[commits] [Wiki] changed: ActiveSync

Wiki Guest wikiguest at horde.org
Tue Jul 9 12:26:55 UTC 2013

guest []  Tue, 09 Jul 2013 12:26:55 +0000

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/ActiveSync
New Revision:  202
Change log:  Cyrus since version 2.4 has MODSEQ by default for all mailboxes

@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@
  ++ Email Support

  Email synchronization has been added in Horde 5. Since in some  
installs this could increase server load or may be otherwise  
undesirable, it is possible to deactivate email support via Horde's  
configuration, on the !ActiveSync tab.

-!ActiveSync email support requires an IMAP server. POP3 is not  
supported. When used in the Horde groupware stack, it will use the  
same server that IMP is configured to connect to. It is recommended  
that this server support the QRESYNC server extension for performance  
reasons, though it will work without this. It can also help  
performance if an IMAP proxy is used. Some IMAP servers like e.g.,  
Cyrus support QRESYNC but do not enable per mailbox MODSEQ by default.  
Enabling this on these servers will greatly improve performance.
+!ActiveSync email support requires an IMAP server. POP3 is not  
supported. When used in the Horde groupware stack, it will use the  
same server that IMP is configured to connect to. It is recommended  
that this server support the QRESYNC server extension for performance  
reasons, though it will work without this. It can also help  
performance if an IMAP proxy is used. Some IMAP servers like older  
Cyrus versions (< 2.4) might support QRESYNC but do not enable per  
mailbox MODSEQ by default. Enabling this on these servers will greatly  
improve performance.

  The only flags supported by !ActiveSync are the //seen// and  
//flagged for follow up// flags. Flag changes will be synchronized,  
but flag changes alone will only trigger a SYNC if per mailbox MODSEQ  
is supported on the server. Otherwise, the only thing that will  
trigger a SYNC is the arrival of a new message (technically, an  
increase in the NEXTUID value). Once this SYNC is triggered though,  
all message changes are taken into account - including any flag changes.

  Since !ActiveSync does not support the //deleted// flag, messages in  
a mailbox with this flag are ignored when syncing. Deleting a message  
will produce the following actions:

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