[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_activesync-2.16.3 created. d1e941777d6e1c946f3fda053115b20f01dc2d32
Michael J. Rubinsky
mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Jun 2 13:57:18 UTC 2014
The annotated tag "horde_activesync-2.16.3" has been created.
at d1e941777d6e1c946f3fda053115b20f01dc2d32 (tag)
tagging 56067bda6c581b42f7ea7b4f02ffa182945a65e8 (commit)
replaces horde_activesync-2.16.2
tagged by Michael J Rubinsky
on Mon Jun 2 09:57:06 2014 -0400
Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.16.3.
Jan Schneider (12):
Remove unused variables.
Catch permissions, don't rely on fatal error.
Add synchronization of attendees via CalDAV.
No reference; phpdoc.
Fix sorting of timezone components; phpdoc.
[jan] Export composite attributes to vCard too.
Use @dataProvider.
Sort timezone rule definitions by end date not start date (Bug #13223).
[jan] Fix top menu URLs to create new tasks in specific task lists.
Fix method spelling.
[jan] Don't include smart lists in top menu.
Michael J Rubinsky (21):
Development mode for Horde_ActiveSync-2.16.3
Ensure the IMAP messages exists before fetching the attachment.
Bug: 13225 Fix Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Mail usage.
More robust error handling.
Clean up exception handling.
Log the EAS GET variables to the sync log.
Tweak phpdoc
Revert "Do not prevent a DELETE command from being sent to the client after a MOVEITEMS."
Simplify even more.
This status code seems to work slightly better on some clients.
Save the ADD that we know is coming to the mailmap table.
Support saving ADDs to the mailmap table from MOVEITEMS requests.
Ignore ADDs secondary to MOVEITEMS when using Outlook 2013.
Add migration.
Catch exceptions.
Track ADDs secondary to MOVEITEMS for the Mongo driver as well.
Change to LGPL-2 for twitter and facebook clients.
Update package.xml
Michael M Slusarz (40):
More thorough debugging
Better checking for invalid 8bit data
[mms] Horde_Imap_Client_Base#getNamespaces() now returns Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Namespace objects instead of an array.
* [mms] Horde_Imap_Client_Base#getNamespaces() can now return a Horde_Imap_Client_Namespace_List object instead of an array.
Fix typo
Add 'base' property to Namespace Data object
Use Horde_Imap_Client_Namespace_List object return
Optimization: If searching all mailboxes, no need to add individual namespaces to the query
Add stripNamespace() method to the Namespace data object
Directly use Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Namespace objects
Fix binding for keydownhandler
Better description of handler
Close context menu when clicking on HTML message data
[mms] Cache mailbox exists results in the current access.
Fix return value on error
[mms] Catch/ignore invalid RFC 2397 data strings.
Convert HTML IFRAME events to push events, rather than opt-in events
Sanity checking, and use the namespace delimiter value
Revert getNamespaces() return to old behavior without 'ob_return' option
Cleaner getNamespaces() handling entirely within __call
Again make clear that nobody should be using anything other than file-based sessionhandler backends unless there is a demonstrable reason for it
[mms] Ramp up to the maximum unlock wait interval (Request #13231).
Don't need BC array access, since this is now opt-in
Add ob_return status to signature hash
Ticket #13231: session backend handling must be handled through Horde_Session
[mms] In the Predis driver, ramp up to the maximum unlock wait interval (Request #13231).
Fix typo
[mms] Cleaner indication on login page that an authenticated user is logging into specific application rather than Horde in general.
Simplify and fix if mailbox doesn't contain delimiter
Auto-fix broken folder list
[mms] Fix working with mailboxes containing entirely integers (Bug #13157).
Don't need array_filter() since the base element is no longer added to the eltdiff object
Handle status command in __call, instead of overriding original function
We can use array_flip here ... just need to use + operator instead of array_merge()
[mms] Allow drag/drop to HTML compose body work with text data (Firefox only).
Account for inbox
Don't show purge trash logintask if it can't be run
Already declared locally
Better way of screening for base element
More information about the commits
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