[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_history-2.1.6 created. 364e942d796849e2902e339aee9f7b683e60981c

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Aug 2 21:30:09 UTC 2013

The annotated tag "horde_history-2.1.6" has been created.
        at  364e942d796849e2902e339aee9f7b683e60981c (tag)
   tagging  d030702a8441af0fffc5123fa8a2fd4c2fa0d7ca (commit)
  replaces  horde_history-2.1.5
 tagged by  Michael J Rubinsky
        on  Fri Aug 2 17:19:14 2013 -0400

Released Horde_History-2.1.6.

Michael J Rubinsky (13):
      Development mode for Horde_History-2.1.6
      Don't persist the UID when copying a contact.
      Fix member visibility.
      Improve server response for certain failures.
      Typos in comments.
      Fix CSS rule for rendering .kronolithNight class.
      Bug: 12506  Fix detecting duplicate additions from EAS contacts with no email addresses.
      Add test for Bug: 12506
      Fix the down migration in the botched 5 migration.
      Only remove index if we have the current index name.
      Released Horde_History-2.1.6

Michael M Slusarz (13):
      No need to output mailbox in UTF7-IMAP format in HTML (Bug #12217)
      Bug #12492: Fix group permissions
      [mms] Use the correct EOL string when transfer encoding content (Bug #12452).
      [mms] Correctly save multipart/related data when saving compose message as a draft.
      [mms] No need to serialize logging object twice.
      memcache requires 2.0.0 (addServer() was added in that version, which we have been using forever)
      Only ignore authentication exceptions
      [mms] Immediately throw exception when no servers can be connected to.
      People shouldn't be use Horde_Cache IMAP caching backend anymore, since the other options are MUCH more resource efficient
      Bug #12519: match abstract method prototype
      [mms] Purging the autoloader cache no longer requires knowledge of the various SERVER_NAME settings used on a given system.
      Silence errors if autoloader cache file does not exist
      [mms] Improved session administration UI (Request #12515).

Thomas Jarosch (5):
      Don't lose isModSeq flag on recursive listBy() call (bug #12507)
      Don't lose isModSeq flag on recursive listBy() call (bug #12508)
      AS: Adapt exception text to reality
      Fix XML tag order
      xmlrpc example code: Fix HTTP auth options

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