | 527 +
kronolith/lib/Driver/Sql.php | 68 +-
kronolith/lib/Event.php | 123 +-
kronolith/lib/Event/Kolab.php | 20 +-
kronolith/lib/Event/Resource.php | 49 -
kronolith/lib/Event/Resource/Sql.php | 64 +
kronolith/lib/Event/Sql.php | 2 +-
kronolith/lib/Factory/Driver.php | 24 +-
kronolith/lib/Factory/Storage.php | 7 -
kronolith/lib/Form/CreateCalendar.php | 14 +-
kronolith/lib/Form/CreateResourceGroup.php | 3 +-
kronolith/lib/Form/DeleteCalendar.php | 12 +-
kronolith/lib/Form/DeleteResource.php | 8 +-
kronolith/lib/Form/DeleteResourceGroup.php | 10 +-
kronolith/lib/Form/EditCalendar.php | 126 +-
kronolith/lib/Form/EditRemoteCalendar.php | 28 +-
kronolith/lib/Form/EditResource.php | 119 +-
kronolith/lib/Form/EditResourceGroup.php | 43 +-
kronolith/lib/Form/SubscribeRemoteCalendar.php | 7 +-
kronolith/lib/Form/Type/KronolithTags.php | 28 +
kronolith/lib/Form/UnsubscribeRemoteCalendar.php | 10 +-
kronolith/lib/FreeBusy.php | 6 +-
kronolith/lib/FreeBusy/View.php | 7 +-
kronolith/lib/FreeBusy/View/Day.php | 2 +-
kronolith/lib/FreeBusy/View/Month.php | 3 -
kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php | 295 +-
kronolith/lib/Prefs/Special/EventAlarm.php | 62 -
kronolith/lib/Prefs/Special/EventAlarms.php | 62 +
kronolith/lib/Resource/Base.php | 62 +-
kronolith/lib/Resource/Group.php | 46 +-
kronolith/lib/Resource/Single.php | 69 +-
kronolith/lib/Storage/Sql.php | 2 +-
kronolith/lib/Ui/VarRenderer/Kronolith.php | 42 +
kronolith/lib/View/Day.php | 93 +-
kronolith/lib/View/DeleteEvent.php | 5 +-
kronolith/lib/View/EditEvent.php | 11 +-
kronolith/lib/View/Event.php | 5 +-
kronolith/lib/View/ExportEvent.php | 5 +-
kronolith/lib/View/Month.php | 49 +-
kronolith/lib/View/Sidebar.php | 6 +-
kronolith/lib/View/Week.php | 91 +-
kronolith/lib/View/Year.php | 38 +-
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kronolith/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/kronolith.po | 1280 +-
kronolith/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/kronolith.mo | Bin 131111 -> 130928 bytes
kronolith/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/kronolith.po | 1506 +-
kronolith/locale/kronolith.pot | 1262 +-
kronolith/month.php | 10 +-
kronolith/new.php | 5 +-
kronolith/package.xml | 139 +-
kronolith/perms.php | 2 +
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kronolith/resources/delete.php | 15 +-
kronolith/resources/edit.php | 16 +-
kronolith/resources/groups/create.php | 12 +-
kronolith/resources/groups/delete.php | 17 +-
kronolith/resources/groups/edit.php | 16 +-
kronolith/resources/groups/index.php | 94 -
kronolith/resources/index.php | 100 -
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kronolith/smartmobile.php | 6 +-
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kronolith/templates/chunks/calendar.php | 93 +-
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kronolith/templates/dynamic/year.inc | 32 +-
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kronolith/templates/panel.inc | 138 -
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kronolith/templates/week/head_side_by_side.inc | 16 +-
kronolith/templates/year/head.inc | 7 -
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kronolith/themes/default/smartmobile/screen.css | 76 +-
kronolith/week.php | 10 +-
kronolith/workweek.php | 10 +-
kronolith/year.php | 8 +-
luxor/lib/Application.php | 3 +-
luxor/lib/Lang/Generic.php | 3 +-
luxor/lib/Luxor.php | 21 +-
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luxor/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/luxor.po | 6 +-
luxor/locale/luxor.pot | 6 +-
luxor/templates/menu.inc | 3 -
mnemo/config/conf.xml | 4 +-
mnemo/config/prefs.php | 6 -
mnemo/data.php | 1 -
mnemo/docs/CHANGES | 16 +-
mnemo/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 22 +-
mnemo/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 4 +-
mnemo/lib/Application.php | 75 +-
mnemo/lib/Block/Summary.php | 10 +-
mnemo/lib/Driver/Kolab.php | 42 +-
mnemo/lib/Form/CreateNotepad.php | 7 +-
mnemo/lib/Form/DeleteNotepad.php | 10 +-
mnemo/lib/Form/EditNotepad.php | 75 +-
mnemo/lib/Mnemo.php | 16 +-
mnemo/lib/Notepads/Base.php | 10 +
mnemo/lib/Notepads/Kolab.php | 10 +
mnemo/list.php | 17 +-
mnemo/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/mnemo.mo | Bin 75607 -> 75679 bytes
mnemo/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/mnemo.po | 215 +-
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mnemo/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/mnemo.po | 159 +-
mnemo/locale/mnemo.pot | 207 +-
mnemo/memo.php | 21 +-
mnemo/notepads/create.php | 11 +-
mnemo/notepads/delete.php | 23 +-
mnemo/notepads/edit.php | 30 +-
mnemo/notepads/index.php | 45 -
mnemo/notes/index.php | 12 +-
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mnemo/templates/memo/memo.inc | 23 +-
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mnemo/themes/default/graphics/search.png | Bin 519 -> 465 bytes
mnemo/themes/default/screen.css | 68 +-
mnemo/view.php | 1 -
nag/app/controllers/CompleteTask.php | 27 +-
nag/app/controllers/SaveTask.php | 38 +-
nag/config/conf.xml | 4 +-
nag/config/prefs.php | 18 +-
nag/data.php | 3 -
nag/docs/CHANGES | 32 +-
nag/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 26 +-
nag/index.php | 11 +-
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nag/lib/Api.php | 8 +-
nag/lib/Application.php | 143 +-
nag/lib/CompleteTask.php | 37 +
nag/lib/Driver.php | 30 +
nag/lib/Driver/Kolab.php | 91 +-
nag/lib/Driver/Smartlist.php | 2 +-
nag/lib/Driver/Sql.php | 45 +-
nag/lib/Form/CreateTaskList.php | 7 +-
nag/lib/Form/DeleteTaskList.php | 12 +-
nag/lib/Form/EditTaskList.php | 114 +-
nag/lib/Form/Renderer/Task.php | 46 -
nag/lib/Form/Search.php | 86 +
nag/lib/Form/Task.php | 31 +-
nag/lib/Form/Type/NagSearchDue.php | 36 +
nag/lib/Form/Type/NagTags.php | 7 +
nag/lib/LoginTasks/Task/PurgeCompleted.php | 87 +
nag/lib/Nag.php | 234 +-
nag/lib/Search.php | 46 +-
nag/lib/Smartmobile.php | 132 +
nag/lib/TagBrowser.php | 45 +-
nag/lib/Tagger.php | 15 +-
nag/lib/Task.php | 116 +-
nag/lib/Tasklist.php | 46 +
nag/lib/Tasklists/Base.php | 11 +
nag/lib/Tasklists/Kolab.php | 10 +
nag/lib/Ui/VarRenderer/Nag.php | 19 +-
nag/lib/View/Helper/List.php | 20 +
nag/lib/View/List.php | 201 +-
nag/list.php | 9 +-
nag/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/nag.mo | Bin 91050 -> 91687 bytes
nag/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/nag.po | 716 +-
nag/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/nag.mo | Bin 94640 -> 93782 bytes
nag/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/nag.po | 659 +-
nag/locale/nag.pot | 680 +-
nag/package.xml | 157 +-
nag/search.php | 18 +-
nag/smartmobile-view.php | 135 -
nag/smartmobile.php | 130 +-
nag/task.php | 7 +-
nag/tasklists/create.php | 10 +-
nag/tasklists/delete.php | 12 +-
nag/tasklists/edit.php | 34 +-
nag/tasklists/index.php | 70 -
nag/tasklists/info.php | 34 -
nag/tasks/index.php | 38 +-
nag/templates/alarm/mail.html.php | 2 +-
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nag/templates/data/import.inc | 7 +-
nag/templates/list.html.php | 125 +-
nag/templates/list/_task.html.php | 78 +
nag/templates/list/empty.inc | 3 -
nag/templates/list/header.html.php | 14 +
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nag/templates/list/task_summaries.inc | 78 -
nag/templates/quick.inc | 4 +-
nag/templates/search/search.inc | 54 -
nag/templates/sidebar.html.php | 61 -
nag/templates/smartmobile/create.html.php | 8 -
nag/templates/smartmobile/lists.html.php | 7 +
nag/templates/smartmobile/main.html.php | 35 +-
nag/templates/smartmobile/taskform.html.php | 66 +
nag/templates/tasklist_info.php | 11 -
nag/templates/tasklist_list.php | 41 -
nag/themes/default/graphics/add.png | Bin 543 -> 516 bytes
nag/themes/default/graphics/alarm_small.png | Bin 412 -> 266 bytes
nag/themes/default/graphics/big_alarm.png | Bin 4903 -> 3199 bytes
nag/themes/default/graphics/checkbox.png | Bin 606 -> 479 bytes
nag/themes/default/graphics/checked.png | Bin 520 -> 259 bytes
nag/themes/default/graphics/search.png | Bin 519 -> 465 bytes
nag/themes/default/graphics/smart.png | Bin 466 -> 437 bytes
nag/themes/default/graphics/unchecked.png | Bin 3063 -> 340 bytes
nag/themes/default/screen.css | 13 +
nag/themes/default/smartmobile/screen.css | 17 +-
nag/view.php | 23 +-
operator/export.php | 2 +-
operator/lib/Application.php | 13 +
operator/lib/Operator.php | 27 +-
operator/search.php | 2 +-
operator/templates/menu.inc | 3 -
operator/viewgraph.php | 5 +-
passwd/index.php | 4 -
passwd/lib/Application.php | 1 -
passwd/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/passwd.mo | Bin 71375 -> 72002 bytes
passwd/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/passwd.po | 14 +-
passwd/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/passwd.mo | Bin 75552 -> 74189 bytes
passwd/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/passwd.po | 50 +-
passwd/locale/passwd.pot | 14 +-
pastie/lib/Application.php | 2 +-
pastie/lib/Pastie.php | 26 -
pastie/paste.php | 2 +-
pastie/templates/menu.inc | 3 -
pastie/view.php | 2 +-
sam/blacklist.php | 1 -
sam/lib/Api.php | 2 +-
sam/lib/Factory/Driver.php | 4 +
sam/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/sam.mo | Bin 69491 -> 70110 bytes
sam/spam.php | 1 -
sam/whitelist.php | 1 -
sesha/admin.php | 27 +-
sesha/lib/Api.php | 4 +-
sesha/lib/Application.php | 19 +-
sesha/lib/Sesha.php | 20 -
sesha/lib/View/List.php | 8 +-
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sesha/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/sesha.po | 16 +-
sesha/locale/sesha.pot | 16 +-
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shout/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler.php | 238 +
shout/lib/Application.php | 16 +
shout/lib/Shout.php | 28 -
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trean/lib/Api.php | 6 +-
trean/lib/Application.php | 10 -
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turba/lib/Form/EditAddressBook.php | 76 +-
turba/lib/Form/EditContact.php | 6 +-
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turba/lib/View/DeleteContact.php | 4 +-
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turba/lib/View/List.php | 2 +-
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turba/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/turba.mo | Bin 101393 -> 100632 bytes
turba/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/turba.po | 674 +-
turba/locale/turba.pot | 485 +-
turba/migration/6_turba_upgrade_updateschema.php | 2 +-
turba/package.xml | 74 +-
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turba/smartmobile.php | 28 +
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turba/templates/data/export.inc | 7 +-
turba/templates/data/import.inc | 9 +-
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turba/themes/default/graphics/edit.png | Bin 486 -> 439 bytes
turba/themes/default/graphics/menu/browse.png | Bin 585 -> 537 bytes
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turba/themes/default/graphics/new.png | Bin 621 -> 583 bytes
turba/themes/default/graphics/search.png | Bin 519 -> 465 bytes
turba/themes/default/graphics/turba.png | Bin 471 -> 426 bytes
turba/themes/default/screen.css | 8 +-
turba/themes/default/smartmobile/screen.css | 10 +
ulaform/delete.php | 1 -
ulaform/deletefield.php | 1 -
ulaform/edit.php | 1 -
ulaform/fields.php | 1 -
ulaform/forms.php | 1 -
ulaform/genhtml.php | 1 -
ulaform/lib/Application.php | 2 -
ulaform/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ulaform.mo | Bin 71202 -> 71821 bytes
ulaform/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ulaform.po | 6 +-
ulaform/locale/ulaform.pot | 6 +-
ulaform/sortfields.php | 1 -
vilma/domains/delete.php | 12 +-
vilma/domains/edit.php | 12 +-
vilma/domains/index.php | 5 +-
vilma/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/vilma.mo | Bin 76817 -> 77436 bytes
vilma/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/vilma.po | 26 +-
vilma/locale/vilma.pot | 26 +-
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vilma/templates/main/main.html | 3 -
vilma/templates/users/index.html | 4 -
vilma/templates/virtuals/index.html | 4 -
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vilma/users/edit.php | 15 +-
vilma/users/editAlias.php | 15 +-
vilma/users/editForward.php | 15 +-
vilma/users/index.php | 7 +-
vilma/virtuals/delete.php | 14 +-
vilma/virtuals/edit.php | 15 +-
vilma/virtuals/index.php | 7 +-
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whups/lib/Driver.php | 23 +-
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whups/lib/Form/Admin/EditReplyStepTwo.php | 4 +-
whups/lib/Form/Renderer/Comment.php | 13 +-
whups/lib/Query.php | 5 +-
whups/lib/Whups.php | 16 +-
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whups/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/whups.po | 126 +-
whups/locale/whups.pot | 126 +-
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whups/templates/menu.inc | 2 -
whups/templates/prevnext.inc | 2 +-
whups/templates/view/results.inc | 4 +-
wicked/docs/CHANGES | 7 +
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wicked/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/wicked.po | 90 +-
wicked/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/wicked.mo | Bin 83284 -> 81961 bytes
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2165 files changed, 93989 insertions(+), 88237 deletions(-)
commit 245c485b3f486f681408d834c4d75d577f56e5e9
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date: Mon Oct 15 22:50:58 2012 +0200
[jan] Use ssh2_sftp_chmod() if available (ssh2 0.12).
framework/Vfs/lib/Horde/Vfs/Ssh2.php | 11 +++++++++--
framework/Vfs/package.xml | 23 ++++++++++++++++++-----
2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
commit 9bcf7a5eafab1f0873c1adf0a628ad349d6ee015
Merge: 245c485 04d7036
Author: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Date: Fri Oct 26 20:51:22 2012 -0400
Merge branch 'master' into develop
ansel/faces/gallery.php | 2 +-
ansel/gallery.php | 2 +-
ansel/gallery/captions.php | 2 +-
ansel/gallery/delete.php | 7 +-
ansel/gallery/sort.php | 2 +-
ansel/image.php | 15 +-
ansel/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler.php | 4 +-
ansel/lib/Api.php | 10 +-
ansel/lib/Faces/Base.php | 6 +-
ansel/lib/Gallery.php | 3 +-
ansel/lib/GalleryMode/Date.php | 4 +-
ansel/lib/GalleryMode/Normal.php | 4 +-
ansel/lib/Image.php | 2 +-
ansel/lib/View/Base.php | 2 +-
ansel/lib/View/GalleryProperties.php | 11 +-
ansel/lib/View/Results.php | 2 +-
ansel/locale/ansel.pot | 130 +-
ansel/xppublish.php | 2 +-
content/lib/Objects/Manager.php | 2 +-
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framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Imap/Adapter.php | 3 +-
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.../test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/MMMPseminar.txt | 50 +
.../test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/Moon_Days.txt | 38 +
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.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/Vilnius.ics | 185 +
.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/Vilnius.txt | 6 +
.../test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/allcategories.ics | 166 +
.../test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/allcategories.txt | 22 +
.../test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/allcategories.vcs | 166 -
.../test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/arsenal32FC.txt | 558 +
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.../test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/exchange.txt | 2 +
.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/iscw.txt | 6 +
.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/meeting.txt | 2 +
.../test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/privacy_events.txt | 4 +
.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/rfc2445.txt | 12 +
.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/test.ics | 34 +
.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/test.txt | 2 +
.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/test.vcs | 34 -
.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/test4.ics | 39 +
.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/test4.txt | 2 +
.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/test4.vcs | 39 -
.../test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/test_recurring.ics | 50 +
.../test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/test_recurring.txt | 2 +
.../test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/test_recurring.vcs | 50 -
.../Icalendar/test/Horde/Icalendar/fixtures/vTimezone/wicca.txt | 24 +
framework/Imap_Client/doc/Horde/Imap/Client/UPGRADING | 232 +-
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client.php | 9 +-
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framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Sort.php | 117 -
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Url.php | 278 +
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Utils.php | 540 -
framework/Imap_Client/lib/Horde/Imap/Client/Utils/Pop3.php | 86 -
framework/Imap_Client/locale/Horde_Imap_Client.pot | 100 +-
framework/Imap_Client/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Imap_Client.mo | Bin 6981 -> 6980 bytes
framework/Imap_Client/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Horde_Imap_Client.po | 4 +-
framework/Imap_Client/package.xml | 82 +-
framework/Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/IdsParseTest.php | 75 -
framework/Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/IdsTest.php | 89 +
framework/Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/SocketTest.php | 4 -
framework/Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/SortTest.php | 106 +-
framework/Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/SubjectParseTest.php | 10 +-
framework/Imap_Client/test/Horde/Imap/Client/UrlParseTest.php | 49 +-
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Format/Xml/Type/Composite/Recurrence/V1.php | 4 +-
framework/Kolab_Format/package.xml | 23 +-
framework/Kolab_Server/package.xml | 23 +-
framework/Kolab_Session/package.xml | 23 +-
.../Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Folder/Stamp/Uids.php | 3 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Object.php | 9 +-
.../lib/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Object/Writer/Format.php | 4 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/locale/Horde_Kolab_Storage.pot | 4 +-
framework/Kolab_Storage/package.xml | 21 +-
.../Kolab_Storage/test/Horde/Kolab/Storage/Unit/ObjectTest.php | 28 +-
framework/Mime_Viewer/package.xml | 23 +-
framework/Nls/package.xml | 23 +-
framework/Perms/lib/Horde/Perms/Base.php | 4 +-
framework/Perms/lib/Horde/Perms/Exception.php | 1 +
framework/Perms/lib/Horde/Perms/Sql.php | 6 +-
framework/Perms/package.xml | 23 +-
framework/Role/package.xml | 1 -
framework/Rpc/lib/Horde/Rpc/Syncml.php | 2 +-
framework/Rpc/package.xml | 24 +-
framework/Secret/lib/Horde/Secret.php | 20 +-
framework/Secret/lib/Horde/Secret/Exception.php | 5 +
framework/Secret/package.xml | 39 +-
.../Service_Facebook/lib/Horde/Service/Facebook/Request/Rest.php | 2 +-
framework/Service_Facebook/package.xml | 21 +-
framework/Service_Weather/package.xml | 23 +-
framework/Share/lib/Horde/Share/Kolab.php | 7 +-
framework/Share/package.xml | 21 +-
framework/SyncMl/package.xml | 10 +-
framework/SyncMl/test/Horde/SyncMl/testsync.php | 2 +-
framework/Url/lib/Horde/Url.php | 11 +-
framework/Url/package.xml | 23 +-
framework/Url/test/Horde/Url/ConstructorTest.php | 30 +
framework/Vfs/lib/Horde/Vfs/Base.php | 2 +-
framework/Vfs/package.xml | 26 +-
gollem/docs/CHANGES | 1 +
gollem/lib/Auth.php | 26 -
gollem/lib/Factory/Vfs.php | 30 +-
gollem/locale/gollem.pot | 6 +-
gollem/package.xml | 1 +
gollem/quota.php | 1 +
hermes/entry.php | 6 +-
hermes/index.php | 8 +-
hermes/js/hermes.js | 593 +-
hermes/lib/Ajax.php | 12 +-
hermes/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler.php | 173 +-
hermes/lib/Application.php | 74 +-
hermes/lib/Hermes.php | 68 +-
hermes/lib/View/Sidebar.php | 33 +
hermes/locale/hermes.pot | 175 +-
hermes/package.xml | 46 +-
hermes/templates/dynamic/index.inc | 21 +
hermes/templates/dynamic/search.inc | 80 +
hermes/templates/dynamic/sidebar.html.php | 46 +
hermes/templates/dynamic/slices.inc | 92 +
hermes/templates/dynamic/timer.inc | 17 +
hermes/templates/index/index.inc | 120 -
hermes/templates/index/search.inc | 80 -
hermes/templates/index/timeedit.inc | 87 -
hermes/templates/index/timer.inc | 14 -
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hermes/themes/default/graphics/edit.png | Bin 0 -> 277 bytes
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hermes/themes/default/graphics/hermes.png | Bin 473 -> 666 bytes
hermes/themes/default/graphics/log.png | Bin 210 -> 0 bytes
hermes/themes/default/graphics/pause.png | Bin 107 -> 226 bytes
hermes/themes/default/graphics/picker.png | Bin 320 -> 574 bytes
hermes/themes/default/graphics/play.png | Bin 186 -> 342 bytes
hermes/themes/default/graphics/search.png | Bin 662 -> 465 bytes
hermes/themes/default/graphics/stop.png | Bin 0 -> 206 bytes
hermes/themes/default/graphics/time.png | Bin 0 -> 666 bytes
horde/admin/config/config.php | 1 -
horde/admin/phpshell.php | 6 +-
horde/admin/sessions.php | 2 +-
horde/bin/horde-translation | 20 +-
horde/config/conf.xml | 8 +-
horde/config/prefs.php | 2 +-
horde/docs/CHANGES | 15 +-
horde/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 22 +-
horde/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler.php | 2 +-
horde/lib/Application.php | 4 +-
horde/lib/Block/Vatid.php | 66 +-
horde/lib/Test.php | 87 +-
horde/locale/horde.pot | 596 +-
horde/login.php | 21 +-
horde/package.xml | 246 +-
horde/rpc.php | 4 +-
horde/services/ajax.php | 18 +-
horde/services/help/index.php | 39 +-
horde/templates/data/csvinfo.inc | 2 +-
horde/templates/data/datemap.inc | 2 +-
horde/templates/data/tsvinfo.inc | 2 +-
horde/templates/login/login.inc | 2 +-
horde/templates/topbar/_menubar.html.php | 2 +-
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horde/themes/default/graphics/keys/up.png | Bin 0 -> 207 bytes
horde/themes/default/screen.css | 128 +-
imp/README | 2 +-
imp/bin/imp-query-imap-cache | 8 +-
imp/compose.php | 8 +-
imp/config/conf.xml | 94 +-
imp/config/prefs.php | 50 +-
imp/contacts.php | 2 +-
imp/docs/CHANGES | 16 +
imp/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 30 +-
imp/docs/UPGRADING | 6 +-
imp/dynamic.php | 4 -
imp/js/compose-dimp.js | 4 +-
imp/js/dimpbase.js | 39 +-
imp/js/dimpcore.js | 1 +
imp/js/indices.js | 58 +-
imp/js/smartmobile.js | 4 +-
imp/js/viewport.js | 14 +-
imp/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 10 +-
imp/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler/Common.php | 2 +-
imp/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler/Dynamic.php | 21 +-
imp/lib/Ajax/Application/ListMessages.php | 15 +-
imp/lib/Compose.php | 206 +-
imp/lib/Dynamic/Base.php | 7 +-
imp/lib/Dynamic/Compose/Common.php | 5 +-
imp/lib/Dynamic/Mailbox.php | 12 +-
imp/lib/Imap.php | 23 +-
imp/lib/Imap/Acl.php | 12 +-
imp/lib/Imap/Tree.php | 58 +-
imp/lib/Indices.php | 69 +-
imp/lib/Mailbox.php | 4 +
imp/lib/Mailbox/List.php | 142 +-
imp/lib/Message.php | 19 +-
imp/lib/Mime/Viewer/Itip.php | 1 +
imp/lib/Minimal/Compose.php | 59 +-
imp/lib/Minimal/Mailbox.php | 4 +-
imp/lib/Minimal/Search.php | 2 +-
imp/lib/Prefs/Special/HtmlSignature.php | 2 +-
imp/lib/Sentmail/Sql.php | 19 -
imp/lib/Smartmobile.php | 4 -
imp/lib/Test.php | 8 +-
imp/lib/Ui/Compose.php | 55 +-
imp/lib/Ui/Editor.php | 6 +-
imp/lib/Ui/Folder.php | 14 +-
imp/lib/Ui/Headers.php | 3 +-
imp/lib/Ui/Imageview.php | 4 +-
imp/lib/Ui/Mailbox.php | 3 +-
imp/lib/Ui/Message.php | 3 +-
imp/lib/Ui/Search.php | 3 +-
imp/locale/ca/help.xml | 1395 +-
imp/locale/cs/help.xml | 768 +-
imp/locale/da/help.xml | 769 +-
imp/locale/de/help.xml | 1570 +-
imp/locale/el/help.xml | 748 +-
imp/locale/en/help.xml | 1675 +-
imp/locale/es/help.xml | 1358 +-
imp/locale/et/help.xml | 761 +-
imp/locale/eu/help.xml | 1266 +-
imp/locale/fa/help.xml | 2829 +--
imp/locale/fi/help.xml | 1353 +-
imp/locale/fr/help.xml | 763 +-
imp/locale/hr/help.xml | 1406 +-
imp/locale/hu/help.xml | 860 +-
imp/locale/imp.pot | 1422 +-
imp/locale/it/help.xml | 776 +-
imp/locale/ko/help.xml | 761 +-
imp/locale/lv/help.xml | 799 +-
imp/locale/nb/help.xml | 761 +-
imp/locale/nl/help.xml | 760 +-
imp/locale/pl/help.xml | 761 +-
imp/locale/pt/help.xml | 761 +-
imp/locale/pt_BR/help.xml | 2894 +--
imp/locale/ru/help.xml | 748 +-
imp/locale/sk/help.xml | 786 +-
imp/locale/sv/help.xml | 761 +-
imp/locale/tr/help.xml | 2826 +--
imp/locale/uk/help.xml | 761 +-
imp/locale/zh_CN/help.xml | 761 +-
imp/locale/zh_TW/help.xml | 4565 +----
imp/mailbox.php | 23 +-
imp/message.php | 2 +-
imp/package.xml | 43 +-
imp/search.php | 2 +-
imp/templates/dynamic/mailbox.html.php | 24 -
imp/templates/minimal/compose.html.php | 2 +-
imp/templates/smartmobile/compose.html.php | 3 -
imp/themes/default/dynamic/screen.css | 64 +-
imp/themes/default/graphics/help.png | Bin 597 -> 0 bytes
imp/themes/default/graphics/key_down.png | Bin 209 -> 0 bytes
imp/themes/default/graphics/key_up.png | Bin 207 -> 0 bytes
imp/themes/default/graphics/locked-inv.png | Bin 0 -> 431 bytes
imp/themes/default/smartmobile/screen.css | 3 +
imp/thread.php | 11 +-
ingo/bin/ingo-convert-datatree-shares-to-sql | 157 -
ingo/bin/ingo-convert-prefs-to-sql | 5 +-
ingo/bin/ingo-convert-sql-shares-to-sqlng | 9 +
ingo/bin/ingo-postfix-policyd | 9 +
ingo/blacklist.php | 7 +-
ingo/config/hooks.php.dist | 6 +-
ingo/docs/CHANGES | 9 +-
ingo/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 26 +-
ingo/filters.php | 5 +-
ingo/forward.php | 7 +-
ingo/index.php | 5 +-
ingo/lib/Api.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Block/Overview.php | 7 +-
ingo/lib/Exception.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Exception/Pear.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Factory/Transport.php | 13 +-
ingo/lib/Form/Base.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Form/Forward.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Form/Spam.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Form/Vacation.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script.php | 2 +
ingo/lib/Script/Imap/Live.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Imap/Mock.php | 9 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Maildrop.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Maildrop/Comment.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Maildrop/Recipe.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Maildrop/Variable.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Procmail.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Procmail/Comment.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Procmail/Recipe.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Procmail/Variable.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action/Addflag.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action/Discard.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action/Fileinto.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action/Flag.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action/Keep.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action/Notify.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action/Redirect.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action/Reject.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action/Removeflag.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action/Stop.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Action/Vacation.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Comment.php | 12 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Else.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Elsif.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/If.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test/Address.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test/Allof.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test/Anyof.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test/Body.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test/Exists.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test/False.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test/Header.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test/Not.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test/Relational.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test/Size.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Script/Sieve/Test/True.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Blacklist.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Filters.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Filters/Sql.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Forward.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Mock.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Prefs.php | 10 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Rule.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Spam.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Sql.php | 9 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Vacation.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/VacationTest.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Storage/Whitelist.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Test.php | 6 +-
ingo/lib/Transport/Ldap.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Transport/Null.php | 8 +-
ingo/lib/Transport/Sivtest.php | 9 +-
ingo/lib/Transport/Timsieved.php | 20 +-
ingo/lib/Transport/Vfs.php | 12 +-
ingo/lib/Ui/VarRenderer/Ingo.php | 6 +-
ingo/locale/ingo.pot | 266 +-
ingo/package.xml | 25 +-
ingo/rule.php | 12 +-
ingo/script.php | 5 +-
ingo/spam.php | 9 +-
ingo/templates/rule/header.inc | 2 +-
ingo/themes/default/block/screen.css | 6 +-
ingo/vacation.php | 7 +-
ingo/whitelist.php | 9 +-
koward/www/htdocs/horde/themes/screen.css | 8 +-
kronolith/add.php | 4 +-
kronolith/config/prefs.php | 4 +-
kronolith/docs/CHANGES | 14 +
kronolith/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 25 +-
kronolith/edit.php | 2 +-
kronolith/js/kronolith.js | 41 +-
kronolith/lib/Ajax.php | 5 +-
kronolith/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler.php | 6 +-
kronolith/lib/Api.php | 8 +-
kronolith/lib/Application.php | 5 +-
kronolith/lib/Block/Month.php | 2 +-
kronolith/lib/Block/Monthlist.php | 2 +-
kronolith/lib/Calendar/External/Tasks.php | 3 +-
kronolith/lib/Calendar/Internal.php | 2 +-
kronolith/lib/Driver.php | 6 +-
kronolith/lib/Driver/Kolab.php | 25 +-
kronolith/lib/Event.php | 13 +-
kronolith/lib/Event/Kolab.php | 32 +-
kronolith/lib/Form/EditCalendar.php | 4 +-
kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php | 39 +-
kronolith/lib/Prefs/Special/Sourceselect.php | 2 +-
kronolith/lib/Storage/Kolab.php | 39 +-
kronolith/lib/View/Month.php | 2 +-
kronolith/locale/kronolith.pot | 502 +-
kronolith/package.xml | 32 +-
kronolith/search.php | 2 +-
kronolith/templates/chunks/calendar.php | 15 +-
kronolith/templates/day/head_side_by_side.inc | 2 +-
kronolith/templates/dynamic/index.inc | 2 +-
kronolith/templates/smartmobile/javascript_defs.php | 3 +-
kronolith/templates/week/head_side_by_side.inc | 2 +-
kronolith/themes/default/block/screen.css | 13 +
kronolith/themes/default/dynamic/screen.css | 18 -
kronolith/themes/default/screen.css | 8 -
mnemo/config/prefs.php | 4 +-
mnemo/docs/CHANGES | 7 +
mnemo/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 24 +-
mnemo/lib/Api.php | 14 +-
mnemo/lib/Application.php | 7 +-
mnemo/lib/Block/Summary.php | 5 +-
mnemo/lib/Driver/Kolab.php | 1 +
mnemo/lib/Mnemo.php | 84 +-
mnemo/list.php | 2 +-
mnemo/locale/mnemo.pot | 62 +-
mnemo/memo.php | 2 +-
mnemo/note/pdf.php | 2 +-
mnemo/notes/index.php | 2 +-
mnemo/package.xml | 28 +-
mnemo/templates/data/import.inc | 2 +-
mnemo/templates/list/memo_summaries.inc | 2 +-
mnemo/templates/memo/memo.inc | 2 +-
mnemo/templates/stickies.html.php | 110 -
mnemo/themes/default/screen.css | 3 -
mnemo/view.php | 2 +-
nag/app/controllers/SaveTask.php | 8 +-
nag/config/prefs.php | 4 +-
nag/data.php | 36 +-
nag/docs/CHANGES | 11 +
nag/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 26 +-
nag/js/smartmobile.js | 77 +-
nag/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler/Smartmobile.php | 41 +-
nag/lib/Api.php | 40 +-
nag/lib/Application.php | 29 +-
nag/lib/Block/Summary.php | 9 +-
nag/lib/CompleteTask.php | 2 +-
nag/lib/Driver.php | 4 +-
nag/lib/Driver/Kolab.php | 24 +-
nag/lib/Driver/Sql.php | 84 +-
nag/lib/Factory/Driver.php | 30 +-
nag/lib/Form/Task.php | 2 +-
nag/lib/LoginTasks/Task/PurgeCompleted.php | 6 +-
nag/lib/Nag.php | 33 +-
nag/lib/TagBrowser.php | 22 +-
nag/lib/Task.php | 5 +-
nag/lib/Tasklist.php | 2 +-
nag/lib/View/List.php | 10 +-
nag/locale/nag.pot | 251 +-
nag/package.xml | 35 +-
nag/templates/data/export.inc | 2 +-
nag/templates/data/import.inc | 2 +-
nag/templates/list.html.php | 4 +-
nag/templates/quick.inc | 2 +-
nag/templates/smartmobile/taskform.html.php | 7 +-
nag/themes/default/block/screen.css | 9 +
nag/themes/default/screen.css | 23 +-
nag/view.php | 2 +-
sesha/docs/CHANGES | 7 +
sesha/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 25 +-
sesha/package.xml | 23 +-
trean/lib/TagBrowser.php | 2 +-
trean/locale/trean.pot | 18 +-
turba/docs/CHANGES | 17 +-
turba/docs/RELEASE_NOTES | 24 +-
turba/js/minisearch.js | 28 +-
turba/lib/Ajax/Application.php | 4 +-
turba/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler/Minisearch.php | 78 +
turba/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler/Smartmobile.php | 100 +
turba/lib/Ajax/Application/Smartmobile.php | 85 -
turba/lib/Block/Minisearch.php | 18 +-
turba/lib/Driver.php | 12 +-
turba/lib/Driver/Kolab.php | 19 +-
turba/lib/Driver/Share.php | 14 +
turba/lib/Prefs/Special/Columnselect.php | 15 +-
turba/lib/Smartmobile.php | 9 +-
turba/lib/Turba.php | 3 +
turba/lib/View/List.php | 19 +-
turba/locale/turba.pot | 118 +-
turba/minisearch.php | 93 -
turba/package.xml | 43 +-
turba/templates/addressbook_list.php | 39 -
turba/templates/block/minisearch.inc | 10 +-
turba/templates/browse/actions.inc | 2 +-
turba/templates/prefs/column.html | 34 +-
turba/themes/default/screen.css | 2 +-
whups/docs/CHANGES | 2 +
whups/lib/Application.php | 10 +-
whups/lib/Driver/Sql.php | 15 +-
whups/lib/Form/Query/AttributeCriterion.php | 33 +-
whups/lib/Form/Renderer/Query.php | 12 +-
whups/lib/Query.php | 6 +
whups/lib/Whups.php | 11 +
whups/locale/whups.pot | 142 +-
whups/mybugs.php | 2 +
whups/package.xml | 2 +
whups/query/index.php | 24 +-
whups/query/run.php | 1 +
whups/queue/index.php | 1 +
whups/search.php | 1 +
whups/ticket/index.php | 1 +
wicked/display.php | 1 +
wicked/lib/Application.php | 6 -
wicked/lib/Wicked.php | 9 +
wicked/locale/wicked.pot | 12 +-
642 files changed, 27298 insertions(+), 27710 deletions(-)
commit b9d2cfbd470cbb0d7034d845cc64a25b1c0d5be7
Author: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Date: Fri Oct 26 20:53:50 2012 -0400
Update/fix package.xml from merge
framework/Vfs/package.xml | 11 +++--------
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
commit d6d5810df3791bdd46009b340d095992f56a5960
Merge: b9d2cfb 98ddf07
Author: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Date: Sat Oct 27 13:45:05 2012 -0400
Merge branch 'master' into develop
horde/config/conf.xml | 1 -
horde/lib/Test.php | 2 +-
2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
commit 051de5db6f43d3a57b5a23e74f32a861d51f93bf
Author: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Date: Sat Oct 27 13:45:19 2012 -0400
Readd MyTopo support to develop.
framework/Core/js/map/mytopo.js | 5 +++--
framework/Core/lib/Horde.php | 6 +++++-
horde/config/conf.xml | 2 ++
horde/lib/Application.php | 2 +-
4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
commit f1c85d69577bb1a4e41c63cdf1f01ae1f594d7e2
Author: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Date: Sat Oct 27 14:41:10 2012 -0400
The hash needs to be uppercase for MyTopo to validate it.
framework/Core/lib/Horde.php | 4 +++-
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
commit 3dd2dc33f24b31190bb3974b5b0dab0fbdf1ec03
Merge: f1c85d6 a243443
Author: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Date: Sat Oct 27 15:13:55 2012 -0400
Merge branch 'master' into develop
framework/Core/js/map/google.js | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
framework/Core/lib/Horde.php | 5 +++-
2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
commit f3b243dfa47ded09320a24aca82ce070e3d9e7e3
Merge: 863a3a9 3dd2dc3
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date: Mon Apr 8 12:29:54 2013 +0200
Merge branch 'develop'
folks/lib/Application.php | 2 +-
framework/Core/js/map/mytopo.js | 5 +++--
framework/Core/lib/Horde.php | 8 +++++++-
framework/Vfs/lib/Horde/Vfs/Ssh2.php | 11 +++++++++--
framework/Vfs/package.xml | 25 +++++++++++++++++++------
horde/config/conf.xml | 2 ++
horde/lib/Application.php | 2 +-
7 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
More information about the commits
mailing list