[commits] [Wiki] changed: DatabaseCleanup

Wiki Guest wikiguest at horde.org
Wed May 15 13:58:21 UTC 2013

guest []  Wed, 15 May 2013 13:58:21 +0000

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/DatabaseCleanup
New Revision:  9
Change log:  manuel at mausz.at

@@ -1,4 +1,325 @@
+Syntax: horde_cleanup.php [-vf] <user>
+<user> can be regex
+#!/usr/bin/env php
+function verbose($msg, $type = 'cli.message')
+  if (!$GLOBALS['verbose'])
+    return false;
+  $prefix = (!empty($GLOBALS['vprefix'])) ? $GLOBALS['vprefix'] . ' ' : '';
+  return $GLOBALS['cli']->message($prefix . $msg, $type);
+# initialize horde
+require_once 'PEAR/Config.php';
+$baseDir = PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('horde_dir', null,  
+# initialize kronolith instead of horde as we need the tagger instance
+require_once $baseDir . '/kronolith/lib/Application.php';
+Horde_Registry::appInit('kronolith', array(
+  'cli' => true,
+  'authentication' => 'none',
+  'user_admin' => true
+require_once $baseDir . '/content/lib/Application.php';
+Horde_Registry::appInit('content', array(
+  'cli' => true,
+  'user_admin' => true
+require CONTENT_BASE . '/lib/Tags/Tag.php';
+require CONTENT_BASE . '/lib/Tags/TagMapper.php';
+require CONTENT_BASE . '/lib/Objects/ObjectMapper.php';
+# parse commandline options
+$c = new Console_Getopt();
+$argv = $c->readPHPArgv();
+if (empty($argv) || empty($argv[0]))
+  $cli->writeln(
+    $cli->bold('Syntax: ') .
+    $cli->blue($_SERVER['argv'][0]) .
+    $cli->green(' [-vf]') .
+    $cli->red(' <user>')
+  );
+  exit(1);
+$options = $c->getopt2($argv, 'fv');
+if (PEAR::isError($options))
+  $cli->fatal($options->getMessage());
+$user      = $options[1][0];
+$regexp    = '^'.$user.'$';
+$doremove  = false;
+$GLOBALS['verbose'] = false;
+foreach ($options[0] as $val)
+  switch($val[0])
+  {
+    case 'f':
+      $doremove = true;
+      break;
+    case 'v':
+      $GLOBALS['verbose'] = true;
+      break;
+  }
+if (!$doremove)
+  $cli->message('DO_NOT_REMOVE-flag is set!', 'cli.warning');
+  if (!$GLOBALS['verbose'])
+  {
+    $cli->message('Enabling verbose mode...');
+    $GLOBALS['verbose'] = true;
+  }
+# connect to database
+  $db =  
+catch(Horde_Db_Exception $e)
+  $cli->fatal('Unable to connect to the database: ' . $e);
+# fetch users from horde_prefs
+  $result = $db->selectValues(
+    'SELECT ' . $db->distinct('pref_uid') . ' ' .
+    'FROM horde_prefs');
+  $users = array();
+  foreach($result as $u)
+  {
+    if (preg_match('/'.$regexp.'/', $u))
+      $users[] = $u;
+  }
+catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e)
+  $cli->fatal('Unable to select from table \'horde_prefs\': ' . $e);
+if (empty($users))
+  verbose('No users with syntax "' . $regexp . '" found (no prefs  
exist)', 'cli.error');
+  exit(0);
+# fetch and check active sessions
+  $sessionHandler =  
+  $sessions = $sessionHandler->getSessionsInfo();
+  $loggedin = array();
+  foreach ($sessions as $sid => $data)
+  {
+    if (preg_match('/'.$regexp.'/', $data['userid']))
+    {
+      # we're unable to delete sessions from phps builtin sessionhandler
+      #$session->sessionHandler->destroy($sid);
+      $loggedin[$data['userid']] = true;
+    }
+  }
+catch(Horde_SessionHandler_Exception $e)
+  $cli->fatal('Session counting is not supported with the current  
session handler.');
+if (!empty($loggedin))
+  $cli->fatal('The following users cannot be removed as they are  
currently logged in: ' . join(' ', array_keys($loggedin)));
+# list users which will be removed
+verbose('I\'ll delete the following users:');
+foreach($users as $u)
+  verbose('  ' . $u);
+# get tagger
+$tagger = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Content_Tagger');
+# finally remove the data
+# NOTE: we're unable to remove every object references especially in rampage
+# thus we take care of that in a separate cron: cleanup_rampage.php
+if ($doremove)
+  foreach($users as $user)
+  {
+    $cli->message(str_repeat('-', 30), 'cli.success');
+    $cli->message('Processing ' . $user . '...', 'cli.success');
+    # remove tags
+    try
+    {
+      $GLOBALS['vprefix'] = $cli->yellow('[ Content ]');
+      $tUserId =  
+      $tTags = $tagger->getTags(array('userId' => $tUserId));
+      foreach($tTags as $tTagId => $tTag)
+      {
+        $tObjects = $tagger->getObjects(array('tagId' => $tTagId,  
'userId' => $tUserId));
+        foreach($tObjects as $tObjectId => $tObject)
+        {
+          verbose(sprintf('Removing tag "%s/%d" from object  
"%s/#%d"...', $tTag, $tTagId, $tObject, $tObjectId), 'cli.none');
+          $tagger->untag($tUserId, $tObjectId, $tTagId);
+          # housekeeping: check if objects are used anymore
+          verbose(sprintf('Removing object "%s/#%d"...', $tObject,  
$tObjectId), 'cli.none');
+          $mapper = new  
+          $mapper->delete($tObjectId);
+        }
+        # housekeeping: check if tags are used anymore
+        $tObjects = $tagger->getObjects(array('tagId' => $tTagId));
+        if (empty($tObjects))
+        {
+          verbose(sprintf('Removing tag "%s/#%d" as it isn\'t used  
any more...', $tTag, $tTagId), 'cli.none');
+          $mapper = new  
+          $mapper->delete($tTagId);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    catch(Horde_Db_Exception $e)
+    {
+      # fatal/exit is safe here as we don't care much
+      # about a consistent content database
+      $cli->fatal('Error while removing tags: ' . $e);
+    }
+    # remove SyncML anchors and maps
+    try
+    {
+      $GLOBALS['vprefix'] = $cli->yellow('[ SyncML  ]');
+      $syncml = Horde_SyncMl_Backend::factory('Horde');
+      $devices = $syncml->getUserAnchors($user);
+      if (!empty($devices))
+      {
+        verbose('Removing session...', 'cli.none');
+        $syncml->removeAnchor($user);
+        $syncml->removeMaps($user);
+      }
+    }
+    catch(Horde_Exception $e)
+    {
+      # fatal/exit is safe here as we don't care much
+      # about a consistent syncml database
+      $cli->fatal('Error while removing SyncML session: ' . $e);
+    }
+    # remove ActiveSync devices
+    try
+    {
+      $GLOBALS['vprefix'] = $cli->yellow('[ ActSync ]');
+      $activesync =  
+      $devices = $activesync->listDevices($user);
+      if (!empty($devices))
+        verbose('Removing devices...', 'cli.none');
+      foreach ($devices as $device)
+        $activesync->removeState(null, $device['device_id'], $user);
+    }
+    catch(Horde_ActiveSync_Exception $e)
+    {
+      # fatal/exit is safe here as we don't care much
+      # about a consistent activesync database
+      $cli->fatal('Error while removing ActiveSync devices: ' . $e);
+    }
+    # remove history
+    try
+    {
+      $GLOBALS['vprefix'] = $cli->yellow('[ History ]');
+      verbose('Removing data...', 'cli.none');
+      $db->delete('DELETE FROM horde_histories WHERE history_who =  
?', array($user));
+    }
+    catch(Horde_Db_Exception $e)
+    {
+      # fatal/exit is safe here as we don't care much
+      # about a consistent history database
+      $cli->fatal('Error while removing history: ' . $e);
+    }
+    # remove user data
+    # NOTE: this will leave/add an delete-entry in horde_histories
+    # belonging to/referencing the admin user
+    try
+    {
+      $GLOBALS['vprefix'] = $cli->yellow('[ Data ]');
+      verbose('Removing user data...', 'cli.none');
+      $GLOBALS['registry']->removeUserData($user);
+    }
+    catch(Horde_Exception $e)
+    {
+      $cli->message('  Error while removing ' . $user . ': ' . $e,  
+      continue;
+    }
+    # remove history
+    try
+    {
+      $GLOBALS['vprefix'] = $cli->yellow('[ History ]');
+      verbose('Removing data...', 'cli.none');
+      $db->delete('DELETE FROM horde_histories WHERE history_who =  
?', array($user));
+    }
+    catch(Horde_Db_Exception $e)
+    {
+      # fatal/exit is safe here as we don't care much
+      # about a consistent history database
+      $cli->fatal('Error while removing history: ' . $e);
+    }
+    # clear horde prefs cache
+    # otherwise the shutdown function will store the default value of  
all dirty
+    # cache entries (= everything removed during removeUserData($user)) again
+    try
+    {
+      $GLOBALS['vprefix'] = $cli->yellow('[ Prefs ]');
+      verbose('Clear prefs cache...', 'cli.none');
+      $prefs_ob = $GLOBALS['injector']
+        ->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Prefs')
+        ->create('horde', array(
+          'user' => $user
+        ));
+    }
+    catch(Horde_Exception $e)
+    {
+      $cli->message('  Error while clearing prefs cache: ' . $e,  
+      continue;
+    }
+    # finally remove the user from rampage
+    try
+    {
+      # this should be the last as we might recreate the user during deletion
+      $GLOBALS['vprefix'] = $cli->yellow('[ Content ]');
+      verbose(sprintf('Removing user "%s/#%d"...', $user, $tUserId),  
+      $usermanager =  
+      $meth = new ReflectionMethod(get_class($usermanager), '_t');
+      $meth->setAccessible(true);
+      $db->delete('DELETE FROM ' . $meth->invoke($usermanager,  
'users') . ' WHERE user_id = ?', array($tUserId));
+    }
+    catch(Horde_Db_Exception $e)
+    {
+      $cli->message('Error while removing user: ' . $e, 'cli.error');
+      continue;
+    }
+    $cli->message('  ' . $user . ' removed', 'cli.success');
+  }
  January 12th 2009
  Another script in PHP using API removeUserData from dom.lalot à gmail.com
  Sorry for my poor coding, I'm a Perl programmer not a PHP one. The  
purpose of this script is to remove data from non existent users. Your  
auth driver should be able to listusers. The prefs are analyzed to get  
all current entries by checking uid. Then we compare to the list of  
all current users.
  You have to change the script to get it working. There an exit  
before doing the bad job.
@@ -85,8 +406,11 @@
  I changed it a little.
  It really should be PHP-ized and get the database information from  
the configs
  I think it needs the history database in it - for horde 3.1 and later

  --------- hordedel
@@ -173,8 +497,9 @@

  exit 0


  ---- modified hordel


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