[commits] [Wiki] changed: ConfXML

Ralf Lang (B1 Systems GmbH) lang at b1-systems.de
Wed Mar 25 08:44:47 UTC 2020

rlang  Wed, 25 Mar 2020 08:44:47 +0000

Modified page: https://wiki.horde.org/ConfXML
New Revision:  10
Change log:  Add some less common XML Elements

@@ -50,8 +50,41 @@
  {{<configstring ...>}} for selecting an item from a list
  * name - Second level {{$conf['configsection']['configstring']}} variables
  * desc - This is what shows up near the box for information about the entry
  * required - will put a red star and make user enter data (true/false)
+++ Passwords
+{{<configpassword ...>}} for allowing masked input (show only stars)
+* name - The Variable Key
+* desc - This is what shows up near the box for information about the entry
+* required - will put a red star and make user enter data (true/false)
+++ Secrets
+{{<configsecret ...>}} Autogenerates a random ID if empty and no  
default provided
+* name - The Variable Key
+* desc - This is what shows up near the box for information about the entry
+* required - will put a red star and make user enter data (true/false)
+++ Verbatim PHP
+{{<configphp ...>}} Allows administrators to convey arbitrary PHP  
code. Use with care and provide a sane default.
+       <configphp name="custom" quote="false" desc="A custom function  
to modify the calculated $foo"/>
+Supported attributes
+* name - The variable key {{$conf['anysections']['custom']}} variables
+* desc - This is what shows up near the box for information about the entry
+* required - will put a red star and make user enter data (true/false)
+* default - Predefined value

  ++ Booleans

  {{<configboolean ...>value</configboolean>}}
@@ -71,21 +104,33 @@
    <value desc="List entry1">list1</value>
    <value desc="List entry2">list2</value>
  ++ Multi-Enums (Select Any Number From a List)

  {{<configmultienum ...>}} for selecting multiple items from a list
  * name - Second level {{$conf['configsection']['configmultienum']}}
  * desc - Descriptive text for multienum entries

  ++ Special Values
  {{<configspecial application="horde" name="apps" />}} - "values"  
list of active horde apps
  * name - Refers to case entry in Horde_Application::configSpecialValues()
http://www.ralf-lang.de/2012/02/22/horde-config-how-to-fill-dropdowns-with-application-data-with-configspecial/ for a detailed  
+++ Predefined Specials
+TODO: More detail on usage. For now, just a heads up so users don't  
reinvent the wheel
+{{<configsql ...>}} for configuring an SQL backend or using the  
default defined in the horde base app
+{{<confignosql ...>}} for configuring a NoSQL (Mongo etc) backend or  
using the default defined in the horde base app
+{{<configldap ...>}} for configuring an LDAP backend or using the  
default defined in the horde base app
+{{<configvfs ...>}} for configuring Virtual Filesystem Storage or  
using the default defined in the horde base app
+{{<configtab ...>}} Organize your config screen into tabs

  ++ Switches

  {{<configswitch ...>}} - mechanism for grouping sets of options

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