[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_activesync-2.30.0 created. f39f6622fc83bf1a9b20b613ee85b23d7a0aa149

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Oct 20 15:32:53 UTC 2015

The annotated tag "horde_activesync-2.30.0" has been created.
        at  f39f6622fc83bf1a9b20b613ee85b23d7a0aa149 (tag)
   tagging  44edbce8109fdc9cd6d824e9b049655257edd7d8 (commit)
  replaces  horde_core-2.22.0
 tagged by  Michael J Rubinsky
        on  Tue Oct 20 10:42:35 2015 -0400

Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.30.0.

Jan Schneider (2):
      Globals, wrapping.

Michael J Rubinsky (42):
      Development mode for Horde_Core-2.22.1
      Fix ajax-y updating of weather block when map is shown.
      This way seems to work more reliably.
      Request: 14118  Send CANCEL iTip when attendee is removed from meeting.
      Add test for property setting/getting of Horde_ActiveSync_Device::supported
      Fix saving SUPPORTED data.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/oakey-b1/horde into oakey-b1-master
      Merge branch 'oakey-b1-master'
      Add, and use, option to detect duplicate on import using any email field.
      Reduce log level on these, and provide a bit more detail.
      Changes, parse error.
      Improved/fixed iOS version detection.
      Test the picture tag quirk.
      Check if we need to emulate the Picture tag being ghosted.
      Test ghosted picture properties.
      Fix literal php tag output in test.php.
      Bug: 14128 Need Horde_Perms::SHOW here so DAV clients match what
      Declare class member.
      Bug: 13160. Avoid errors due to systems where php://input isn't seekable.
      Oops. Already declared.
      Add session token checking to various admin pages.
      Bug: 14138 Paritally fix indent level when tag browser.
      Revert "Bug: 14138 Paritally fix indent level when tag browser."
      Revert "Revert "Bug: 14138 Paritally fix indent level when tag browser.""
      Allow deep clone of child objects.
      Allow for disconnecting a task from it's children.
      Allow for replacing the task in the task list.
      Method to determine if a task exists in a task list, and return it.
      Fix indentation of search results.
      Add imap_preauthenticate hook.
      Bug: 14118 Better handling of CANCEL iTips.
      Bug: 14118 Move this until after we check the user's calendars.
      Actually check the application we are interested in for this feature.
      CHANGES and bump version number.
      Get caught up on some changes, bump versions etc...
      Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.30.0

Neal Thomas Oakey (1):
      Removed unneeded code and fixed classname

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