[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_imap_client-2.18.4 created. 33012573cab73a792bf55933533e5e252b474d03
Michael M Slusarz
slusarz at horde.org
Thu Feb 27 05:27:31 UTC 2014
The annotated tag "horde_imap_client-2.18.4" has been created.
at 33012573cab73a792bf55933533e5e252b474d03 (tag)
tagging 2435fce18bcd52677d72bf3dc2f977b3f6f1b368 (commit)
replaces horde_http-2.0.5
tagged by Michael M Slusarz
on Wed Feb 26 22:26:33 2014 -0700
Released Horde_Imap_Client-2.18.4.
Carlos Timóteo (1):
Improve task toggle (specialy in future tab
Jan Schneider (19):
Merge branch 'master' into nag_4_2
[jan] Add recurrence controls to basic view (Request #11545).
Fix rounding when dragging events (Bug #11904).
[jan] Fix padding of drop down lists with scrollbars (Bug #11971).
Fix format strings.
Fix date format.
Check if passwords are returned.
Add Horde_Db_Adapter_Base#writeCache() and readCache().
Avoid notice in the logs.
Use binaryToString().
Fix type.
Fix notices and undefined row.
Use binaryToString() for text columns.
Avoid notices on null columns.
Merge branch 'nag_4_2'
Michael M Slusarz (45):
Development mode for Horde_Http-2.0.6
Revert "Add current user to the cache ID."
Don't use registry cache when running from CLI
[mms] Add Save All link to the popup message page in dynamic view.
isImap() only returns true if IMAP server is connected to. false is an undefined event
Some sort optimizations within the Ids object.
Better debugging output from cache object
Better debugging/cleanup debug output
Fix logic
[mms] Relax type checking on cache driver object.
Use wrapper to store cache object in serialized IMAP object
Not needed
phpdoc; less comparisons
Cleaner handling of cache params
Handle smartmobile URLs that already have query information in fragment
Need to use Horde_Core_Smartmobile_Url here.
[mms] Due to issues with igbinary 1.1.1, disable the igbinary driver.
Bug #12834: Only destroy session if auth failure occurs in master auth application
Horde::applicationUrl does not exist anymore
Bug #12975: Immediately save attachment, so we can report error if attachment data cannot be saved locally to VFS backend
<pre> tags are much easier to read in phpdoc than <ul>
Bug #12977: Fix polling of subfolders in certain instances
Non-imap element filtering must be done via IteratorFiler
Horde::getDriverConfig() returns the parameters array directly
More cache factory improvements
Not needed
Rewrite Ftree Iteration
Don't allow duplicate entries (i.e. non-IMAP containers) to appear in ftree
Fix illegal offset type errors
Fix retrieval of ACL information
[mms] Prevent PHP error when a FETCH call is unsuccessful.
Fix sorting of special mailbox names
Fix Special mailbox filter
Just use return object instead of breaking into separate variables
Fix array_key_exists() usage
Suppress displaying container mailboxes that contain only special mailboxes
Sanity checking
[mms] Workaround broken SASL capability responses from POP3 servers.
Add some changelog entries.
Released Horde_Imap_Client-2.18.4
Michael Rubinsky (2):
Bug: 12985 Fix determination of language filename.
coding standards
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