[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_mime-2.2.1 created. a7a14ff0f7dd9ab72e94b307a018b7142f90ed8e

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Jun 5 07:53:36 UTC 2013

The annotated tag "horde_mime-2.2.1" has been created.
        at  a7a14ff0f7dd9ab72e94b307a018b7142f90ed8e (tag)
   tagging  44db619880de73ed3a71cc5f6eed21e936191f1e (commit)
  replaces  webmail-5.1.0
 tagged by  Michael M Slusarz
        on  Wed Jun 5 01:51:33 2013 -0600

Released Horde_Mime-2.2.1.

Jan Schneider (2):
      Development mode for webmail-5.1.1
      Keep default notification style.

Michael M Slusarz (12):
      Don't keep this potentially large data in memory after we are done with it
      [mms] Catch and ignore errors from contacts backend when determining whether to show images in a message (Bug #12294).
      When checking contacts for e-mails for determining whether images are shown, use a strict search
      [mms] Don't log authentication exception messages from the IMAP library; authentication failures are already logged by the authentication code.
      Only show success notification if the user can actually add addresses to the safe list
      [mms] Don't show option to add senders to safe images list if the current address cannot be added to the safe list.
      [mms] Fix regression in throwing exceptions when parsing POP3 server responses.
      [mms] Fix Horde_Mime_Part::getRawPartText() when obtaining the first body part of a single part message.
      Released Horde_Mime-2.2.1

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