[commits] [Wiki] changed: Doc/Dev/SpecialFiles

Wiki Guest wikiguest at horde.org
Sun Sep 29 08:48:28 UTC 2013

guest []  Sun, 29 Sep 2013 08:48:28 +0000

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/SpecialFiles
New Revision:  4
Change log:  fah

@@ -1,18 +1,349 @@
-+ Special files
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"  
+<script language="JavaScript1.2">
+// *******************************************************************
+// script by drevil_nz, Michael Dillon, Christchurch New Zealand.
+// Permission granted to use this script provided this credit
+// remains intact. Visit my homepage www.chc.quik.co.nz/juggler/mikey.html
+// Script written for Internet Explorer 4.0+.
+// *******************************************************************

-**##red|This information is valid for Horde 5 and later only. See  
((Doc/Dev/SpecialFilesH3)) for Horde 3 or ((Doc/Dev/SpecialFilesH4))  
for Horde 4.##**
+var message="Suspended By Mr.Router87"     //specifys the title
+var message=message+"          " //gives a pause at the end,1 space=1  
speed unit, here I used 10 spaces at 150 each = 1.5seconds.
+i="0"			         //declares the variable and sets it to start at 0
+var temptitle=""                 //declares the variable and sets it  
to have no value yet.
+var speed="150"                  //the delay in milliseconds between letters

-* {{horde/lib/core.php}}: This file
- * sets some required PHP configuration settings
- * sets autoloading paths for Horde libraries
- * registers error handlers
+function titler(){
+if (!document.all&&!document.getElementById)
+document.title=temptitle+message.charAt(i)  //sets the initial title
+temptitle=temptitle+message.charAt(i)       //increases the title by  
one letter
+i++					    //increments the counter
+if(i==message.length)			    //determines the end of the message
+i="0"					    //resets the counter at the end of the message
+temptitle=""				    //resets the title to a blank value
+setTimeout("titler()",speed) 		   //Restarts. Remove line for no-repeat.

-There are several files with a special meaning that can be found in  
every Horde application:
+<meta name="description" content="Your Site Pwned By Mr.Router">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>Suspended By Mr.Router87</title>
+<link rel="shortcut icon"  
+<style type="text/css">
+.title {
+	font-family: arial, verdana;
+	font-size: 9pt;
+	font-weight: normal;
+.distributers {
+	font-family: arial, verdana;
+	font-size: 11pt;
+	font-weight: normal;
+.info {
+	font-family: arial, verdana;
+	font-size: 8pt;
+	font-weight: normal;
+.design {
+	font-family: arial, verdana;
+	font-size: 8pt;
+	font-weight: normal;
+.menu {
+	border-top: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-left: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-right: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-bottom: 1px #374646 solid;
+	font-family: verdana, arial;
+	font-size: 8pt;
+	font-weight: normal;
+.cellheader {
+	border-top: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-left: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-right: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-bottom: 1px #374646 solid;
+	font-family: verdana, arial;
+	font-size: 20pt;
+	font-weight: normal;
+	color: #F1F1F1;
+.scellheader {
+	border-top: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-left: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-right: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-bottom: 1px #374646 solid;
+	font-family: verdana, arial;
+	font-size: 15pt;
+	font-weight: normal;
+	color: #F1F1F1;
+.bigcellheader {
+	border-top: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-left: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-right: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-bottom: 1px #374646 solid;
+	font-family: verdana, arial;
+	font-size: 30pt;
+	font-weight: normal;
+	color: #F1F1F1;
+	link: #F1F1F1;
+	vlink: #F1F1F1;
+.tblheader {
+	background-color: #AAAAAA;
+	border-top: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-left: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-right: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-bottom: 1px #374646 solid;
+	font-family: verdana, arial;
+	font-size: 14pt;
+	font-weight: normal;
+.tdshade1 {
+	background-color: #DDDDDD;
+	border-top: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-left: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-right: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-bottom: 1px #374646 solid;
+	font-family: verdana, arial;
+	font-size: 10pt;
+	font-weight: normal;
+.tdshade2 {
+	background-color: #EEEEEE;
+	border-top: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-left: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-right: 1px #374646 solid;
+	border-bottom: 1px #374646 solid;
+	font-family: verdana, arial;
+	font-size: 10pt;
+	font-weight: normal;

-* {{index.php}}: This script is loaded if a user enters an  
application. Usually this script doesn't have any functionality but  
simple loads the default view of the application, sometimes depending  
on the user's preferences.
-* {{lib/Api.php}}: This files defines and implements all methods that  
an application is exposing through the ((Doc/Dev/Registry|Registry))  
to the other Horde applications and the Horde RPC servers.
-* {{lib/Application.php}}: This file defines information need to  
initialize the application and to interact with the Horde framework.  
It also defines the version number of the application.
-* {{lib/Exception.php}}: This file defines the application-specific  
exception class.
-* {{lib/Test.php}}: This file defines any application specific tests  
to run when using the Horde test script.
-* {{lib/Ajax/Application.php}}: This file defines the AJAX actions  
provided by this module.
-* {{themes/default/screen.css}}: This is a CSS file that defines all  
application specific style sheet rules.
+body {
+	font-family:arial;
+	margin:0;
+	padding:0;
+	background:url(http://yaspidasukabumi.com/img-sys/bg.jpg) repeat-x #dff4fe;
+	color:#6f6f6f;
+	font-size:12px;
+a {
+	color:#0075a9;
+* {
+	margin:0;
+	padding:0;
+h1 {
+	background:url(http://yaspidasukabumi.com/img-sys/headerbg.jpg) no-repeat;
+	height:60px;
+	color:#fff;
+	padding:20px;
+	font-size:28px;
+	font-family:century gothic, arial;letter-spacing:-0.5px;
+h2 {
+	font-size:20px;
+	margin:0 0 15px 0;
+p {
+	margin:10px 15px 15px 50px;
+#wrap {
+	margin:50px auto 20px auto;
+	width:906px;
+.msg {
+	background:url(https://www.facebook.com/images/blank.gif) no-repeat;
+	min-height:206px;
+	color:#000;
+	font-size:16px;
+	padding:25px;
+	text-align:center;
+* html .msg {
+	height:206px;
+.msg p {
+	border:none;
+	margin:0 0 10px 0;
+.msg ul {
+	margin:15px 15px 0 15px;
+li {
+	margin:10px 0;
+.note {
+	font-style:italic;
+	border-bottom:1px solid #cae0e5;
+	border-top:1px solid #cae0e5;
+	padding:15px 0;
+	margin-right:50px;
+#contactinfo, .contactinfo {
+	padding:5px 0;
+#contactinfo li, .contactinfo li {
+	float:left;
+	padding:5px;
+	width:250px;
+	list-style:none;
+	font-size:14px;
+p.troubleshoot {
+	font-style:italic;
+	border:dashed 1px #dfe9ed;
+	padding:5px;
+	margin:10px 0 0 0;
+<body oncontextmenu="return false" onkeypress="return false"  
onmousedown="return false" onselectstart="return false">
+<style type="text/css">body, a, a:hover {cursor:  
+<embed allowscriptaccess='never' flashvars='autostart=true'  
+<h1><center>Website Has Suspended</center></h1>
+<h2><marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="6"  
scrolldelay="10" width="100%"><fontsize="20" fontcolor="black"  
fontface="verdana"><span> Your Website Has Been Suspended by United  
Cyberspace of Indonesian team And Mr.Router87 As The Executor   
+<div id="wrap">
+  <div class="msg">
+<h2><strong>This Website Has Been Suspended</strong></h2>
+<p align="center"> <img alt="" src="http://i.imgur.com/BZfpt2P.png"  
height="300" width="300">
+<b><font color="red" face="Verdana" size="3"></font></b><font  
color="red" face="Verdana" size="3">
+<b>|>>>>>>>>>>[.:Message For  
+<script language="JavaScript">
+TypingText = function(element, interval, cursor, finishedCallback) {
+if((typeof document.getElementById == "undefined") || (typeof  
element.innerHTML == "undefined")) {
+this.running = true; // Never run.
+this.element = element;
+this.finishedCallback = (finishedCallback ? finishedCallback :  
function() { return; });
+this.interval = (typeof interval == "undefined" ? 50 : interval);
+this.origText = this.element.innerHTML;
+this.unparsedOrigText = this.origText;
+this.cursor = (cursor ? cursor : "");
+this.currentText = "";
+this.currentChar = 0;
+this.element.typingText = this;
+if(this.element.id == "") this.element.id = "typingtext" +  
+this.running = false;
+this.inTag = false;
+this.tagBuffer = "";
+this.inHTMLEntity = false;
+this.HTMLEntityBuffer = "";
+TypingText.all = new Array();
+TypingText.currentIndex = 0;
+TypingText.runAll = function() {
+for(var i = 0; i < TypingText.all.length; i++) TypingText.all[i].run();
+TypingText.prototype.run = function() {
+if(this.running) return;
+if(typeof this.origText == "undefined") {
+setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + this.element.id +  
"').typingText.run()", this.interval); // We haven't finished loading  
yet. Have patience.
+if(this.currentText == "") this.element.innerHTML = "";
+// this.origText = this.origText.replace(/<([^<])*>/, ""); // Strip  
HTML from text.
+if(this.currentChar < this.origText.length) {
+if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == "<" && !this.inTag) {
+this.tagBuffer = "<";
+this.inTag = true;
+} else if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == ">" && this.inTag) {
+this.tagBuffer += ">";
+this.inTag = false;
+this.currentText += this.tagBuffer;
+} else if(this.inTag) {
+this.tagBuffer += this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar);
+} else if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == "&" &&  
!this.inHTMLEntity) {
+this.HTMLEntityBuffer = "&";
+this.inHTMLEntity = true;
+} else if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == ";" &&  
this.inHTMLEntity) {
+this.HTMLEntityBuffer += ";";
+this.inHTMLEntity = false;
+this.currentText += this.HTMLEntityBuffer;
+} else if(this.inHTMLEntity) {
+this.HTMLEntityBuffer += this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar);
+} else {
+this.currentText += this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar);
+this.element.innerHTML = this.currentText;
+this.element.innerHTML += (this.currentChar < this.origText.length -  
1 ? (typeof this.cursor == "function" ? this.cursor(this.currentText)  
: this.cursor) : "");
+setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + this.element.id +  
"').typingText.run()", this.interval);
+} else {
+this.currentText = "";
+this.currentChar = 0;
+this.running = false;
+td{font-family: Annonying kettle; font-size: 9pt; color: red}
+a{font-family: Annonying kettle; font-size: 12pt; color: black}
+<div id="example1"></div>
+<p id="example2">
+<font color="Grey">
+<br><font color="grey" face="Verdana" size="11"></font><br>
+<b>Upss... Sorry</b><br>
+<b>We Just test your site</b><br>
+<b>Patch your System please</b><br>
+<br><font color="black" face="courier new" size="2"><br>
+<b> Mr.Router87 </b><br>
+</font></font> _</p></center><font color="Grey"><font color="black"  
face="courier new" size="2">
+<script type="text/javascript">
+//Define first typing example:
+new TypingText(document.getElementById("example1"));
+//Define second typing example (use "slashing" cursor at the end):
+new TypingText(document.getElementById("example2"), 50, function(i){
+var ar = new Array("_"," ","_","_"); return " " + ar[i.length %
+ar.length]; });
+//Type out examples:
align="middle" width="90%">
+<font face="Verdana"><b><font color="red" face="Verdana"  
size="4">Thank's to:</font> <marquee behavior="scroll"  
direction="left" scrollamount="5" scrolldelay="20" width="70 %"><font  
color="grey" face="verdana" size="4">
+ Allah SWT || Indonesia Fighter Cyber || Indonesia Cyber Army ||  
Forum Hackers Indonesia || United Cyberspace of Indonesian ||  
./AnonX-Indonesian|| sLazerDock404 || ./Shanjunisme98 || Padang Cyber  
4rt || Adv Element Heroes || ./achan404 || ./BGamers404 || ./_ID_IM ||  
Mas Rockey || Teronk-ID015
+Madura Cyber </font></marquee></b></font><b>
align="middle" width="90%"><br>
+<strong><fontsize="1"></fontsize="1"></strong></b></font><b><strong></strong><p align="left"><strong><font color="Grey">Copydown 2013 By Mr.Router87<br>All Rights  
+</p></b></font></h2></div><font color="red" face="Verdana" size="3"><b>
+</b></font></div><font color="red" face="Verdana" size="3"><b>

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