[commits] [Wiki] created: Doc/Admin

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Dec 5 18:55:42 UTC 2024

jan  Thu, 05 Dec 2024 18:55:42 +0000

Created page: https://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Admin


+ Horde Administrator Documentation

++ Installation

See http://www.horde.org/apps/horde/docs/INSTALL and the installation  
documents in docs/INSTALL.

++ Configuration

The Horde Framework and the different Horde applications are  
configured through a set of ((Doc/Dev/Configuration|configuration  
files)). The main configuration files {{conf.php}} can be modified  
through a web interface.

+++ Configuration interface

Administrators can access this interface through the Administration ->  
Setup menu. There is a list of all installed applications, including  
their version numbers and the current state of the configuration. You  
will see warning messages if a configuration hasn't been created at  
all, or if it is outdated, because you installed a newer version.

Right above the application list is a button that checks for newer  
versions of the installed applications on the horde.org web server.  
This only works if the local web server is allowed to make an HTTP  
request to an external web server. If you click the button, the page  
is reloaded and you see a message for each installed application  
whether a newer version exists. If there is a newer version available,  
there is also a link where you can immediately download the most  
recent version.

If you want to configure an application, you can click on the  
application name in this application list. You get to a form where all  
system-wide configurations for that application can be modified to  
your needs. If there are many configuration settings, they will be  
organized into tabs. Click on the tab of area that you want to  
configure. You can change tabs without losing any changes you made in  
current tab.
Some configuration changes may require to reload the form, to show  
more configuration items, based on that change. Again, no changes that  
have been done before get lost.

Once you are done with the configuration you can click on the button  
to generate the configuration. The complete configuration is then  
converted into a PHP file, and the web server tries to save that code  
into the application's {{config/conf.php}} file. For this to work, the  
{{conf.php}} file must have file permissions set so that the web  
server can overwrite that file.
If you don't have the permissions set, you will get a warning message  
and be returned to the configuration form. At the bottom you will now  
see a text field with the generated PHP code. Above that field is a  
link that shows you the difference between the old and the new  
configuration. It is not necessary though to lower the server security  
by making the configuration file writable. There are other methods to  
get the generated PHP file onto the server:

* You can copy the code from the text field and paste it into  
{{config/conf.php}} manually.
* You can go back to the main configuration screen with the  
application list, where you will find some new elements at the bottom  
of the screen. These elements apply to **all** generated  
configurations **at once**. This means that you can continue to  
configure the applications, and the save all generated configuration  
files in one row.
   * If you have FTP access to the web server, you can enter a valid  
FTP user name and password, that has write permissions on the  
{{conf.php}}, in the small form at the lower right. Click the upload  
button and the generated PHP file will be uploaded with FTP.
   * In the lower left there is a link to review the changes you've  
made to all configuration files so far.
   * Another link downloads an executable PHP script that can be run  
on the server to save the generated configuration in the {{conf.php}}  
files. Again: the file that you download here is **not** the generated  
configuration, but a small PHP program that saves the generated  
configuration on the file system. It has to be executed in a  
shell/console. There is also:
   * A third link that saves this PHP script in the temporary  
directory of the server. This is helpful so that you don't have to  
first download the script locally, only to transfer it back to the  
server in a 2nd step. If executed, this script also tries to delete  
itself, so that it's not left in the temporary folder, it might  
contain passwords or other sensitive information. If the deletion  
doesn't succeed, an error message is displayed. If you reload the  
configuration interface after a failed deletion, you will see a new  
link at the bottom that allows you to delete that script.

All methods to store the configuration try to create a backup of the  
old configuration. This only succeeds if there are sufficient file and  
directory permissions. The new configuration will be stored anyway,  
whether the backup could be created or not. You can restore a backup  
from the individual application's configuration form. If a  
configuration backup is found for that application, there will be  
another button at the bottom for restoring the backup.

The different available configuration settings are further explained  
on individual pages for the applications. Not all configuration  
settings are explained, because some are self-explanatory or already  
have sufficient explanations in the configuration interface, or  
because they simply haven't been documented yet.

* ((Doc/Admin/Config/Horde|Horde - Global configuration))
  * ((Doc/Admin/Config/Horde/Facebook|Facebook Integration))
* ((Doc/Admin/Config/Imp|IMP configuration))

++ Customization

There are [http://www.horde.org/papers/fisl2009-inside_horde/ slides  
of a talk] in the Horde Library that introduce into the 7 ways of  
customizing Horde:

* ((Doc/Dev/Themes|Themes))
* Configuration (see above)
* ((Doc/Admin/Preferences|Preferences))
* ((Doc/Dev/PermsPackage|Permissions))
* Hooks
* ((Doc/Dev/LegacyApps|APIs))
* Drivers

In the ((Doc/Dev|developer documentation)) is also some more  
interesting information that's useful for administrators that want to  
customize their Horde installations or integrate it with other  
systems. See also the customization section on HowTo.

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