[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_activesync-2.30.4 created. 87fd89dcf84d9b102c80f58052920e5cb29c47c2

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Jan 12 14:47:44 UTC 2016

The annotated tag "horde_activesync-2.30.4" has been created.
        at  87fd89dcf84d9b102c80f58052920e5cb29c47c2 (tag)
   tagging  7a8fc1d61353bc91f8973ce7011a27f168ec7af7 (commit)
  replaces  horde_socket_client-2.1.0
 tagged by  Michael J Rubinsky
        on  Tue Jan 12 09:47:09 2016 -0500

Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.30.4.

Jan Schneider (49):
      Development mode for Horde_Socket_Client-2.1.1
      memcache and mongo extensions won't be supported for PHP 7.
      Travis has a broken include_path or php_dir for PHP 7.
      Use minor version symlink.
      It's even more broken than I thought.
      Only build 7.0 for now.
      [jan] SECURITY: Fix XSS vulnerability in menu bar exposed by only a few applications (Bug #14213).
      Add recent updates from FW_5_2
      Update missing changelogs and other lost changes.
      Finally. Now we only need to fix regular failures.
      Updated to phpseclib 2.0.0 and latest openpgp-php.
      Overriding include_path is no longer necessary.
      Tweak alignment.
      Don't alias class names.
      Install Math_BigInteger.
      Reorder auth settings.
      [jan] Add option to always lowercase user names after logging in.
      [jan] Add option to always lowercase user names after logging in.
      Load the correct Math_BigInteger.
      Use this at any version >= 7.
      Xdebug 2.4 adds the location to the var_dump() output. Disable completely.
      Don't modify the first alarm's start DateTime object too.
      Fix unit test for PHP 7.
      Add PHP 7 support.
      [jan] Allow installation on PHP 7.
      Not necessary anymore.
      Now that all tests pass on PHP 7, bump supported PHP version at least for all packages that have tests.
      [jan] Add unit tests.
      Update description, add missing dep entry for XCache.
      [jan] Fix the Mongo driver's expire() if not using a logger.
      Fix expirecache.
      Not necessary.
      Add SQL backend testing.
      Fix Mongo config.
      Actually start MongoDB.
      More checks.
      For forward compatibilty, make sure all DBs are started.
      Add 'force' parameter to fix signature compatibility.
      Fix order, Horde_Mongo_Client depends on mongo extension.
      Test 'sub' parameter.
      Test and fix completely broken garbage collection.
      Rewrite garbage collection.
      Acquire exclusive lock, we only want one migration.
      Make sure the ini settings are restored, even if the test fails.

Michael J Rubinsky (23):
      Bug: 14214 Require a non-empty due date too.
      Enforce the requirement that alarmed events have due dates.
      urlencode() the tag.
      Must urldecode() the tag now too.
      Bug: 14216 Attempt to report back meaningful results.
      Start support for attaching files to Kronolith_Event objects.
      Fix mismatched method signatures.
      Fix mismatched method signatures.
      Support adding files to events.
      Build file link after new file is added.
      Fix displaying file immediately after upload.
      Support maximum file count and size config switches.
      Merge branch 'kronolith_files'
      CSS and code fixes for upload progress indicator.
      Don't show the Files tab if it's not a saved event.
      Remove leftover cruft from development/debugging.
      Bug: 13800 Fix splitting tags for EAS contacts.
      Support exporting attached files in iCalendar.
      Add filesize to display.
      EAS requires UTF-8.
      Released Horde_ActiveSync-2.30.4

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