[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_nls-2.1.1 created. 2519db363a1705dad20a4f647b55ee4e1a98cefc

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Feb 18 18:27:26 UTC 2016

The annotated tag "horde_nls-2.1.1" has been created.
        at  2519db363a1705dad20a4f647b55ee4e1a98cefc (tag)
   tagging  93219b98967972c41e25ba9da93f9f7a75b54f96 (commit)
  replaces  horde_activesync-2.31.2
 tagged by  Michael J Rubinsky
        on  Thu Feb 18 13:25:54 2016 -0500

Released Horde_Nls-2.1.1.

Jan Schneider (8):
      Update es translation.
      Include output for debugging purposes.
      Start a fresh index for each directory while migrating (Bug #14258).
      Output here too.
      Update demo.horde.org.
      Trash folder might not yet be set here.
      [jan] Fix creating new trash folder from preference screen.

Michael J Rubinsky (18):
      Development mode for Horde_ActiveSync-2.31.3
      Event status != attendance response.
      Add note to clarify this.
      Update the attendee's participation status during 'accept-import'.
      Indicate which attendee is the organizer.
      This is only used in a recipient information cache response.
      Use same order as TopLevelSchemaProps in EAS docs.
      Don't set the AIRSYNCBASEBODY property if there is no body.
      Filter out inactive applications when polling for ActiveSync.
      Don't force a foldersync when a single folder isn't found.
      This requires the contacts API to be present as well.
      Fix calculation of when to send MOREAVAILABLE tag.
      Send a dummy OUTBOX folder to work around broken clients.
      Bug: 14255 Work around broken clients that send empty <Data> tags.
      The collection's type *should* be present here, but avoid notices anyway.
      Released Horde_Nls-2.1.1

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