[commits] [Wiki] changed: Project/H6TODO

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Dec 29 22:00:43 UTC 2014

jan  Mon, 29 Dec 2014 22:00:43 +0000

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/Project/H6TODO
New Revision:  12
Change log:  Move to discuss section

@@ -5,23 +5,24 @@
  ++ Confirmed

  * Git reorganization
    * Packagist packages for libraries
-  * Command to automtically split current framework library from git  
repo at framework/bin/horde-git-split
+  * Command to automatically split current framework library from git  
repo at framework/bin/horde-git-split
  * Refactor Horde_Registry bootstrapping for actions where  
authentication is not known at beginning of process (AJAX endpoint; RPC)
  * Use Horde_Registry_Logout to register logout actions; remove  
Application level logout()
  * Cleanup Exception handling
    * All Horde code/libraries should use $logged parameter of Horde_Exception
-  * Remove Horde_Exception_Wrapped
-  * (Discuss) Provide separate error message for admins vs. error  
message meant for end user display
  * Remove External session handler from horde/conf.php
    * This can be accomplished by creating a !SessionHandler class and  
passing in this classname to 'type'.
  * Horde_Translation
    * Vastly simplify framework library implementation by using late  
static binding - should only need to declare the path to the base of  
the application in a member variable.
  * Fix inconsistent usage of Hashtable and HashTable

  ++ To Discuss

+* Cleanup Exception handling
+  * Remove Horde_Exception_Wrapped
+  * Provide separate error message for admins vs. error message meant  
for end user display
  * New Hooks format
    * Have config file be a class that extends/implements a base Horde  
class/interface.  All hooks can be defined without having to comment  
them out - active hooks would then be defined in a public variable  
config array.  Another idea: hooks live in a separate subfolder ...  
one hook per file.  hooks.php has name of class to load.
  * Centralized GC
    *  Want to add a global Horde GC system. Libraries implement GC  
class, and when triggered we don't immediately do GC but instead send  
GC requests to a queue. Then we either do ALL GC requests on a random  
access (i.e. logout access; this doesn't require any admin setup) or  
admin would have option to run cron process to periodically handle GC  

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