[commits] [Wiki] changed: Project/NoMorePear

Ralf Lang (B1 Systems GmbH) lang at b1-systems.de
Sun Nov 24 12:45:12 UTC 2019

rlang  Sun, 24 Nov 2019 12:45:12 +0000

Modified page: https://wiki.horde.org/Project/NoMorePear
New Revision:  14
Change log:  release related automation

@@ -148,23 +148,32 @@
  config options govern
  - if we want to build against dev-master dependencies or  
dependencies using the horde.yml version constraints
  - if we assume all packages live on packagist, in a shared satis  
repo or a per-library git location
  - how to translate non-horde pear dependencies into packagist  
dependencies (otherwise, pear channels will be used)
+++++ components release command
+The components release command needs some additions to make this practical
+* [TODO] The composer file needs to be written with different options  
twice: It should use dev-master requirements in the master branch, but  
use versioned requirements as stated in the composer yaml file when  
writing a tagges release
+* [TODO] There should be configureable hooks to either trigger a  
satis rewrite or a packagist upload
+* [TODO] An easy way to perform downstream/inhouse releases omitting  
PEAR related stuff or upstream horde specific steps like updating the  
bug tracker. This should not involve lenghty command lines.

  +++ Core, Base and Autoloader
  Several patches were needed in places where horde just assumed files  
to always be in a certain location.
  Most of these patches SHOULD NOT break git dev installs or pear  
installs - testing was very limited
  Other relevant changes were detection of migration files in  
Horde_Core_Db_Migration and handling of Horde_Controller routes in

-+++ Test
-The Horde_Test suite had some hardcoded requires which were made condidional.
++++ Test

-+++ Other libraries
+The Horde_Test suite had some hardcoded requires which were made condidional.
++++ Other libraries

  Unmentioned libraries SHOULD only have been modified by replacing  
the master branch composer file


  ++ Resources

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