[commits] [Wiki] changed: HowTo

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Jan 17 10:16:32 UTC 2013

jan  Thu, 17 Jan 2013 11:16:32 +0100

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/HowTo
New Revision:  295
Change log:  Doesn't have anything to do with IMP

@@ -80,10 +80,9 @@
  * [ImpDirectMessageLink Linking directly to an email message]
  * [AltQuota Alternative quota command for Horde 3, IMP 4]
  * [AltH4Quota Alternative quota command for Horde 4, IMP 5]
  * [AltH5Imp6Quota Alternative quota command for Horde 5, IMP 6]
-* [ImpH4DisplayUserName Display username beside the name of the  
opened folder for Horde 4, IMP 5]
-* [H5DisplayUserName Display user id beside date - Horde 5, IMP 6]
+* [ImpH4DisplayUserName Display username beside the name of the  
opened folder for Horde 4, IMP 5] See for how to do this in Horde 5
  * [ImpH4Realm Using realms for Horde 4, IMP 5]

  +++ Ingo [http://www.horde.org/ingo/]
  * [IngoMulti Two or more backends in Ingo]
@@ -116,8 +115,9 @@
  * [CustomizeMenu Customizing menus]
  * [CustomizeApis Replacing APIs with own solutions]
  * [WysiwygProHowTo Integrating the WysiwygPro editor]
  * ((Doc/Admin|Customization section in the administrator documentation))
+* [H5DisplayUserName Display user id beside date - Horde 5]

  ++ Advanced Features

  * [ExternalClientsHowTo Using external groupware clients with Horde]

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