[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_activesync-2.7.0 created. f4d6e733c17e6ee98f7491dd6b5cbd1e31eb18d9

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Aug 30 20:59:39 UTC 2013

The annotated tag "horde_activesync-2.7.0" has been created.
        at  f4d6e733c17e6ee98f7491dd6b5cbd1e31eb18d9 (tag)
   tagging  757973c0b6d6cadbc2167d00a1b3eb377c4013dd (commit)
  replaces  horde_smtp-1.2.0
 tagged by  Michael J Rubinsky
        on  Fri Aug 30 16:59:14 2013 -0400

Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.7.0.

Jan Schneider (8):
      Fix view helper name (Bug #12631).
      This needs to be 2.1.0.
      Revert "[mms] By default, use TLS if available and necessary to login to server."
      [jan] Move attachments list to separate ticket tab.
      Make table sortable.
      [jan] Don't set default value for TEXT column.
      Horde_Smtp is a required dependency.
      [jan] Hide citings in comments by default.

Michael J Rubinsky (8):
      No need for this parameter, this is Core, we can always get from prefs.
      No need to clone the date here.
      Set timezone if the timezone sent from device is not the local default.
      Bug: 12630 Must set timezone on exceptionoriginaldate too.
      Carry over event's title and body if the exception does not contain it.
      Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.7.0

Michael M Slusarz (16):
      Development mode for Horde_Smtp-1.2.1
      Optimization: if 530 code is seen, no need to send reset command
      [mms] Transparently handle required TLS connection when no security was configured.
      Centralize auto-determination of port number
      [mms] By default, use TLS if available and necessary to login to server.
      Fix harmless array access error in Horde_Imap_Client_Socket
      Better fix for #11425
      screen size is static, so only need to compute once
      Make clear that changing CSS when using static caching won't cause the CSS to be updated
      Revert "Revert "[mms] By default, use TLS if available and necessary to login to server.""
      Fix capitalization
      Once TLS is auto-determined, set parameter so we don't have to auto-detect again
      [mms] Make addresses in smartmobile full message header display clickable to open a compose window.
      Once TLS is auto-determined, set parameter so we don't have to auto-detect again - POP3 version
      Use Horde_Shutdown_Task when possible

Ralf Lang (1):
      [rla] Add support for external links in topbar (Feature #11977).

Thomas Jarosch (2):
      Fix 'activesync_replyposition' pref readout
      ActiveSync import: Fix timezones for exceptions of recurring all day events

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