[commits] Horde branch master updated. 49bdbc04d625037b4bc9fe0a6a85cd8a846a6404

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Tue Apr 8 21:04:44 UTC 2014

The branch "master" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.

from: 08061068332792bfd46ddc9492e52d047bc33af1

d767c31 Revert "Always use in-memory cache on top of permanent cache storage system"
49bdbc0 Use new Horde_Cache syntax

Summary: http://github.com/horde/horde/compare/08061068332792bfd46ddc9492e52d047bc33af1...49bdbc04d625037b4bc9fe0a6a85cd8a846a6404


commit d767c313da594bab0ac1345214d0466bd2ae6fea
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
Date:   Tue Apr 8 14:19:23 2014 -0600

    Revert "Always use in-memory cache on top of permanent cache storage system"
    This reverts commit aa643527d85dbe874c51e21185df3c2c28bc5a42.
    Sleeping on this ... don't think there is anything wrong with the
    concept, but be ultra-conservative considering this is a point release
    Most backends shouldn't have an issue with multiple requests, if written
    well.  Perms does (as of now) so keep this for that code.

 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/Cache.php |   10 +---------
 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/Perms.php |    6 +++++-
 framework/Core/package.xml                      |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)



commit 49bdbc04d625037b4bc9fe0a6a85cd8a846a6404
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
Date:   Tue Apr 8 14:30:46 2014 -0600

    Use new Horde_Cache syntax

 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/Perms.php |    7 +++++--
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


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