commit: turba displayobject.php editobject.php turba/docs CHANGES turba/lib AbstractObject.php Source.php turba/lib/Driver LDAP.php SQL.php
31 Jan 2001 05:01:37 -0000

chuck       2001/01/30 21:01:37 PST

  Modified files:
    .                    displayobject.php editobject.php 
    docs                 CHANGES 
    lib                  AbstractObject.php Source.php 
    lib/Driver           LDAP.php SQL.php 
  - woohoo - LDAP editing works
  - if you set $params['bind_dn'] and $params['bind_password'], we'll bind to
    the LDAP directory (this is usually a good thing if you want to edit =)
  - Turba_Source::getMyObject() is now getObject(); nothing was using the old
    getObject() call.
  - a calls were changed to pass along return values.
  - a few things were reorganized a tad.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.6       +3 -3      turba/displayobject.php
  1.7       +3 -3      turba/editobject.php
  1.24      +5 -0      turba/docs/CHANGES
  1.8       +3 -3      turba/lib/AbstractObject.php
  1.20      +4 -24     turba/lib/Source.php
  1.15      +29 -13    turba/lib/Driver/LDAP.php
  1.18      +18 -18    turba/lib/Driver/SQL.php