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Created page: https://wiki.horde.org/inurl%3A%22admin/rte_popup_File_atch.asp
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class="slide"><h1>berkanux<BR> HACKED<br><strong
class="baslik"></strong></h1></div><div class="slide"><h1>Yıldızlara
Rütbe<strong class="baslik"><BR>SORULMAZ!
</strong><br>Hacked by berkanux</h1></div>
<div class="slide"><h1>Düşmanım Kalmadı <strong
class="baslik"><BR>Hepsi Yerdeler<BR> </strong><strong
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<p> <strong><br><font color="red">|</font> Bir
efsane...<font color="red">|</font></br></strong>
<strong><br><font color="red">|</font> berkanux <font
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parseFloat(this.$context.data("origin-y")) || null }; for (var o in s)
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(this.portrait = null, i.addEventListener("deviceorientation", this.onDeviceOrientation), setTimeout(this.onOrientationTimer, this.supportDelay)) : (this.cx = 0, this.cy = 0, this.portrait = !1, i.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove)), i.addEventListener("resize", this.onWindowResize), this.raf = requestAnimationFrame(this.onAnimationFrame)) }, o.prototype.disable = function () { this.enabled && (this.enabled = !1, this.orientationSupport ? i.removeEventListener("deviceorientation", this.onDeviceOrientation) : i.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove), i.removeEventListener("resize", this.onWindowResize), cancelAnimationFrame(this.raf)) }, o.prototype.calibrate = function (t, i) { this.calibrateX = t === s ? this.calibrateX : t, this.calibrateY = i === s ? this.calibrateY : i }, o.prototype.invert = function (t, i) { this.invertX = t === s ? this.invertX : t, this.invertY = i === s ? this.invertY : i }, o.prototype.friction = function (t, i) { this.frictionX = t === s ? this.frictionX : t, this.frictionY = i === s ? this.frictionY : i }, o.prototype.scalar = function (t, i) { this.scalarX = t === s ? this.scalarX : t, this.scalarY = i === s ? this.scalarY : i }, o.prototype.limit = function (t, i) { this.limitX = t === s ? this.limitX : t, this.limitY = i === s ? this.limitY : i }, o.prototype.origin = function (t, i) { this.originX = t === s ? this.originX : t, this.originY = i === s ? this.originY : i }, o.prototype.clamp = function (t, i, e) { return t = Math.max(t, i), t = Math.min(t, e) }, o.prototype.css = function (i, e, o) { var n = this.propertyCache[e]; if (!n) for (var a = 0, r = this.vendors.length; r > a; a++)if (n = null !== this.vendors[a] ? t.camelCase(this.vendors[a][1] + "-" + e) : e, i.style[n] !== s) { this.propertyCache[e] = n; break } i.style[n] = o }, o.prototype.accelerate = function (t) { for (var i = 0, e = t.length; e > i; i++) { var s = t[i]; this.css(s, "transform", "translate3d(0,0,0)"), this.css(s, "transform-style", "preserve-3d"), this.css(s, "backface-visibility", "hidden") } }, o.prototype.setPosition = function (t, i, e) { i += "px", e += "px", this.transform3DSupport ? this.css(t, "transform", "translate3d(" + i + "," + e + ",0)") : this.transform2DSupport ? this.css(t, "transform", "translate(" + i + "," + e + ")") : (t.style.left = i, t.style.top = e) }, o.prototype.onOrientationTimer = function (t) { this.orientationSupport && 0 === this.orientationStatus && (this.disable(), this.orientationSupport = !1, this.enable()) }, o.prototype.onCalibrationTimer = function (t) { this.calibrationFlag = !0 }, o.prototype.onWindowResize = function (t) { this.updateDimensions() }, o.prototype.onAnimationFrame = function () { this.updateBounds(); var t = this.ix - this.cx, i = this.iy - this.cy; (Math.abs(t) > this.calibrationThreshold || Math.abs(i) > this.calibrationThreshold) && this.queueCalibration(0), this.portrait ? (this.mx = this.calibrateX ? i : this.iy, this.my = this.calibrateY ? t : this.ix) : (this.mx = this.calibrateX ? t : this.ix, this.my = this.calibrateY ? i : this.iy), this.mx *= this.ew * (this.scalarX / 100), this.my *= this.eh * (this.scalarY / 100), isNaN(parseFloat(this.limitX)) || (this.mx = this.clamp(this.mx, -this.limitX, this.limitX)), isNaN(parseFloat(this.limitY)) || (this.my = this.clamp(this.my, -this.limitY, this.limitY)), this.vx += (this.mx - this.vx) * this.frictionX, this.vy += (this.my - this.vy) * this.frictionY; for (var e = 0, s = this.$layers.length; s > e; e++) { var o = this.depths[e], n = this.$layers[e], a = this.vx * o * (this.invertX ? -1 : 1), r = this.vy * o * (this.invertY ? -1 : 1); this.setPosition(n, a, r) } this.raf = requestAnimationFrame(this.onAnimationFrame) }, o.prototype.onDeviceOrientation = function (t) { if (!this.desktop && null !== t.beta && null !== t.gamma) { this.orientationStatus = 1; var e = (t.beta || 0) / a, s = (t.gamma || 0) / a, o = i.innerHeight > i.innerWidth; this.portrait !== o && (this.portrait = o, this.calibrationFlag = !0), this.calibrationFlag && (this.calibrationFlag = !1, this.cx = e, this.cy = s), this.ix = e, this.iy = s } }, o.prototype.onMouseMove = function (t) { var i = t.clientX, e = t.clientY; !this.orientationSupport && this.relativeInput ? (this.clipRelativeInput && (i = Math.max(i, this.ex), i = Math.min(i, this.ex + this.ew), e = Math.max(e, this.ey), e = Math.min(e, this.ey + this.eh)), this.ix = (i - this.ex - this.ecx) / this.erx, this.iy = (e - this.ey - this.ecy) / this.ery) : (this.ix = (i - this.wcx) / this.wrx, this.iy = (e - this.wcy) / this.wry) }; var h = { enable: o.prototype.enable, disable: o.prototype.disable, updateLayers: o.prototype.updateLayers, calibrate: o.prototype.calibrate, friction: o.prototype.friction, invert: o.prototype.invert, scalar: o.prototype.scalar, limit: o.prototype.limit, origin: o.prototype.origin }; t.fn[n] = function (i) { var e = arguments; return this.each(function () { var s = t(this), a = s.data(n); a || (a = new o(this, i), s.data(n, a)), h[i] && a[i].apply(a, Array.prototype.slice.call(e, 1)) }) } }(window.jQuery || window.Zepto, window, document), function () { for (var t = 0, i = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], e = 0; e < i.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++e)window.requestAnimationFrame = window[i[e] + "RequestAnimationFrame"], window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[i[e] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || window[i[e] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"]; window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame = function (i, e) { var s = (new Date).getTime(), o = Math.max(0, 16 - (s - t)), n = window.setTimeout(function () { i(s + o) }, o); return t = s + o, n }), window.cancelAnimationFrame || (window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (t) { clearTimeout(t) })
!function (e) { "use strict"; function t(e) { return (e ||
"").toLowerCase() } var i = "2.1.6"; e.fn.cycle = function (i) { var
n; return 0 !== this.length || e.isReady ? this.each(function () { var
n, s, o, c, l = e(this), r = e.fn.cycle.log; if
(!l.data("cycle.opts")) { (l.data("cycle-log") === !1 || i && i.log
=== !1 || s && s.log === !1) && (r = e.noop), r("--c2 init--"), n =
l.data(); for (var a in n) n.hasOwnProperty(a) &&
/^cycle[A-Z]+/.test(a) && (c = n[a], o =
a.match(/^cycle(.*)/)[1].replace(/^[A-Z]/, t), r(o + ":", c, "(" +
typeof c + ")"), n[o] = c); s = e.extend({}, e.fn.cycle.defaults, n, i
|| {}), s.timeoutId = 0, s.paused = s.paused || !1, s.container = l,
s._maxZ = s.maxZ, s.API = e.extend({ _container: l }, e.fn.cycle.API),
s.API.log = r, s.API.trigger = function (e, t) { return
s.container.trigger(e, t), s.API }, l.data("cycle.opts", s),
l.data("cycle.API", s.API), s.API.trigger("cycle-bootstrap", [s,
s.API]), s.API.addInitialSlides(), s.API.preInitSlideshow(),
s.slides.length && s.API.initSlideshow() } }) : (n = { s:
this.selector, c: this.context }, e.fn.cycle.log("requeuing slideshow
(dom not ready)"), e(function () { e(n.s, n.c).cycle(i) }), this) },
e.fn.cycle.API = { opts: function () { return
this._container.data("cycle.opts") }, addInitialSlides: function () {
var t = this.opts(), i = t.slides; t.slideCount = 0, t.slides = e(), i
= i.jquery ? i : t.container.find(i), t.random && i.sort(function () {
return Math.random() - .5 }), t.API.add(i) }, preInitSlideshow:
function () { var t = this.opts();
t.API.trigger("cycle-pre-initialize", [t]); var i =
e.fn.cycle.transitions[t.fx]; i && e.isFunction(i.preInit) &&
i.preInit(t), t._preInitialized = !0 }, postInitSlideshow: function ()
{ var t = this.opts(); t.API.trigger("cycle-post-initialize", [t]);
var i = e.fn.cycle.transitions[t.fx]; i && e.isFunction(i.postInit) &&
i.postInit(t) }, initSlideshow: function () { var t, i = this.opts(),
n = i.container; i.API.calcFirstSlide(), "static" ==
i.container.css("position") && i.container.css("position",
"relative"), e(i.slides[i.currSlide]).css({ opacity: 1, display:
"block", visibility: "visible" }),
i.API.stackSlides(i.slides[i.currSlide], i.slides[i.nextSlide],
!i.reverse), i.pauseOnHover && (i.pauseOnHover !== !0 && (n =
e(i.pauseOnHover)), n.hover(function () { i.API.pause(!0) }, function
() { i.API.resume(!0) })), i.timeout && (t =
i.API.getSlideOpts(i.currSlide), i.API.queueTransition(t, t.timeout +
i.delay)), i._initialized = !0, i.API.updateView(!0),
i.API.trigger("cycle-initialized", [i]), i.API.postInitSlideshow() },
pause: function (t) { var i = this.opts(), n = i.API.getSlideOpts(), s
= i.hoverPaused || i.paused; t ? i.hoverPaused = !0 : i.paused = !0, s
|| (i.container.addClass("cycle-paused"),
i.API.trigger("cycle-paused", [i]).log("cycle-paused"), n.timeout &&
(clearTimeout(i.timeoutId), i.timeoutId = 0, i._remainingTimeout -=
e.now() - i._lastQueue, (i._remainingTimeout < 0 ||
isNaN(i._remainingTimeout)) && (i._remainingTimeout = void 0))) },
resume: function (e) { var t = this.opts(), i = !t.hoverPaused &&
!t.paused; e ? t.hoverPaused = !1 : t.paused = !1, i ||
(t.container.removeClass("cycle-paused"), 0 ===
t.slides.filter(":animated").length &&
t.API.queueTransition(t.API.getSlideOpts(), t._remainingTimeout),
t.API.trigger("cycle-resumed", [t,
t._remainingTimeout]).log("cycle-resumed")) }, add: function (t, i) {
var n, s = this.opts(), o = s.slideCount, c = !1; "string" ==
e.type(t) && (t = e.trim(t)), e(t).each(function (t) { var n, o =
e(this); i ? s.container.prepend(o) : s.container.append(o),
s.slideCount++ , n = s.API.buildSlideOpts(o), i ? s.slides =
e(o).add(s.slides) : s.slides = s.slides.add(o), s.API.initSlide(n, o,
--s._maxZ), o.data("cycle.opts", n),
s.API.trigger("cycle-slide-added", [s, n, o]) }),
s.API.updateView(!0), c = s._preInitialized && 2 > o && s.slideCount
>= 1, c && (s._initialized ? s.timeout && (n = s.slides.length,
s.nextSlide = s.reverse ? n - 1 : 1, s.timeoutId ||
s.API.queueTransition(s)) : s.API.initSlideshow()) }, calcFirstSlide:
function () { var e, t = this.opts(); e = parseInt(t.startingSlide ||
0, 10), (e >= t.slides.length || 0 > e) && (e = 0), t.currSlide = e,
t.reverse ? (t.nextSlide = e - 1, t.nextSlide < 0 && (t.nextSlide =
t.slides.length - 1)) : (t.nextSlide = e + 1, t.nextSlide ==
t.slides.length && (t.nextSlide = 0)) }, calcNextSlide: function () {
var e, t = this.opts(); t.reverse ? (e = t.nextSlide - 1 < 0,
t.nextSlide = e ? t.slideCount - 1 : t.nextSlide - 1, t.currSlide = e
? 0 : t.nextSlide + 1) : (e = t.nextSlide + 1 == t.slides.length,
t.nextSlide = e ? 0 : t.nextSlide + 1, t.currSlide = e ?
t.slides.length - 1 : t.nextSlide - 1) }, calcTx: function (t, i) {
var n, s = t; return s._tempFx ? n = e.fn.cycle.transitions[s._tempFx]
: i && s.manualFx && (n = e.fn.cycle.transitions[s.manualFx]), n || (n
= e.fn.cycle.transitions[s.fx]), s._tempFx = null, this.opts()._tempFx
= null, n || (n = e.fn.cycle.transitions.fade, s.API.log('Transition
"' + s.fx + '" not found. Using fade.')), n }, prepareTx: function
(e, t) { var i, n, s, o, c, l = this.opts(); return l.slideCount < 2 ?
void (l.timeoutId = 0) : (!e || l.busy && !l.manualTrump ||
(l.API.stopTransition(), l.busy = !1, clearTimeout(l.timeoutId),
l.timeoutId = 0), void (l.busy || (0 !== l.timeoutId || e) && (n =
l.slides[l.currSlide], s = l.slides[l.nextSlide], o =
l.API.getSlideOpts(l.nextSlide), c = l.API.calcTx(o, e), l._tx = c, e
&& void 0 !== o.manualSpeed && (o.speed = o.manualSpeed), l.nextSlide
!= l.currSlide && (e || !l.paused && !l.hoverPaused && l.timeout) ?
(l.API.trigger("cycle-before", [o, n, s, t]), c.before && c.before(o,
n, s, t), i = function () { l.busy = !1,
l.container.data("cycle.opts") && (c.after && c.after(o, n, s, t),
l.API.trigger("cycle-after", [o, n, s, t]), l.API.queueTransition(o),
l.API.updateView(!0)) }, l.busy = !0, c.transition ? c.transition(o,
n, s, t, i) : l.API.doTransition(o, n, s, t, i),
l.API.calcNextSlide(), l.API.updateView()) :
l.API.queueTransition(o)))) }, doTransition: function (t, i, n, s, o)
{ var c = t, l = e(i), r = e(n), a = function () { r.animate(c.animIn
|| { opacity: 1 }, c.speed, c.easeIn || c.easing, o) };
r.css(c.cssBefore || {}), l.animate(c.animOut || {}, c.speed,
c.easeOut || c.easing, function () { l.css(c.cssAfter || {}), c.sync
|| a() }), c.sync && a() }, queueTransition: function (t, i) { var n =
this.opts(), s = void 0 !== i ? i : t.timeout; return 0 ===
n.nextSlide && 0 === --n.loop ? (n.API.log("terminating; loop=0"),
n.timeout = 0, s ? setTimeout(function () {
n.API.trigger("cycle-finished", [n]) }, s) :
n.API.trigger("cycle-finished", [n]), void (n.nextSlide =
n.currSlide)) : void 0 !== n.continueAuto && (n.continueAuto === !1 ||
e.isFunction(n.continueAuto) && n.continueAuto() === !1) ?
(n.API.log("terminating automatic transitions"), n.timeout = 0, void
(n.timeoutId && clearTimeout(n.timeoutId))) : void (s && (n._lastQueue
= e.now(), void 0 === i && (n._remainingTimeout = t.timeout), n.paused
|| n.hoverPaused || (n.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
n.API.prepareTx(!1, !n.reverse) }, s)))) }, stopTransition: function
() { var e = this.opts(); e.slides.filter(":animated").length &&
(e.slides.stop(!1, !0), e.API.trigger("cycle-transition-stopped",
[e])), e._tx && e._tx.stopTransition && e._tx.stopTransition(e) },
advanceSlide: function (e) { var t = this.opts(); return
clearTimeout(t.timeoutId), t.timeoutId = 0, t.nextSlide = t.currSlide
+ e, t.nextSlide < 0 ? t.nextSlide = t.slides.length - 1 : t.nextSlide
>= t.slides.length && (t.nextSlide = 0), t.API.prepareTx(!0, e >= 0),
!1 }, buildSlideOpts: function (i) { var n, s, o = this.opts(), c =
i.data() || {}; for (var l in c) c.hasOwnProperty(l) &&
/^cycle[A-Z]+/.test(l) && (n = c[l], s =
l.match(/^cycle(.*)/)[1].replace(/^[A-Z]/, t), o.API.log("[" +
(o.slideCount - 1) + "]", s + ":", n, "(" + typeof n + ")"), c[s] =
n); c = e.extend({}, e.fn.cycle.defaults, o, c), c.slideNum =
o.slideCount; try { delete c.API, delete c.slideCount, delete
c.currSlide, delete c.nextSlide, delete c.slides } catch (r) { }
return c }, getSlideOpts: function (t) { var i = this.opts(); void 0
=== t && (t = i.currSlide); var n = i.slides[t], s =
e(n).data("cycle.opts"); return e.extend({}, i, s) }, initSlide:
function (t, i, n) { var s = this.opts(); i.css(t.slideCss || {}), n >
0 && i.css("zIndex", n), isNaN(t.speed) && (t.speed =
e.fx.speeds[t.speed] || e.fx.speeds._default), t.sync || (t.speed =
t.speed / 2), i.addClass(s.slideClass) }, updateView: function (e, t,
i) { var n = this.opts(); if (n._initialized) { var s =
n.API.getSlideOpts(), o = n.slides[n.currSlide]; !e && t !== !0 &&
(n.API.trigger("cycle-update-view-before", [n, s, o]), n.updateView <
0) || (n.slideActiveClass &&
n.slides.removeClass(n.slideActiveClass).eq(n.currSlide).addClass(n.slideActiveClass), e && n.hideNonActive && n.slides.filter(":not(." + n.slideActiveClass + ")").css("visibility", "hidden"), 0 === n.updateView && setTimeout(function () { n.API.trigger("cycle-update-view", [n, s, o, e]) }, s.speed / (n.sync ? 2 : 1)), 0 !== n.updateView && n.API.trigger("cycle-update-view", [n, s, o, e]), e && n.API.trigger("cycle-update-view-after", [n, s, o])) } }, getComponent: function (t) { var i = this.opts(), n = i[t]; return "string" == typeof n ? /^\s*[\>|\+|~]/.test(n) ? i.container.find(n) : e(n) : n.jquery ? n : e(n) }, stackSlides: function (t, i, n) { var s = this.opts(); t || (t = s.slides[s.currSlide], i = s.slides[s.nextSlide], n = !s.reverse), e(t).css("zIndex", s.maxZ); var o, c = s.maxZ - 2, l = s.slideCount; if (n) { for (o = s.currSlide + 1; l > o; o++)e(s.slides[o]).css("zIndex", c--); for (o = 0; o < s.currSlide; o++)e(s.slides[o]).css("zIndex", c--) } else { for (o = s.currSlide - 1; o >= 0; o--)e(s.slides[o]).css("zIndex", c--); for (o = l - 1; o > s.currSlide; o--)e(s.slides[o]).css("zIndex", c--) } e(i).css("zIndex", s.maxZ - 1) }, getSlideIndex: function (e) { return this.opts().slides.index(e) } }, e.fn.cycle.log = function () { window.console && console.log && console.log("[cycle2] " + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, " ")) }, e.fn.cycle.version = function () { return "Cycle2: " + i }, e.fn.cycle.transitions = { custom: {}, none: { before: function (e, t, i, n) { e.API.stackSlides(i, t, n), e.cssBefore = { opacity: 1, visibility: "visible", display: "block" } } }, fade: { before: function (t, i, n, s) { var o = t.API.getSlideOpts(t.nextSlide).slideCss || {}; t.API.stackSlides(i, n, s), t.cssBefore = e.extend(o, { opacity: 0, visibility: "visible", display: "block" }), t.animIn = { opacity: 1 }, t.animOut = { opacity: 0 } } }, fadeout: { before: function (t, i, n, s) { var o = t.API.getSlideOpts(t.nextSlide).slideCss || {}; t.API.stackSlides(i, n, s), t.cssBefore = e.extend(o, { opacity: 1, visibility: "visible", display: "block" }), t.animOut = { opacity: 0 } } }, scrollHorz: { before: function (e, t, i, n) { e.API.stackSlides(t, i, n); var s = e.container.css("overflow", "hidden").width(); e.cssBefore = { left: n ? s : -s, top: 0, opacity: 1, visibility: "visible", display: "block" }, e.cssAfter = { zIndex: e._maxZ - 2, left: 0 }, e.animIn = { left: 0 }, e.animOut = { left: n ? -s : s } } }, scrollVert: { before: function (e, t, i, n) { e.API.stackSlides(t, i, n); var s = e.container.css("overflow", "hidden").height(); e.cssBefore = { top: n ? -s : s, left: 0, opacity: 1, visibility: "visible", display: "block" }, e.cssAfter = { zIndex: e - 1, top: 0 }, e.animIn = { top: 0 }, e.animOut = { top: n ? s : -s } } } }, e.fn.cycle.defaults = { allowWrap: !0, autoSelector: ".cycle-slideshow[data-cycle-auto-init!=false]", delay: 0, easing: null, fx: "fade", hideNonActive: !0, loop: 0, manualFx: void 0, manualSpeed: void 0, manualTrump: !0, maxZ: 100, pauseOnHover: !1, reverse: !1, slideActiveClass: "cycle-slide-active", slideClass: "cycle-slide", slideCss: { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0 }, slides: "> img", speed: 500, startingSlide: 0, sync: !0, timeout: 4e3, updateView: 0 }, e(document).ready(function () { e(e.fn.cycle.defaults.autoSelector).cycle() }) }(jQuery), function (e) { "use strict"; function t(t, n) { var s, o, c, l = n.autoHeight; if ("container" == l) o = e(n.slides[n.currSlide]).outerHeight(), n.container.height(o); else if (n._autoHeightRatio) n.container.height(n.container.width() / n._autoHeightRatio); else if ("calc" === l || "number" == e.type(l) && l >= 0) { if (c = "calc" === l ? i(t, n) : l >= n.slides.length ? 0 : l, c == n._sentinelIndex) return; n._sentinelIndex = c, n._sentinel && n._sentinel.remove(), s = e(n.slides[c].cloneNode(!0)), s.removeAttr("id name rel").find("[id],[name],[rel]").removeAttr("id name rel"), s.css({ position: "static", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }).prependTo(n.container).addClass("cycle-sentinel cycle-slide").removeClass("cycle-slide-active"), s.find("*").css("visibility", "hidden"), n._sentinel = s } } function i(t, i) { var n = 0, s = -1; return i.slides.each(function (t) { var i = e(this).height(); i > s && (s = i, n = t) }), n } function n(t, i, n, s, o) { var c = e(s).outerHeight(); i.container.animate({ height: c }, i.autoHeightSpeed, i.autoHeightEasing) } function s(i, o) { o._autoHeightOnResize && (e(window).off("resize orientationchange", o._autoHeightOnResize), o._autoHeightOnResize = null), o.container.off("cycle-slide-added cycle-slide-removed", t), o.container.off("cycle-destroyed", s), o.container.off("cycle-before", n), o._sentinel && (o._sentinel.remove(), o._sentinel = null) } e.extend(e.fn.cycle.defaults, { autoHeight: 0, autoHeightSpeed: 250, autoHeightEasing: null }), e(document).on("cycle-initialized", function (i, o) { function c() { t(i, o) } var l, r = o.autoHeight, a = e.type(r), d = null; ("string" === a || "number" === a) && (o.container.on("cycle-slide-added cycle-slide-removed", t), o.container.on("cycle-destroyed", s), "container" == r ? o.container.on("cycle-before", n) : "string" === a && /\d+\:\d+/.test(r) && (l = r.match(/(\d+)\:(\d+)/), l = l[1] / l[2], o._autoHeightRatio = l), "number" !== a && (o._autoHeightOnResize = function () { clearTimeout(d), d = setTimeout(c, 50) }, e(window).on("resize orientationchange", o._autoHeightOnResize)), setTimeout(c, 30)) }) }(jQuery), function (e) { "use strict"; e.extend(e.fn.cycle.defaults, { caption: "> .cycle-caption", captionTemplate: "{{slideNum}} / {{slideCount}}", overlay: "> .cycle-overlay", overlayTemplate: "<div>{{title}}</div><div>{{desc}}</div>", captionModule: "caption" }), e(document).on("cycle-update-view", function (t, i, n, s) { if ("caption" === i.captionModule) { e.each(["caption", "overlay"], function () { var e = this, t = n[e + "Template"], o = i.API.getComponent(e); o.length && t ? (o.html(i.API.tmpl(t, n, i, s)), o.show()) : o.hide() }) } }), e(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function (t, i) { var n; e.each(["caption", "overlay"], function () { var e = this, t = i[e + "Template"]; i[e] && t && (n = i.API.getComponent("caption"), n.empty()) }) }) }(jQuery), function (e) { "use strict"; var t = e.fn.cycle; e.fn.cycle = function (i) { var n, s, o, c = e.makeArray(arguments); return "number" == e.type(i) ? this.cycle("goto", i) : "string" == e.type(i) ? this.each(function () { var l; return n = i, o = e(this).data("cycle.opts"), void 0 === o ? void t.log('slideshow must be initialized before sending commands; "' + n + '" ignored') : (n = "goto" == n ? "jump" : n, s = o.API[n], e.isFunction(s) ? (l = e.makeArray(c), l.shift(), s.apply(o.API, l)) : void t.log("unknown command: ", n)) }) : t.apply(this, arguments) }, e.extend(e.fn.cycle, t), e.extend(t.API, { next: function () { var e = this.opts(); if (!e.busy || e.manualTrump) { var t = e.reverse ? -1 : 1; e.allowWrap === !1 && e.currSlide + t >= e.slideCount || (e.API.advanceSlide(t), e.API.trigger("cycle-next", [e]).log("cycle-next")) } }, prev: function () { var e = this.opts(); if (!e.busy || e.manualTrump) { var t = e.reverse ? 1 : -1; e.allowWrap === !1 && e.currSlide + t < 0 || (e.API.advanceSlide(t), e.API.trigger("cycle-prev", [e]).log("cycle-prev")) } }, destroy: function () { this.stop(); var t = this.opts(), i = e.isFunction(e._data) ? e._data : e.noop; clearTimeout(t.timeoutId), t.timeoutId = 0, t.API.stop(), t.API.trigger("cycle-destroyed", [t]).log("cycle-destroyed"), t.container.removeData(), i(t.container[0], "parsedAttrs", !1), t.retainStylesOnDestroy || (t.container.removeAttr("style"), t.slides.removeAttr("style"), t.slides.removeClass(t.slideActiveClass)), t.slides.each(function () { var n = e(this); n.removeData(), n.removeClass(t.slideClass), i(this, "parsedAttrs", !1) }) }, jump: function (e, t) { var i, n = this.opts(); if (!n.busy || n.manualTrump) { var s = parseInt(e, 10); if (isNaN(s) || 0 > s || s >= n.slides.length) return void n.API.log("goto: invalid slide index: " + s); if (s == n.currSlide) return void n.API.log("goto: skipping, already on slide", s); n.nextSlide = s, clearTimeout(n.timeoutId), n.timeoutId = 0, n.API.log("goto: ", s, " (zero-index)"), i = n.currSlide < n.nextSlide, n._tempFx = t, n.API.prepareTx(!0, i) } }, stop: function () { var t = this.opts(), i = t.container; clearTimeout(t.timeoutId), t.timeoutId = 0, t.API.stopTransition(), t.pauseOnHover && (t.pauseOnHover !== !0 && (i = e(t.pauseOnHover)), i.off("mouseenter mouseleave")), t.API.trigger("cycle-stopped", [t]).log("cycle-stopped") }, reinit: function () { var e = this.opts(); e.API.destroy(), e.container.cycle() }, remove: function (t) { for (var i, n, s = this.opts(), o = [], c = 1, l = 0; l < s.slides.length; l++)i = s.slides[l], l == t ? n = i : (o.push(i), e(i).data("cycle.opts").slideNum = c, c++); n && (s.slides = e(o), s.slideCount-- , e(n).remove(), t == s.currSlide ? s.API.advanceSlide(1) : t < s.currSlide ? s.currSlide-- : s.currSlide++ , s.API.trigger("cycle-slide-removed", [s, t, n]).log("cycle-slide-removed"), s.API.updateView()) } }), e(document).on("click.cycle", "[data-cycle-cmd]", function (t) { t.preventDefault(); var i = e(this), n = i.data("cycle-cmd"), s = i.data("cycle-context") || ".cycle-slideshow"; e(s).cycle(n, i.data("cycle-arg")) }) }(jQuery), function (e) { "use strict"; function t(t, i) { var n; return t._hashFence ? void (t._hashFence = !1) : (n = window.location.hash.substring(1), void t.slides.each(function (s) { if (e(this).data("cycle-hash") == n) { if (i === !0) t.startingSlide = s; else { var o = t.currSlide < s; t.nextSlide = s, t.API.prepareTx(!0, o) } return !1 } })) } e(document).on("cycle-pre-initialize", function (i, n) { t(n, !0), n._onHashChange = function () { t(n, !1) }, e(window).on("hashchange", n._onHashChange) }), e(document).on("cycle-update-view", function (e, t, i) { i.hash && "#" + i.hash != window.location.hash && (t._hashFence = !0, window.location.hash = i.hash) }), e(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function (t, i) { i._onHashChange && e(window).off("hashchange", i._onHashChange) }) }(jQuery), function (e) { "use strict"; e.extend(e.fn.cycle.defaults, { loader: !1 }), e(document).on("cycle-bootstrap", function (t, i) { function n(t, n) { function o(t) { var o; "wait" == i.loader ? (l.push(t), 0 === a && (l.sort(c), s.apply(i.API, [l, n]), i.container.removeClass("cycle-loading"))) : (o = e(i.slides[i.currSlide]), s.apply(i.API, [t, n]), o.show(), i.container.removeClass("cycle-loading")) } function c(e, t) { return e.data("index") - t.data("index") } var l = []; if ("string" == e.type(t)) t = e.trim(t); else if ("array" === e.type(t)) for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)t[r] = e(t[r])[0]; t = e(t); var a = t.length; a && (t.css("visibility", "hidden").appendTo("body").each(function (t) { function c() { 0 === --r && (--a, o(d)) } var r = 0, d = e(this), u = d.is("img") ? d : d.find("img"); return d.data("index", t), u = u.filter(":not(.cycle-loader-ignore)").filter(':not([src=""])'), u.length ? (r = u.length, void u.each(function () { this.complete ? c() : e(this).load(function () { c() }).on("error", function () { 0 === --r && (i.API.log("slide skipped; img not loaded:", this.src), 0 === --a && "wait" == i.loader && s.apply(i.API, [l, n])) }) })) : (--a, void l.push(d)) }), a && i.container.addClass("cycle-loading")) } var s; i.loader && (s = i.API.add, i.API.add = n) }) }(jQuery), function (e) { "use strict"; function t(t, i, n) { var s, o = t.API.getComponent("pager"); o.each(function () { var o = e(this); if (i.pagerTemplate) { var c = t.API.tmpl(i.pagerTemplate, i, t, n[0]); s = e(c).appendTo(o) } else s = o.children().eq(t.slideCount - 1); s.on(t.pagerEvent, function (e) { t.pagerEventBubble || e.preventDefault(), t.API.page(o, e.currentTarget) }) }) } function i(e, t) { var i = this.opts(); if (!i.busy || i.manualTrump) { var n = e.children().index(t), s = n, o = i.currSlide < s; i.currSlide != s && (i.nextSlide = s, i._tempFx = i.pagerFx, i.API.prepareTx(!0, o), i.API.trigger("cycle-pager-activated", [i, e, t])) } } e.extend(e.fn.cycle.defaults, { pager: "> .cycle-pager", pagerActiveClass: "cycle-pager-active", pagerEvent: "click.cycle", pagerEventBubble: void 0, pagerTemplate: "<span>�</span>" }), e(document).on("cycle-bootstrap", function (e, i, n) { n.buildPagerLink = t }), e(document).on("cycle-slide-added", function (e, t, n, s) { t.pager && (t.API.buildPagerLink(t, n, s), t.API.page = i) }), e(document).on("cycle-slide-removed", function (t, i, n, s) { if (i.pager) { var o = i.API.getComponent("pager"); o.each(function () { var t = e(this); e(t.children()[n]).remove() }) } }), e(document).on("cycle-update-view", function (t, i, n) { var s; i.pager && (s = i.API.getComponent("pager"), s.each(function () { e(this).children().removeClass(i.pagerActiveClass).eq(i.currSlide).addClass(i.pagerActiveClass) })) }), e(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function (e, t) { var i = t.API.getComponent("pager"); i && (i.children().off(t.pagerEvent), t.pagerTemplate && i.empty()) }) }(jQuery), function (e) { "use strict"; e.extend(e.fn.cycle.defaults, { next: "> .cycle-next", nextEvent: "click.cycle", disabledClass: "disabled", prev: "> .cycle-prev", prevEvent: "click.cycle", swipe: !1 }), e(document).on("cycle-initialized", function (e, t) { if (t.API.getComponent("next").on(t.nextEvent, function (e) { e.preventDefault(), t.API.next() }), t.API.getComponent("prev").on(t.prevEvent, function (e) { e.preventDefault(), t.API.prev() }), t.swipe) { var i = t.swipeVert ? "swipeUp.cycle" : "swipeLeft.cycle swipeleft.cycle", n = t.swipeVert ? "swipeDown.cycle" : "swipeRight.cycle swiperight.cycle"; t.container.on(i, function (e) { t._tempFx = t.swipeFx, t.API.next() }), t.container.on(n, function () { t._tempFx = t.swipeFx, t.API.prev() }) } }), e(document).on("cycle-update-view", function (e, t, i, n) { if (!t.allowWrap) { var s = t.disabledClass, o = t.API.getComponent("next"), c = t.API.getComponent("prev"), l = t._prevBoundry || 0, r = void 0 !== t._nextBoundry ? t._nextBoundry : t.slideCount - 1; t.currSlide == r ? o.addClass(s).prop("disabled", !0) : o.removeClass(s).prop("disabled", !1), t.currSlide === l ? c.addClass(s).prop("disabled", !0) : c.removeClass(s).prop("disabled", !1) } }), e(document).on("cycle-destroyed", function (e, t) { t.API.getComponent("prev").off(t.nextEvent), t.API.getComponent("next").off(t.prevEvent), t.container.off("swipeleft.cycle swiperight.cycle swipeLeft.cycle swipeRight.cycle swipeUp.cycle swipeDown.cycle") }) }(jQuery), function (e) { "use strict"; e.extend(e.fn.cycle.defaults, { progressive: !1 }), e(document).on("cycle-pre-initialize", function (t, i) { if (i.progressive) { var n, s, o = i.API, c = o.next, l = o.prev, r = o.prepareTx, a = e.type(i.progressive); if ("array" == a) n = i.progressive; else if (e.isFunction(i.progressive)) n = i.progressive(i); else if ("string" == a) { if (s = e(i.progressive), n = e.trim(s.html()), !n) return; if (/^(\[)/.test(n)) try { n = e.parseJSON(n) } catch (d) { return void o.log("error parsing progressive slides", d) } else n = n.split(new RegExp(s.data("cycle-split") || "\n")), n[n.length - 1] || n.pop() } r && (o.prepareTx = function (e, t) { var s, o; return e || 0 === n.length ? void r.apply(i.API, [e, t]) : void (t && i.currSlide == i.slideCount - 1 ? (o = n[0], n = n.slice(1), i.container.one("cycle-slide-added", function (e, t) { setTimeout(function () { t.API.advanceSlide(1) }, 50) }), i.API.add(o)) : t || 0 !== i.currSlide ? r.apply(i.API, [e, t]) : (s = n.length - 1, o = n[s], n = n.slice(0, s), i.container.one("cycle-slide-added", function (e, t) { setTimeout(function () { t.currSlide = 1, t.API.advanceSlide(-1) }, 50) }), i.API.add(o, !0))) }), c && (o.next = function () { var e = this.opts(); if (n.length && e.currSlide == e.slideCount - 1) { var t = n[0]; n = n.slice(1), e.container.one("cycle-slide-added", function (e, t) { c.apply(t.API), t.container.removeClass("cycle-loading") }), e.container.addClass("cycle-loading"), e.API.add(t) } else c.apply(e.API) }), l && (o.prev = function () { var e = this.opts(); if (n.length && 0 === e.currSlide) { var t = n.length - 1, i = n[t]; n = n.slice(0, t), e.container.one("cycle-slide-added", function (e, t) { t.currSlide = 1, t.API.advanceSlide(-1), t.container.removeClass("cycle-loading") }), e.container.addClass("cycle-loading"), e.API.add(i, !0) } else l.apply(e.API) }) } }) }(jQuery), function (e) { "use strict"; e.extend(e.fn.cycle.defaults, { tmplRegex: "{{((.)?.*?)}}" }), e.extend(e.fn.cycle.API, { tmpl: function (t, i) { var n = new RegExp(i.tmplRegex || e.fn.cycle.defaults.tmplRegex, "g"), s = e.makeArray(arguments); return s.shift(), t.replace(n, function (t, i) { var n, o, c, l, r = i.split("."); for (n = 0; n < s.length; n++)if (c = s[n]) { if (r.length > 1) for (l = c, o = 0; o < r.length; o++)c = l, l = l[r[o]] || i; else l = c[i]; if (e.isFunction(l)) return l.apply(c, s); if (void 0 !== l && null !== l && l != i) return l } return i }) } })
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before: function (i, t, e, s) { var o = jQuery(e).height();
i.API.stackSlides(i, t, e, s), i.cssBefore = { top: s ? -o : o, left:
0, opacity: 1, display: "block", visibility: "visible" }, i.animIn = {
top: 0 }, i.animOut = { top: s ? o : -o } } } }(jQuery);
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= e, this.settings = t.extend({}, a, s), this._defaults = a,
this._name = r, this.init() } var r = "mgGlitch", a = { destroy: !1,
glitch: !0, scale: !0, blend: !0, blendModeType: "hue",
glitch1TimeMin: 600, glitch1TimeMax: 900, glitch2TimeMin: 10,
glitch2TimeMax: 115, zIndexStart: 5 }; t.extend(n.prototype, { init:
function () { this.glitch() }, glitch: function () { function e(t, e)
{ return Math.floor(Math.random() * (e - t + 1)) + t } function s() {
var i = e(10, 1900), n = 9999, a = e(10, 1300), o = 0, h = e(0, 16), f
= e(0, 16), d = e(c, l); t(r).css({ clip: "rect(" + i + "px, " + n +
"px, " + a + "px," + o + "px)", right: f, left: h }), setTimeout(s, d)
} function i() { var s = e(10, 1900), n = 9999, c = e(10, 1300), l =
0, f = e(0, 40), d = e(0, 40), m = e(o, h); if (a === !0) var x =
(Math.random() * (1.1 - .9) + .9).toFixed(2); else if (a === !1) var x
= 1; t(r).next().css({ clip: "rect(" + s + "px, " + n + "px, " + c +
"px," + l + "px)", left: f, right: d, "-webkit-transform": "scale(" +
x + ")", "-ms-transform": "scale(" + x + ")", transform: "scale(" + x
+ ")" }), setTimeout(i, m) } function n() { var s = e(10, 1900), i =
9999, c = e(10, 1300), l = 0, f = e(0, 40), d = e(0, 40), m = e(o, h);
if (a === !0) var x = (Math.random() * (1.1 - .9) + .9).toFixed(2);
else if (a === !1) var x = 1; t(r).next().next().css({ clip: "rect(" +
s + "px, " + i + "px, " + c + "px," + l + "px)", left: f, right: d,
"-webkit-transform": "scale(" + x + ")", "-ms-transform": "scale(" + x
+ ")", transform: "scale(" + x + ")" }), setTimeout(n, m) } var r =
this.element, a = this.settings.scale, c =
this.settings.glitch1TimeMin, l = this.settings.glitch1TimeMax, o =
this.settings.glitch2TimeMin, h = this.settings.glitch2TimeMax, f =
this.settings.zIndexStart; if (this.settings.destroy === !0)
(t(r).hasClass("el-front-1") || t(r).hasClass("front-3") ||
t(r).hasClass("front-2")) && t(".front-1, .front-2,
.front-3").remove(), t(".back").removeClass("back"); else if
(this.settings.destroy === !1) { var d = t(r).clone(); if
(d.insertBefore(r).addClass("back").css({ "z-index": f }),
this.settings.blend === !0) { var d = t(r).clone();
d.insertAfter(r).addClass("front-3").css({ "z-index": f + 3,
"mix-blend-mode": this.settings.blendModeType }), n() } if
(this.settings.glitch === !0) { var d = t(r).clone();
d.insertAfter(r).addClass("front-2").css({ "z-index": f + 2 }),
t(".back").next().addClass("front-1").css({ "z-index": f + 1 }), s(),
i() } } } }), t.fn[r] = function (t) { return this.each(function () {
new n(this, t) }) } }(jQuery, window, document);
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