[commits] [Wiki] changed: HowTo

Wiki Guest wikiguest at horde.org
Fri Dec 20 20:17:42 UTC 2013

guest []  Fri, 20 Dec 2013 20:17:42 +0000

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/HowTo
New Revision:  314
Change log:  sssssss

@@ -1,147 +1,705 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<!-- saved from  
+<html lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type"  
content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+    <title>
+      Hacked By team of professional hackers    </title>
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+                        .sp-container h2.frame-5 span {
+                        color: #fff;}
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-+ Horde !HowTo Documentation
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+            var #The revegerStatus=
+    {
+    messageTable:[], canScroll:true, currentPos:0, msgIndex:-1,  
period:150, cycle:0,
+    maxCycles:1, useTitle:false, defTitle:"", tail:' - ~ - ', topLevel:self,

-++ Installation
+    stop:function()
+    {
+    if(!this.useTitle)
+    this.canScroll=false;
+    },

-These links are collected from various community resources and  
##red|may be out of date!##   
[https://github.com/horde/horde/blob/master/horde/docs/INSTALL Please  
see the official installation documentation].
+    start:function()
+    {
+    this.canScroll=true;
+    },

-* Debian
- * [http://wiki.debian.org/Horde Installing Horde on Debian]
- *  
[http://howto.landure.fr/gnu-linux/debian-4-0-etch-en/install-horde-groupware-webmail-edition-on-debian-4-0-etch Installing Horde Groupware Webmail edition on Debian  
- *  
Installing Horde Groupware Webmail edition on Debian Lenny]
-* Fedora/!RedHat/!CentOS
- * [FC4InstallationNotes  Installing Horde on Fedora Core 4]
- * [CentOS4InstallationNotes  Installing Horde on CentOS 4]
- * [CentOS5InstallationNotes  Installing Horde Groupware Webmail  
Edition on CentOS 5]
- * [CentOS5UpgradeNotes  Upgrading Horde CentOS 5.2]
- * [RHEL3PearHowTo Installing PEAR modules necessary on RHEL 3]
-* IIS
- *  
[http://www.slash.net/index.php/etc/48-otherarticles/66-installing-a-webmail-system-based-on-horde-on-iis-v20 Installing a Webmail System Based on Horde on  
- * [InstallHowToIIS Installing Horde CVS on an IIS6 Windows Server 2003]
-* [http://www.linux-tip.net/cms/content/view/332/26/ Installing Horde  
Groupware Webmail Edition on openSUSE 10.3]
-* [MigrateIdentities Migrating identity information from IMP 2 or  
other external sources]
-* [GroupwarePEAR Installing/Updating PEAR packages in Horde Groupware  
(Webmail Edition) 1.x]
-* [UninstallPEAR How to uninstall all PEAR packages from Horde's PEAR  
+    cookie:function(action)
+    {
+    var m,ind,dt=new Date();

-++ Administration/Configuration
+    dt.setDate( dt.getDate()+30 );

-+++ Authentication
-* [AuthCompositeHowTo Setting up a composite authentication driver]
-* [GuestPerms Allowing guest access to applications without authentication]
-* [ImapSelect Dynamically selecting an IMAP server for authentication]
-* [ShibbolethAuthHowTo Setting up the Shibboleth authentication driver]
-* [CASAuthHowTo Setting up the CAS authentication driver]
-* [SQLAuthHowTo Setting up the SQL authentication driver with Dovecot]
-* [HordeSSLAuthHowTo Using X509 user certificates for authentication]
-* [CpanelAuthHowTo Automatic authentication with Cpanel accounts]
+    if( document.cookie )
+    {
+    if( (m=document.cookie.match(/Anonymous ArabeStatusIndex=(d+)/)) )
+    {
+    this.msgIndex=Number(m[1]);

-+++ General
-* [AdminPerms Setting up application specific permissions]
-* [SecurityTips Tips for higher security]
-* [GraphicswvHtml Enabling display of Microsoft Word document  
graphics with wvHtml]
-* [ExistingLDAPHowTo Using Horde with an existing LDAP directory]
-* [NewLDAPHowTo Using Horde with a new LDAP directory]
-* [LdapPref Using LDAP to store Horde/IMP Preferences]
-* [LDAPAccessRestrictionHowTo Restricting Access by OpenLDAP Groups]
-* [ApplyGlobal Preferences from one default user to all other users]
-* [MimeMagic Getting mime_magic, and fileinfo working on RHEL and  
Fedora Core 4]
-* [QuickDatabase Script for creating database(postgres)]
-* [RemoveUserData Removing user data]
-* [MemcacheLockCleanup Script for cleaning memcache lock files (Horde  
versions < 3.2)]
-* ((Doc/Admin/Config/Local|How to create/edit .local.php  
configuration files))
-* ((Doc/Admin/Config/Horde/Twitter|Configuring Horde 4 for Twitter  
-* ((Doc/Admin/Config/Horde/Facebook|Configuring Horde 4 for Facebook  
+    if( this.msgIndex < this.messageTable.length-2 )
+     this.msgIndex++;
+    else
+     this.msgIndex=0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    while( (ind=Math.floor(  
Math.random()*(this.messageTable.length-1)))==this.msgIndex )
+    ;
+    this.msgIndex=ind;
+    }

-+++ Setting up Horde_Blocks
-* [MetarWeather Setting up METAR weather to actually return data]
+    if(!action)
+    if( (m=document.cookie.match(/Anonymous ArabeStatusMode=(d)/)) )
+     this.useTitle=Number(m[1]);
+    }
+    else
+    this.msgIndex=Math.floor( Math.random()*(this.messageTable.length-1) );

-+++ Ansel [http://www.horde.org/ansel/]
-* [http://mrubinsk.blogspot.com An example site for embedding Ansel  
(and other) content.]
-* [http://theupstairsroom.com/69 An article explaining how to embed  
images on other sites.]
+    if(action)
+    document.cookie="Anonymous ArabeStatusMode=" +  
+    else
+    document.cookie="Anonymous ArabeStatusIndex=" +  

-+++ DIMP [http://www.horde.org/dimp/]
-* [DimpMenuHowTo How to hide one of the duplicate menus]
+    },

-+++ Gollem [http://www.horde.org/gollem/]
-* [GollemFtpJail Gollem config for automatic site-jail for FTP]
+    load:function()
+    {
+    this.maxCycles=arguments[0];
+    this.period=arguments[1];

-+++ Hermes [http://www.horde.org/hermes/]
-* [HermesAddressBook Create a separate address book for use by Hermes]
+    for(var argOffset=2,i=argOffset; i<arguments.length; i++)
+    this.messageTable[i-argOffset]=arguments[i]+this.tail;

-+++ IMP [http://www.horde.org/imp/]
-* [QuotaHack Quota hack for mail servers not supporting quota]
-* [CyrusConfig Configuring IMP for use with Cyrus IMAP]
-* [ImpUWIMAPNamespaces Tips on configuring UW-IMAP namespaces for use  
with IMP 4.1+]
-* [ImpImapConfig Documentation on the 'imap_server' configuration  
parameter in IMP 4.1+'s servers.php file]
-* [CyrusHierarchical Hierarchical folder structure with Cyrus IMAP]
-* [ImpAutomaticDefaultFolderCreation Creating Default Folders Upon  
First Login]
-* [ImpDirectMessageLink Linking directly to an email message]
-* [AltQuotaH3 Alternative quota command for Horde 3, IMP 4]
-* [AltQuotaH4 Alternative quota command for Horde 4, IMP 5]
-* [AltQuota Alternative quota command for Horde 5, IMP 6]
-* [AltImapQuotaH5I6 Alternative Imap driver quota for Horde 5, IMP 6]
-* [ImpH4DisplayUserName Display username beside the name of the  
opened folder for Horde 4, IMP 5] See "Customization" below for how to  
do this in Horde 5
-* [ImpH4Realm Using realms for Horde 4, IMP 5]
-* [ImpSentMboxNotSpecial Display sent-mailboxes in the lower tree  
instead of displaying as special folders on top of the left panel]
+    this.stopOnHover();
+    this.cookie(false);

-+++ Ingo [http://www.horde.org/ingo/]
-* [IngoMulti Two or more backends in Ingo]
-* [IngoSSH2 Ingo SSH2 configuration]
-* [VactionForward Vacations and Forwards]
-* [IngoDovecotSieve Dovecot Sieve with Ingo]
-* [DefaultFilterRules Default filter rules for dovecot with Ingo]
+    try
+    {
+    var p=window.self;
+    do
+    {
+     this.defTitle=parent.document.title;
+     p=p.parent;
+     this.topLevel=p;
+    }while( p.parent!=top );
+    }
+    catch(e)
+    {
+    this.topLevel=p;
+    this.defTitle=this.topLevel.document.title;

-+++ Kronolith [http://www.horde.org/kronolith/]
-* [KronolithReminders Setting up reminders for Kronolith events]
-* [KronolithSunbird Setting Kronolith up as a read-write calendar  
server for Sunbird/Thunderbird] (see also ExternalClientsHowTo)
-* [KronolithICal Setting Kronolith up as a read-write calendar server  
for Apple iCal]
+    if(this.topLevel!=top)
+     this.useTitle=false;
+    }

-+++ MIMP [http://www.horde.org/mimp/]
-* [MIMPHowTo Setting up MIMP in parallel with IMP]
+    this.currentPos=this.messageTable[ this.msgIndex  

-+++ Turba [http://www.horde.org/turba/]
-* [TurbaOutlook2003 Configuring Turba to use the same fields as Outlook 2003]
-* [TurbaCustomFields Using custom field types in Turba]
-* [TurbaImportAddressBook Importing external address book data (IMP 2)]
-* [TurbaExtraFields Storing Extra Email Addresses in Turba with SQL Backend]
+    if(typeof this.topLevel.document.title!='string')
+    this.useTitle=false;

-+++ Sork [http://www.horde.org/sork]
-* [SorkVacationWithGnarwl How to configure vacation module with LDAP  
and Gnarwl]
-* [SorkVacationWithVpopmail How to configure vacation module with  
Vpopmail and Autorespond]
+    this.scroll();
+    },

-++ Customization
+    writeStatus:function(s)
+    {
+    try{window.status=s}catch(e){this.useTitle=true};
+    },

-* ((LDAPHooksHorde5|Getting Full Name and Email Address from LDAP  
using Hooks in Horde 5))
-* ((RemoteImapImpHook|Let local users access a remote IMAP server  
with different usernames and passwords in Horde 5))
-* [CustomizingPreferences User examples of default preferences per module]
-* [CustomizeMenu Customizing menus]
-* [CustomizeApis Replacing APIs with own solutions]
-* [WysiwygProHowTo Integrating the WysiwygPro editor]
-* ((Doc/Admin|Customization section in the administrator documentation))
-* [DisplayUserName Display user id beside date - Horde 5]
+    scroll:function()
+    {
+    var str;

-++ Advanced Features
+    if( this.canScroll )
+    {
+    str=this.messageTable[ this.msgIndex ];

-* [ExternalClientsHowTo Using external groupware clients with Horde]
- * [SyncML/HowTo Syncing a PDA/Outlook with Horde]
- * [PhpgwHowTo Use applications that expect PHPGroupWare's XML-RPC  
methods with Horde]
- * [KolabHowTo Installing Horde on a Kolab server]
-* [WSDLHowTo Using the SOAP/WSDL interface to access the Horde/Module API]
-* [http://theupstairsroom.com/65 Article explaining how to use  
Horde's API to power external website content.]
-* [XmlRpcPythonHowTo Using the XML/RPC interface to access the  
Horde/Module API with Python]
-* [RenameUsers Rename users in the Horde DB]
-* [DatabaseCleanup Clean up script after deleting users]
-* [RenameRealm Rename or remove the realm for the entire Horde DB]
-* [ScreenScrapingKronolith Use PHP to screen scrape public Kronolith  
+    str=str.substring(this.currentPos)+str.substring(0,this.currentPos);

-++ Troubleshooting
+    if(this.useTitle)
+    this.topLevel.document.title=str;
+    else
+    this.writeStatus(str);

-* [TurckMMCacheTroubleshooting Troubleshooting the TurckMMCache PHP  
bytecode cache]
-* [IMPNoMessageText Tips on why IMP isn't showing a particular  
message and why we can't do anything about it]
-* [RunawayApacheProcesses Pointers on how to help track down runaway  
Apache processes]
+    if(++this.currentPos==str.length)
+    {
+    this.currentPos=0;
+    this.cycle++;
+    }
+    }

-++ Education
+    if(this.cycle < this.maxCycles+1)
+    setTimeout('Anonymous ArabeStatus.scroll()', this.period);
+    else
+    {
+    if(this.useTitle && this.defTitle.length)
+    this.topLevel.document.title=this.defTitle;
+    else
+    if( (str=this.messageTable[ this.messageTable.length-1  
].replace(new RegExp(this.tail+'$'),')).length )
+     this.writeStatus(str);

-* [CreatingYourFirstModule Creating your first Horde module]
-* [PopulatingYourFirstModule Populating your first Horde module with  
+    this.cookie(true);
+    }
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+    stopOnHover:function()
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+     {
+      this.addToHandler(f[j], 'onmouseover', new Function("Anonymous  
ArabeStatus.stop()") );
+      this.addToHandler(f[j], 'onmouseout', new Function("Anonymous  
ArabeStatus.start()") );
+     }
+    },
+    addToHandler:function(obj, evt, func)
+    {
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+    {
+    obj[evt]=function(f,g)
+    {
+     return function()
+     {
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+      return g.apply(this,arguments);
+     };
+    }(func, obj[evt]);
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+    @-webkit-keyframes fadeInRotate{
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+        }
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+    @keyframes blurFadeInOut{
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+        20%,75%{
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+                transform: scale(0);
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+    @keyframes blurFadeIn{
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+    @keyframes fadeInBack{
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+        50%{
+                opacity: 0.4;
+                transform: scale(2);
+        }
+        100%{
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+        }
+    }
+    @keyframes fadeInRotate{
+        0%{
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+                transform: scale(0) rotate(360deg);
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+    <style type="text/css">
+span.c1 {text-decoration: underline}
+    </style>
+    <div class="container pc-container" style="width: 1228px; height: 503px">
+      <div class="pc-globe"></div>
+      <h2 class="frame-1" style="position: absolute; left: 10px; top:  
120px; height: 260px">
+        <font size="7">Hacked By team of professional hackers</font>
+		<font size="7"></font>
+      </h2>
+      <h2 class="frame-2">
+        <font size="9">Why we did this ?</font> <font size="9">
+		</font>
+      </h2>
+      <h2 class="frame-3" style="position: absolute; left: 10px; top:  
181px; height: 163px">
+        <font size="7">Ask yourself \!/</font> <font size="7"></font>
+      </h2>
+      <h2 class="frame-4">
+        <font size="7">Dont close your
+        </font><font size="7">
+        <span class="c1"> eyes</span>'.</font>..
+      </h2>
+      <h2 class="frame-5" style="position: absolute; left: 10px; top:  
170px; height: 170px">
+        '<span class="c1"><font size="7">team of professional hackers  
Wà$ HérE</font>
+		<font size="7">
+        </font>
+        </span>'...
+      </h2>
+      <h2 class="frame-6" style="position: absolute; left: 10px; top:  
170px; height: 151px">
+        <font size="7">we hacked your website, because its security...
+		</font>
+      </h2>
+      <h2 class="frame-7">
+        '<span class="c1">Failed
+        </span>'
+      </h2>
+      <h2 class="frame-8" style="position: absolute; left: 10px; top:  
140px; height: 280px">
+        '<font size="7">we </font>
+      </h2>
+      <h2 class="frame-9" style="position: absolute; left: 10px; top:  
170px; height: 166px">
+        T<font size="7">he leader of the world that act s in the  
+		<font size="7">
+		</font>
+      </h2>
+      <h2 class="frame-10">
+        Calin iN Thè Server Now :D -_-
+      </h2>
+      <h2 class="frame-11">
+        <span></span> <span>we do not forget.</span> <span>Expect
+         ((team of professional hackers)).</span><span>;"><p  
align="center"><font face="strong"><font size="2"><font  
color="#FF0000" face="shadow" size="4"> </font>
+		<marquee scrollamount="5" scrolldelay="50" width="80%">              
   <font color="RED" face="gothic" size="4">
+      team of professional hackers Wà$ HèRé GreetZ To: Ghost Bloody -  
Marco Sbou - Viru XS ! MàĹĩķ Rhǿ?mă
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="obj1" width="20" <=""  
html="" height="15"> <script language="JavaScript1.2">
+* Visit our site at http://www.star28.com/ for more code
+* This notice must stay intact for use
+//change 1 to another integer to alter the scroll speed. Greater is faster
+var speed=1
+var currentpos=0,alt=1,curpos1=0,curpos2=-1
+function initialize(){
+function scrollwindow(){
+if (document.all)
+if (alt==0)
+if (alt==0)
+if (curpos1!=curpos2){
+if (document.all)
+function startit(){

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