[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_core-2.21.0 created. e7deb984b863978ac1f9b75f311fb83d2dd79e7d

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Sep 22 14:24:27 UTC 2015

The annotated tag "horde_core-2.21.0" has been created.
        at  e7deb984b863978ac1f9b75f311fb83d2dd79e7d (tag)
   tagging  3837910225130c833558ddf5a32bf16f6ad2c9bc (commit)
  replaces  horde_imap_client-2.29.2
 tagged by  Michael J Rubinsky
        on  Mon Sep 7 15:49:09 2015 -0400

Released Horde_Core-2.21.0.

Chuck Hagenbuch (7):
      No $end in this function, and it appears to be optional, so remove the non-existent variable
      Remove undefind variable, let getKeyImage figure out the right style
      Remove double comment character
      Make sure $nojs isn't undefined
      Fix type that meant exif data wasn't being found
      Error thrown if GalleryRenderer isn't passed an Ansel_View_Gallery object
      Fix undefined variables

Michael J Rubinsky (25):
      Development mode for Horde_Imap_Client-2.29.3
      Add a 'beforeUpdate' callback.
      Bug: 14093 - Deal with email groups in the attendee list.
      BFN and bump version.
      Bug 14084 Fix incorrect time for FB data in certain cases.
      Bug: 14097 - This is only needed if we have LIST-STATUS as well.
      More correct regexp.
      Mark these as skipped for now.
      Another test to skip.
      Add support for weather alerts.
      Display weather alerts if we have any.
      Add missing class files.
      Revert "No $end in this function, and it appears to be optional, so remove the non-existent variable"
      Pass $end so we can use it as a sync token.
      Can't rely on the magic __call method here.
      Force synchronization with backend on API access.
      This won't work as expected.
      No need for the $driver reference.
      Changes and bump version.
      Bump minimum version required.
      Don't require updated Kolab_Storage, perform interface check.
      Released Horde_Core-2.21.0

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