[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_logintasks-2.0.3 created. 28a1c0339b1edcb1363ef0910356bff99bac7fb9

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Tue Jan 28 20:54:07 UTC 2014

The annotated tag "horde_logintasks-2.0.3" has been created.
        at  28a1c0339b1edcb1363ef0910356bff99bac7fb9 (tag)
   tagging  5825eebe5e73c37b2745ef06c97f8df5dc664748 (commit)
  replaces  horde_activesync-2.12.2
 tagged by  Michael M Slusarz
        on  Tue Jan 28 12:34:48 2014 -0700

Released Horde_LoginTasks-2.0.3.

Michael J Rubinsky (4):
      Development mode for Horde_ActiveSync-2.12.3
      private -> protected visibility.
      OPTIONS might be an empty tag.
      Allow the results of getLastStartElement() to be passed directly to isEmptyElement.

Michael M Slusarz (7):
      Revert "The gettext bind methods only need to be called once per page access"
      Use realpath() so we only need to resolve true path once
      Whoops... remove debugging fix
      Logic is wrong: only need to create child injector if using SQL as cache driver
      wrapping style
      [mms] Only run shutdown task if the tasklist is currently incomplete.
      Released Horde_LoginTasks-2.0.3

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