[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_stream-1.6.0 created. d8ab397118c0a70d94567ed207d98d7756dd96e8

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Feb 12 01:16:29 UTC 2014

The annotated tag "horde_stream-1.6.0" has been created.
        at  d8ab397118c0a70d94567ed207d98d7756dd96e8 (tag)
   tagging  d1bee1eaf2b0ed86bf718b852e61d84ed718e38c (commit)
  replaces  horde_cache-2.4.1
 tagged by  Michael M Slusarz
        on  Tue Feb 11 17:54:58 2014 -0700

Released Horde_Stream-1.6.0.

Jan Schneider (10):
      Revert "Implement modular cli and a config editing module (Request #12923)."
      [jan] Add mysql encryption option for SQL backends (Request #12962).
      [jan] Make spam level a required form field (Bug #12964).
      [jan] Make spam level a required form field (Bug #12964).
      Fix date calculation if providing both a timestamp and a timezone.
      Revert "Move tests to timezonesTest."
      Revert "Add currently failing test for Bug: 12843"
      [jan] Add database configuration for Oracle.
      Remove debug code.
      Rename uid column to messageid.

Michael J Rubinsky (6):
      Add currently failing test for Bug: 12843
      Move tests to timezonesTest.
      Fix setting the initially open tab.
      Request: 12920  Make event url clickable in dynamic view.
      Actually, this seems less intrusive as a link instead of a button.

Michael M Slusarz (18):
      Development mode for Horde_Cache-2.4.2
      [mms] Optimizations to IMAP tokenizer.
      Better duration display
      Move ruleDescription to Ingo_Storage
      Update striping while dragging
      [mms] Optimizations to address parsing.
      Move cheaper comparison first
      addPollList() isn't needed for nav_poll_all installations
      Fix array get return of IMP_Ftree_Prefs_Poll for nav_poll_all installations
      tweaks; variable sorting
      [mms] Optimize Horde_Url#toString().
      Need to retain protected method that does this
      Link changelog with request ID
      [mms] Add 'max_forward' permission (Request #10332).
      Revert "tweak"
      Fix tweak
      Released Horde_Stream-1.6.0

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