[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_activesync-2.3.6 created. 6c03ec1a1209baf0ed1dc13e7147f9551e77c6f5

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Apr 19 22:56:33 UTC 2013

The annotated tag "horde_activesync-2.3.6" has been created.
        at  6c03ec1a1209baf0ed1dc13e7147f9551e77c6f5 (tag)
   tagging  957a084dbc609494b57e2676f268a44508221ff6 (commit)
  replaces  horde_activesync-2.3.5
 tagged by  Michael J Rubinsky
        on  Fri Apr 19 18:54:47 2013 -0400

Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.3.6.

Jan Schneider (8):
      Check if unserializing worked.
      Fix ctor call.
      Actually check if PEAR can be loaded.
      BFN and update tests (Bug #12195).
      chunk_split() adds a trailing splitter, trim it off.
      Update hu translation.
      Fix importing phone fields that have additional attribute parameters (Bug #12178).

Kiraly Laszlo (1):
      Don't cut horde_vfs and ansel object_photo data at 64K

Michael J Rubinsky (19):
      Development mode for Horde_ActiveSync-2.3.6
      Must converUserName to the auth name to access the state data.
      Keep security related changes at top, add missing period.
      Need to check for the message vanishing while building it too.
      Bug: 12197 Fix returning default value when value is defined, but empty.
      This is not an error.
      Fix setting flags during initial sync when no MODSEQ is available.
      Use a more likely delimter for the freeform children field.
      Might not have airsyncbasebody, even in 12.1.
      $message->children must be an array.
      Revert "$message->children must be an array."
      Revert "Use a more likely delimter for the freeform children field."
      Revert "Request: 12194 Sync children field to activesync devices."
      Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.3.6

Thomas Jarosch (7):
      Bug: 12188  Be more consistent with address book selection.
      Work around broken HTC clients (again) that send empty tags for array values.
      Improve turba API error logging
      Correctly set utcduedate and duedate properties.
      Bug: 12201  Fix setting alarm time when syncing with ActiveSync.
      Bug: 12193 Fix importing categories from ActiveSync clients.
      Request: 12194 Sync children field to activesync devices.

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