[commits] Horde branch master updated. 4d9d86765d6121c3dd7a06bc39084d0093f5f852

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jan 13 16:48:08 UTC 2016

The branch "master" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.

from: 1589add0ea42a7552b039697046b715f3c6897c3

208fdad [jan] Use access rules compatible with both Apache 2.2 and 2.4.
fa26128 Add missing .htaccess files.
4d9d867 Add missing sentinel.

Summary: http://github.com/horde/horde/compare/1589add0ea42a7552b039697046b715f3c6897c3...4d9d86765d6121c3dd7a06bc39084d0093f5f852


commit 208fdadbfac6918a0e37755bdd8976b38d60cdfa
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 13 13:32:12 2016 +0100

    [jan] Use access rules compatible with both Apache 2.2 and 2.4.

 .htaccess                      |    7 ++++++-
 agora/config/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 agora/lib/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 agora/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 agora/templates/.htaccess      |    7 ++++++-
 ansel/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 ansel/package.xml              |    1 +
 beatnik/locale/.htaccess       |    7 ++++++-
 chora/config/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 chora/lib/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 chora/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 chora/templates/.htaccess      |    7 ++++++-
 folks/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 framework/Image/test/.htaccess |    7 ++++++-
 framework/Model/www/.htaccess  |    7 ++++++-
 gollem/docs/CHANGES            |    1 +
 gollem/locale/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 gollem/package.xml             |    2 ++
 hermes/bin/.htaccess           |    7 ++++++-
 hermes/config/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 hermes/locale/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 horde/.htaccess                |    7 ++++++-
 horde/bin/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 horde/config/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 horde/docs/CHANGES             |    8 --------
 horde/lib/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 horde/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 horde/package.xml              |    1 +
 horde/scripts/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 horde/templates/.htaccess      |    7 ++++++-
 hylax/config/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 hylax/lib/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 hylax/scripts/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 hylax/templates/.htaccess      |    7 ++++++-
 imp/config/.htaccess           |    7 ++++++-
 imp/lib/.htaccess              |    7 ++++++-
 imp/locale/.htaccess           |    7 ++++++-
 imp/package.xml                |    2 ++
 imp/templates/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 ingo/bin/.htaccess             |    7 ++++++-
 ingo/config/.htaccess          |    7 ++++++-
 ingo/locale/.htaccess          |    7 ++++++-
 ingo/package.xml               |    1 +
 jonah/config/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 jonah/lib/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 jonah/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 jonah/scripts/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 jonah/templates/.htaccess      |    7 ++++++-
 klutz/bin/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 klutz/config/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 klutz/lib/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 klutz/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 klutz/templates/.htaccess      |    7 ++++++-
 kolab/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 kronolith/bin/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 kronolith/config/.htaccess     |    7 ++++++-
 kronolith/lib/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 kronolith/locale/.htaccess     |    7 ++++++-
 kronolith/package.xml          |    1 +
 luxor/bin/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 luxor/config/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 luxor/lib/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 luxor/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 luxor/scripts/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 luxor/templates/.htaccess      |    7 ++++++-
 mnemo/bin/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 mnemo/config/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 mnemo/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 mnemo/package.xml              |    1 +
 nag/bin/.htaccess              |    7 ++++++-
 nag/config/.htaccess           |    7 ++++++-
 nag/lib/.htaccess              |    7 ++++++-
 nag/locale/.htaccess           |    7 ++++++-
 nag/package.xml                |    1 +
 passwd/config/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 passwd/docs/CHANGES            |    1 +
 passwd/lib/.htaccess           |    7 ++++++-
 passwd/locale/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 passwd/package.xml             |    4 ++--
 passwd/scripts/.htaccess       |    7 ++++++-
 passwd/templates/.htaccess     |    7 ++++++-
 skeleton/locale/.htaccess      |    7 ++++++-
 timeobjects/docs/CHANGES       |    1 +
 timeobjects/locale/.htaccess   |    7 ++++++-
 timeobjects/package.xml        |    2 ++
 trean/config/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 trean/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 trean/package.xml              |    3 ++-
 turba/bin/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 turba/config/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 turba/lib/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 turba/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 turba/package.xml              |    2 ++
 turba/scripts/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 turba/templates/.htaccess      |    7 ++++++-
 ulaform/config/.htaccess       |    7 ++++++-
 ulaform/lib/.htaccess          |    7 ++++++-
 ulaform/locale/.htaccess       |    7 ++++++-
 ulaform/templates/.htaccess    |    7 ++++++-
 vilma/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 vilma/scripts/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 whups/config/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 whups/lib/.htaccess            |    7 ++++++-
 whups/locale/.htaccess         |    7 ++++++-
 whups/package.xml              |    1 +
 whups/templates/.htaccess      |    7 ++++++-
 wicked/bin/.htaccess           |    7 ++++++-
 wicked/config/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 wicked/data/.htaccess          |    7 ++++++-
 wicked/locale/.htaccess        |    7 ++++++-
 wicked/package.xml             |    2 +-
 111 files changed, 581 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)



commit fa26128e08c18dd29d8e5bc27ff20a1db62543d1
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 13 17:46:31 2016 +0100

    Add missing .htaccess files.

 ansel/config/.htaccess        |    6 +
 ansel/lib/.htaccess           |    6 +
 ansel/package.xml             |   10 +-
 ansel/templates/.htaccess     |    6 +
 beatnik/config/.htaccess      |    6 +
 beatnik/lib/.htaccess         |    6 +
 beatnik/package.xml           |   10 +-
 beatnik/templates/.htaccess   |    6 +
 components/config/.htaccess   |    6 +
 components/lib/.htaccess      |    6 +
 components/package.xml        |    8 +-
 content/config/.htaccess      |    6 +
 content/lib/.htaccess         |    6 +
 content/package.xml           |    8 +-
 folks/config/.htaccess        |    6 +
 folks/lib/.htaccess           |    6 +
 folks/package.xml             |  419 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 folks/templates/.htaccess     |    6 +
 gollem/config/.htaccess       |    6 +
 gollem/lib/.htaccess          |    6 +
 gollem/package.xml            |   10 +-
 gollem/templates/.htaccess    |    6 +
 hermes/lib/.htaccess          |    6 +
 hermes/package.xml            |    6 +-
 hermes/templates/.htaccess    |    6 +
 hippo/config/.htaccess        |    6 +
 hippo/package.xml             |  125 ++++++++++++
 hydra/config/.htaccess        |    6 +
 hydra/lib/.htaccess           |    6 +
 hydra/package.xml             |  103 ++++++++++
 ingo/lib/.htaccess            |    6 +
 ingo/package.xml              |    8 +-
 ingo/templates/.htaccess      |    6 +
 kolab/config/.htaccess        |    6 +
 kolab/lib/.htaccess           |    6 +
 kolab/package.xml             |    8 +-
 koward/lib/.htaccess          |    6 +
 koward/package.xml            |   12 +-
 kronolith/package.xml         |    6 +-
 kronolith/templates/.htaccess |    6 +
 mnemo/lib/.htaccess           |    6 +
 mnemo/package.xml             |   10 +-
 mnemo/templates/.htaccess     |    6 +
 nag/package.xml               |    6 +-
 nag/templates/.htaccess       |    6 +
 operator/config/.htaccess     |    6 +
 operator/lib/.htaccess        |    6 +
 operator/package.xml          |  141 ++++++++++++++
 operator/templates/.htaccess  |    6 +
 pastie/config/.htaccess       |    6 +
 pastie/lib/.htaccess          |    6 +
 pastie/package.xml            |   15 +-
 pastie/templates/.htaccess    |    6 +
 sam/config/.htaccess          |    6 +
 sam/lib/.htaccess             |    6 +
 sam/locale/.htaccess          |    6 +
 sam/package.xml               |   10 +-
 sesha/config/.htaccess        |    6 +
 sesha/lib/.htaccess           |    6 +
 sesha/locale/.htaccess        |    6 +
 sesha/package.xml             |   15 ++-
 sesha/templates/.htaccess     |    6 +
 shout/config/.htaccess        |    6 +
 shout/lib/.htaccess           |    6 +
 shout/package.xml             |  269 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 shout/templates/.htaccess     |    6 +
 skeleton/config/.htaccess     |    6 +
 skeleton/lib/.htaccess        |    6 +
 skeleton/package.xml          |  171 +++++++++++++++++
 skeleton/templates/.htaccess  |    6 +
 timeobjects/config/.htaccess  |    6 +
 timeobjects/lib/.htaccess     |    6 +
 timeobjects/package.xml       |    8 +-
 trean/lib/.htaccess           |    6 +
 trean/package.xml             |    6 +-
 trean/templates/.htaccess     |    6 +
 vilma/config/.htaccess        |    6 +
 vilma/lib/.htaccess           |    6 +
 vilma/package.xml             |  269 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 vilma/templates/.htaccess     |    6 +
 wicked/lib/.htaccess          |    6 +
 wicked/package.xml            |    8 +-
 wicked/templates/.htaccess    |    6 +
 83 files changed, 1969 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ansel/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 ansel/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 ansel/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 beatnik/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 beatnik/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 beatnik/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 components/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 components/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 content/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 content/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 folks/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 folks/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 folks/package.xml
 create mode 100644 folks/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 gollem/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 gollem/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 gollem/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 hermes/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 hermes/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 hippo/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 hippo/package.xml
 create mode 100644 hydra/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 hydra/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 hydra/package.xml
 create mode 100644 ingo/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 ingo/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 kolab/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 kolab/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 koward/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 kronolith/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 mnemo/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 mnemo/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 nag/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 operator/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 operator/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 operator/package.xml
 create mode 100644 operator/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 pastie/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 pastie/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 pastie/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 sam/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 sam/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 sam/locale/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 sesha/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 sesha/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 sesha/locale/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 sesha/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 shout/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 shout/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 shout/package.xml
 create mode 100644 shout/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 skeleton/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 skeleton/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 skeleton/package.xml
 create mode 100644 skeleton/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 timeobjects/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 timeobjects/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 trean/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 trean/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 vilma/config/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 vilma/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 vilma/package.xml
 create mode 100644 vilma/templates/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 wicked/lib/.htaccess
 create mode 100644 wicked/templates/.htaccess



commit 4d9d86765d6121c3dd7a06bc39084d0093f5f852
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 13 17:37:08 2016 +0100

    Add missing sentinel.

 imp/package.xml |    2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)


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