[commits] [Wiki] changed: ActiveSync

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Jan 9 23:56:27 UTC 2013

mrubinsk  Wed, 09 Jan 2013 23:56:27 +0000

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/ActiveSync
New Revision:  167
Change log:  Add basic roadmap.

@@ -188,8 +188,18 @@
  * "Enable extra debug logging" - If checked, this turns on basic  
logging (no passwords or other content is logged); most useful for  
debugging crashes.
  * "Enable sensitive information debugging" - If checked, this causes  
POP/IMAP passwords to be logged.  Exchange passwords are NEVER logged.
  * "Enable Exchange parser logging" - If checked, logs a great deal  
of the CONTENT of mail, contacts, and calendar entries (excluding the  
text of emails other than perhaps the first line).   This information  
helpful for debugging things like missing folders, missing calendar  
entries, etc.
  * "Enable Exchange SD card logging" - If checked, puts all of the  
Exchange related logging onto SD card in a file named emaillog.txt.    
This file grows continuously until deleted (or the checkbox is  
unchecked).  This can be helpful in finding issues that are sporadic,  
as the log is essentially unlimited in size.
+++ Roadmap
+Horde 5.1
+|| Feature || Status ||
+|| Support for SOFTDELETE || Planned ||
+|| Improved email identity support.|| Planned ||
+|| EAS 14(.1) support.|| Needs funding ||
+|| CLI admin tool.    || Planned ||
+|| Improved device management. || Planned ||

  ++ Horde_ActiveSync vs. Z-Push

  The protocol handling in Horde_ActiveSync was based on Z-Push. The  
code that handles the protocol level is essentially the same, though  
it has been heavily refactored and cleaned.

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