[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_syncml-2.0.4 created. 1111f93f3ded4459ba521321e8fb65f26d5d516b

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Jul 24 21:00:29 UTC 2014

The annotated tag "horde_syncml-2.0.4" has been created.
        at  1111f93f3ded4459ba521321e8fb65f26d5d516b (tag)
   tagging  e1d927f46d9469556bb59855750387b1bd87ab21 (commit)
  replaces  horde_activesync-2.16.11
 tagged by  Michael J Rubinsky
        on  Thu Jul 24 16:57:55 2014 -0400

Released Horde_SyncMl-2.0.4.

Alfonso Marín Marín (1):
      Bug: 13350  Fix detecting task completion when sending task change notifications.

Jasper Olbrich (1):
      Bug: 13370 Fix detecting td elements and fix catching minical clicks.

Michael J Rubinsky (39):
      Development mode for Horde_ActiveSync-2.16.12
      Bug: 13351  Attempt to work around broken BB clients that cause WBXML parsing errors.
      No need for private.
      Fix setting user when tagging a note.
      Fix setting the username when tagging contacts.
      Fix displaying application icon in TagCloud block.
      Add missing SearchTags API methods.
      Use the favicon, if available.
      Bug: 13358  Fix typos
      Update phpdoc
      Bug: 13359 Ensure EAS client created shares are added to the app's sync_* pref.
      Bug: 13352  Fix honoring the show_notepad pref.
      Fix changelogs
      Correctly fix Bug #13352
      Fix canceling remote wipe of EAS client from user prefs.
      Fix scope.
      Fix fatal error when calculating alarms on a recurrence that has completed.
      Bug: 13391 Fix PHP Error due to non-array being passed.
      Update note and userAgent strings for Note 3 on KitKat.
      Bug: 13355 Remove logic dealing with (broken) activesync_replyposition pref.
      Bug: 13394  Hotfix for dealing with different function signatures in export API.
      Bug: 13393  Fix exporting Tags/Categories in vCard.
      Fix exporting tags via ActiveSync
      Further simplify.
      Released Horde_SyncMl-2.0.4

Michael M Slusarz (68):
      Not needed due to change in Horde_Crypt library
      Cleaner declaration of isSubfolder()
      Need to call removeAttachCallback after deleting an attachment
      More fixes for drag/drop behavior
      [mms] Fix Horde_CssMinify_CssParser#setOptions().
      Released Horde_CssMinify-1.0.1
      Development mode for Horde_CssMinify-1.0.2
      Better updating of blocks
      Title of Weather Block should be capitalized, since all other blocks are
      Fix PHP error (Bug #13363).
      Bug #13367: Fix function signatures
      Dropping attachments supports multiple files
      Save on creating a closure
      [mms] Add option to poll mailbox for new mailbox when creating a mailbox (Request #13227).
      js fixes
      Only show label element on-demand
      Better display of saved searches
      Simplify descriptions
      Poll input might not exist
      CSS tweak
      [mms] Fix regression where containers could not be moved via drag/drop in dynamic view.
      Sigh. More missing changelog entries
      Merge branch 'imp_7_0'
      Update list of TODO RFCs
      [mms] Added support for sending internationalized header data (RFC 6531).
      update documentation
      [mms] Internally handle capability querying via the new Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Capability object.
      [mms] Fix debug logging for certain IMAP authentication actions.
      Allow a Data_Capability object to be passed into the search query build() method also
      Fix failing unit test
      Workaround broken ID behavior seen on Cyrus
      Reset client_debug correctly
      Improved POP3 logging
      Log connection errors to debug log
      [mms] Improved debug logging during connection failures and authentication attempts.
      Fix fatal errors if activesync configuration is incorrect
      Need to check validity of 'storage' parameter also
      Remove dependencies check
      Better capability remove() method
      [mms] Fix regression where authetication was attempted with a non-null, empty string password.
      serialize using json for better efficiency
      The ludicrousness that is people still running PHP 5.3(.3) HAS to be stopped
      [mms] IMAP extension enabled information is now stored within the capability object.
      Actually use the serializable interface
      Not needed
      property, not parameter
      [mms] Querying of valid search charsets is now handled by the Horde_Imap_Client_Data_SearchCharset object.
      [mms] Add support for the IMAP UTF-8 extension (RFC 6855).
      Abstract morePopup code
      [mms] Add button to allow folder tree to be rebuilt in smartmobile view.
      Code that shouldn't be run if we are exclusively displaying redirect only
      Include timezone with full date information
      Don't display abbreviated date if printing from popup message page
      Sanity-checking - if action is not one of the known values
      [mms] Fix regression in automatically expanding deeply nested mailboxes in the dynamic folder list.
      Cleaner implementation of subElements()
      fix css typo
      is_callable(), not is_callback()
      Remove deprecated IMP_Search_Element_Date class
      use_maillog was removed
      This config option was removed
      Reversed logic
      [mms] Fix advanced search in all mailboxes if virtual folders or remote accounts exist (Bug #13384).
      This should be handled by _buildMailboxQuery()
      Message may not have date; envelope object will return empty date object by default, which will resolve to current time

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