[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_image-2.0.7 created. 5bd3a45947f6e6b863bae315cade6fd64a9cdda9

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Apr 9 09:58:01 UTC 2014

The annotated tag "horde_image-2.0.7" has been created.
        at  5bd3a45947f6e6b863bae315cade6fd64a9cdda9 (tag)
   tagging  94f66abcfea2d4b6065ab7694f0b075864d59738 (commit)
  replaces  horde_activesync-2.13.4
 tagged by  Jan Schneider
        on  Wed Apr 9 11:53:21 2014 +0200

Released Horde_Image-2.0.7.

Jan Schneider (15):
      Exclude BC breaking PHP versions.
      Merge branch 'pecl_http_fix' of git://github.com/BigMichi1/horde into BigMichi1-pecl_http_fix
      [jan] Always cast reponse body to string with pecl_http 2.0 (Michael Cramer <michael at bigmichi1.de>).
      Fix order.
      Translate some exceptions (Hiromi Kimura <hiromi at tac.tsukuba.ac.jp>).
      Use SPL or special-purpose exceptions.
      Exception tweaks.
      Not only display.
      This has been backported.
      Tagging has only been added in this version, not need for further changelogs.
      Horde_Core will go through the release cycle too.
      Add instructions for upgrading binaries and pre-releases.
      Recursively change permissions.
      Prepare alpha releases.
      Released Horde_Image-2.0.7

João Machado (1):
      Fix HTML messages text copy using keyboard

Michael Cramer (1):
      need to call toString(), implicit call to __toString doesn't work in all cases (weather service is one of that)

Michael J Rubinsky (8):
      Development mode for Horde_ActiveSync-2.13.5
      Update package.xml.
      Fix some phpdoc.
      [mjr] Update maximum allowed version for the PECL Imagick extension.
      Bug: 13002 Honor $conf['share']['no_sharing'] in dynamic view.
      Need to check tasklists too.
      Parse x-pkcs7-mime as well.
      One more place to accept the deprecated x-pkcs7-* subtypes.

Michael M Slusarz (37):
      Better positioning of sortup/sortdown arrow
      Not used
      Fix icon display in notifications in basic view
      Fix incorrect index
      [mms] SECURITY: Fix XSS in displaying user-defined flags in basic mailbox and message view.
      Revert "Not used"
      [mms] Upgrade prototype.js to most recent git version (0df1298f807818471209b7e7971c3480e36a4f71).
      [mms] Ensure integer value returns from Horde_Imap_Client_Base#status() are truly integers.
      Fix text entry
      No reason to make HordeCore.desktopNotify() work only with alarms
      [mms] Add abstracted web notifications interface to the Horde_Notification system.
      [mms] Implement web notifications for new mail alerts.
      Notification lib is a basic framework; driver like Alarm seems to make more sense in application code
      [mms] Add Horde_Session#getUniqueId().
      Fix undefined error
      Fix double encoding of from data
      IE8 fix
      Bug #13092: allow new mailbox name to be provided on spam page
      Another prototypejs fix
      Maintain local prototype.js patch in horde.js
      cache.sql was deprecated in favor of migration scripts
      Deprecate memoryoverlay driver
      cleanup stack driver
      Add Memory driver
      Always use in-memory cache on top of permanent cache storage system
      [mms] Add Horde_Core_Cache_Session.
      [mms] Ensure that viewing large mailboxes does not overload the session storage size.
      Exceptions cleanup
      reuse variable
      Fix set() call
      Revert "Always use in-memory cache on top of permanent cache storage system"
      Use new Horde_Cache syntax
      Unique Session ID already exists as the session token
      Actually pass a callback
      confirm email entires should be purged if not used within a certain time (1 day)

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