[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_activesync-2.5.4 created. d719360f77646f53aa030045e781307f5e193c7a

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Jul 8 20:00:08 UTC 2013

The annotated tag "horde_activesync-2.5.4" has been created.
        at  d719360f77646f53aa030045e781307f5e193c7a (tag)
   tagging  9258a905cb65be10ccbff8c2ab913a8245a8fec3 (commit)
  replaces  horde_service_twitter-2.1.1
 tagged by  Michael J Rubinsky
        on  Mon Jul 8 15:58:59 2013 -0400

Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.5.4.

Jan Schneider (11):
      Add Postfix example, use recommended queue id.
      Rename variable.
      Fix logic.
      Unnecessary check for PEAR_Error.
      Simplify: use Horde_Cli's fatal handler.
      [jan] Print additional error details in fatal errors if available.
      Provide as many error details as possible while not disclosing more information than necessary.
      Update hu translation.
      Fix parameter name.
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/KarimG94/horde into KarimG94-master
      $_background isn't always set.

Karim Geiger (1):
      Simplify background function.

KarimG94 (3):
      Add background-color patch to Api
      Revoke unnecessary changes
      Remove unused variable declaration

Michael J Rubinsky (29):
      Development mode for Horde_Service_Twitter-2.1.2
      Request: 11712 Populate previously used tags, but only on demand.
      Add missing file.
      Add previously used tags to add page as well.
      Catch exceptions from the http client.
      Fix type hint, and thus crawling for favicons.
      Allow passing in a bookmark creation date when creating a bookmark.
      First stab at importing bookmarks.
      Cleanup/existence checks etc...
      Allow crawling to be disabled when creating a new bookmark.
      Actually echo the output.
      Add link for import page.
      Ignore mozilla's "smart" bookmarks.
      There is no "next" step, name this accordingly.
      This is new functionality, belongs in next point release.
      Removed from wrong application...
      One more file to remove, update package.xml
      Honor the REPLACEMIME flag.
      This is an empty tag, so need to check !== false here.
      Deal with converting replacemime to boolean here.
      As my own phpdoc says, we need flags and structure here.
      Log this
      Always add the linefeeds.
      Bug: 12437  Honor TRUNCATION_8 and TRUNCATION_NONE values.
      Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.5.4

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