[commits] [Wiki] changed: ActiveSync

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Sep 26 21:11:08 UTC 2014

mrubinsk  Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:11:08 +0000

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/ActiveSync
New Revision:  270
Change log:  Add note about PHP-FPM and ProxyErrorOverride

@@ -49,8 +49,9 @@
  ProxyPassMatch ^/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync$  
  // Note: // Sockets are only available from Apache 2.4.8 or if the  
appropriate patch has been applied. In all other case, use a tcp  
+// Note: // If setting // !ProxyErrorOverride On // then when testing  
the !ActiveSync endpoint via a browser you may not see the expected  
activesync error message - as it would be replaced by the overridden  
Apache error message.

  Since Horde !ActiveSync connections are held open for a period of  
time up to 3540 seconds (depending on client and  
$conf[activesync][ping][heartbeatmax] setting, if using a proxy server  
you need to ensure it does not time out before the request is  
complete. Add this to your virtualhost:
  ProxyTimeout 5400

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