[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_core-2.27.2 created. d148c27ef16ae82218312d0f41a32e258ceb8886

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Nov 6 01:20:29 UTC 2016

The annotated tag "horde_core-2.27.2" has been created.
        at  d148c27ef16ae82218312d0f41a32e258ceb8886 (tag)
   tagging  b0914b070e04e82df98d0a4ab2fd88a3da3c0dcf (commit)
  replaces  horde_service_weather-2.4.1
 tagged by  Michael J Rubinsky
        on  Sat Nov 5 20:59:59 2016 -0400

Released Horde_Core-2.27.2.

Jan Schneider (13):
      Development mode for Horde_Service_Weather-2.4.2
      One more debug output.
      Speed up even further by disabling xdebug.
      Try disabling Mongo tests on PHP 7
      Reduce indention
      Remove debug output.
      Try export.
      Only test with Mongo on PHP 5.
      Try individual exports.
      It's all condensed in one line, add semicolons.
      Don't fail on PHP versions without xdebug.
      Try with Mongo instead, but allow to fail.
      Fail as soon as one build fails.

Michael J Rubinsky (20):
      $body_data contains a stream, not a string.
      Bug: 14500 Ensure we only use the body of the html part.
      Check uidvalidity early.
      Report stale state if the IMAP server loses HIGHESTMODSEQ value.
      Handle this as a temporary server error.
      This belongs in Core.
      Use new data source for airport/weather station ICAO codes.
      Search on more data, return more detailed name.
      If we don't have the update time, we don't have valid Metar/TAF data.
      Include city/state/country in description.
      Set requested_location in template on update, too.
      Catch exception, display user-friendly error if no weather data available.
      Revert "Use new data source for airport/weather station ICAO codes."
      Add new migration for new surface station data source.
      Existence check.
      Released Horde_Core-2.27.2

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