commit: imp ldappasswd.php mailbox.php poppasswd.php remote_login.php imp/docs CHANGES imp/lib IMP.php
7 Nov 2000 22:21:49 -0000

chuck       2000/11/07 14:21:49 PST

  Modified files:
    .                    ldappasswd.php mailbox.php poppasswd.php 
    docs                 CHANGES 
    lib                  IMP.php 
  encrypt passwords in the session. use a cookie to store the (random) key if
  cookies are enabled, and if their not, munge a key out of the session id and
  the sitename. better solutions for coming up with keys in the no-cookies
  case will be gladly entertained.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.12      +66 -66    imp/ldappasswd.php
  2.213     +2 -2      imp/mailbox.php
  1.33      +16 -16    imp/poppasswd.php
  1.24      +3 -3      imp/remote_login.php
  1.217     +2 -0      imp/docs/CHANGES
  1.90      +44 -6     imp/lib/IMP.php