[commits] [Wiki] created: Doc/Dev/HordeDb

Wiki Guest wikiguest at horde.org
Thu May 7 08:37:11 UTC 2020

guest []  Thu, 07 May 2020 08:37:11 +0000

Created page: https://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/HordeDb

+ Horde_Db Library and Horde Database Migrations

++ Horde DB: Usage by Example

+++ Get a Connection object

+++ Selecting Values

+++ Insert

+++ Delete

+++ Getting a DB handle from inside a Horde_Core_Application context

++ Migrations: Usage by Example

Migrations are PHP Class files in the /migration/ sub folder of an app  
or library. They can be run via the horde-db-migrate script or the web  
They allow schema and data conversions forward and back.

Schema files prepend the lowercased class name with a version:

The first version's file would be 1_$app_foo (usually  
1_$app_base_tables) which would contain the class named $AppFoo  
($AppBaseTables) derived from Horde_Db_Migration_Base. See  
https://github.com/horde/skeleton/blob/master/migration/1_skeleton_base_tables.php for a complete  

These classes usually contain an up() and down() method to implement  
upgrades or downgrades to the next/previous schema.

Errors during Schema upgrades need to be handled by the implementer  
himself. There is no implicit rollback of schema upgrades which fail  
halfway through the up() method unless you implement an appropriate  
try/catch block yourself.

+++ Adding a new table
+++ Removing a table

+++ Adding a new column to an existing table
+++ Dropping a column from an existing table

+++ Adding an index

+++ Adding a unique key / unique index

+++ Converting for Non-Horde or Pre-H4 schemas

Check for all table's existence before adding them

+++ Manipulating data while changing fields

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