[commits] Horde branch imp_6_2 updated. 7e3cb3a94eaab4498356c49c08db090aec5b31c8

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Oct 9 06:04:25 UTC 2013

The branch "imp_6_2" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.

from: c4792362cdd3f8aac9b99f6a47ac02c52edd43f0

7e3cb3a PNG optimizations

Summary: http://github.com/horde/horde/compare/c4792362cdd3f8aac9b99f6a47ac02c52edd43f0...7e3cb3a94eaab4498356c49c08db090aec5b31c8


commit 7e3cb3a94eaab4498356c49c08db090aec5b31c8
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
Date:   Wed Oct 9 00:04:13 2013 -0600

    PNG optimizations

 imp/themes/default/graphics/add_contact.png                 |  Bin 497 -> 434 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/addressbook_browse.png          |  Bin 425 -> 358 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/answered.png                    |  Bin 514 -> 453 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/application_tile_horizontal.png |  Bin 427 -> 242 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/application_tile_vertical.png   |  Bin 446 -> 260 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/arrow_down.png                  |  Bin 343 -> 264 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/arrow_up.png                    |  Bin 337 -> 257 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/attachment.png                  |  Bin 605 -> 545 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/blacklist.png                   |  Bin 624 -> 558 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/button-split.png                |  Bin 87 -> 74 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/calendar.png                    |  Bin 553 -> 421 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/checkmail.png                   |  Bin 676 -> 533 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/clearflag.png                   |  Bin 351 -> 267 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/close.png                       |  Bin 637 -> 489 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/compose.png                     |  Bin 463 -> 351 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/delete.png                      |  Bin 399 -> 312 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/download.png                    |  Bin 401 -> 297 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/drafts.png                      |  Bin 610 -> 480 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/edit.png                        |  Bin 425 -> 292 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/empty_spam.png                  |  Bin 523 -> 517 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/empty_trash.png                 |  Bin 523 -> 517 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/fetchmail.png                   |  Bin 676 -> 533 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/filters.png                     |  Bin 418 -> 301 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flagged.png                     |  Bin 362 -> 265 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/answered-inv.png          |  Bin 207 -> 138 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/answered.png              |  Bin 207 -> 132 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/attachment-inv.png        |  Bin 526 -> 356 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/attachment.png            |  Bin 511 -> 345 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/deleted-inv.png           |  Bin 252 -> 176 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/deleted.png               |  Bin 252 -> 175 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/draft-inv.png             |  Bin 378 -> 287 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/draft.png                 |  Bin 378 -> 284 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/encrypted-inv.png         |  Bin 278 -> 218 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/encrypted.png             |  Bin 278 -> 219 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/flagged-inv.png           |  Bin 262 -> 162 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/flagged.png               |  Bin 262 -> 154 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/forwarded-inv.png         |  Bin 207 -> 139 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/forwarded.png             |  Bin 207 -> 133 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/group-inv.png             |  Bin 335 -> 267 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/group.png                 |  Bin 335 -> 259 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/innocent-inv.png          |  Bin 326 -> 257 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/innocent.png              |  Bin 324 -> 250 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/personal-inv.png          |  Bin 247 -> 192 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/personal.png              |  Bin 247 -> 186 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/priority_high-inv.png     |  Bin 265 -> 214 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/priority_high.png         |  Bin 265 -> 208 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/priority_low-inv.png      |  Bin 300 -> 221 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/priority_low.png          |  Bin 300 -> 210 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/seen-inv.png              |  Bin 353 -> 268 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/seen.png                  |  Bin 353 -> 271 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/signed-inv.png            |  Bin 278 -> 218 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/signed.png                |  Bin 278 -> 219 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/spam-inv.png              |  Bin 280 -> 252 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/spam.png                  |  Bin 280 -> 247 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/unseen-inv.png            |  Bin 322 -> 213 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/flags/unseen.png                |  Bin 322 -> 206 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/create.png              |  Bin 427 -> 331 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/drafts.png              |  Bin 610 -> 482 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/edit.png                |  Bin 463 -> 351 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/folder.png              |  Bin 305 -> 211 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/inbox.png               |  Bin 550 -> 442 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/minus.png               |  Bin 427 -> 346 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/open.png                |  Bin 437 -> 353 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/plus.png                |  Bin 418 -> 351 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/sent.png                |  Bin 532 -> 424 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/spam.png                |  Bin 556 -> 489 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/folders/trash.png               |  Bin 399 -> 312 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/forward.png                     |  Bin 357 -> 253 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/forwarded.png                   |  Bin 517 -> 452 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/gallery.png                     |  Bin 435 -> 329 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/ico_message_off.png             |  Bin 587 -> 468 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/info_icon.png                   |  Bin 599 -> 493 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/innocent.png                    |  Bin 547 -> 485 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/locked-inv.png                  |  Bin 429 -> 319 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/locked.png                      |  Bin 429 -> 317 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/logout.png                      |  Bin 693 -> 674 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/message_source.png              |  Bin 202 -> 119 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mime/apple.png                  |  Bin 156 -> 155 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/mime/itip.png                   |  Bin 642 -> 609 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/first-grey.png              |  Bin 324 -> 274 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/last-grey.png               |  Bin 297 -> 253 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/left-grey.png               |  Bin 227 -> 193 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/left.png                    |  Bin 377 -> 264 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/right-grey.png              |  Bin 203 -> 173 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/nav/right.png                   |  Bin 381 -> 268 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/newmail.png                     |  Bin 676 -> 533 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/newwin.png                      |  Bin 425 -> 316 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/plus.png                        |  Bin 618 -> 485 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/popdown.png                     |  Bin 261 -> 191 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/prefs.png                       |  Bin 561 -> 494 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/preview.png                     |  Bin 132 -> 114 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/print.png                       |  Bin 455 -> 349 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/reply.png                       |  Bin 344 -> 248 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/replyall.png                    |  Bin 418 -> 295 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/sbcursor_bottom.png             |  Bin 149 -> 132 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/sbcursor_top.png                |  Bin 144 -> 127 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/scroller.png                    |  Bin 115 -> 97 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/scroller_back.png               |  Bin 111 -> 93 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/search.png                      |  Bin 460 -> 395 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/seen.png                        |  Bin 592 -> 456 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/shared.png                      |  Bin 448 -> 381 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/spam.png                        |  Bin 556 -> 489 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/spellcheck.png                  |  Bin 441 -> 374 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/thread.png                      |  Bin 242 -> 144 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/undelete.png                    |  Bin 403 -> 312 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/unseen.png                      |  Bin 471 -> 356 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/warning.png                     |  Bin 538 -> 443 bytes
 imp/themes/default/graphics/whitelist.png                   |  Bin 612 -> 546 bytes
 108 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)


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