commit: chora diff.php chora/docs CHANGES chora/lib CVSLib.php chora/lib/CVSLib Diff.php
1 Feb 2001 01:01:02 -0000

avsm        2001/01/31 17:01:02 PST

  Modified files:
    .                    diff.php 
    docs                 CHANGES 
    lib                  CVSLib.php 
    lib/CVSLib           Diff.php 
  Start shifting hr-diff logic into CVSLib_Diff.  This is meant to help
  the strikethrough diff stuff, but its implementation is proving problematic,
  so I thought I would put this in the repository to avoid holding up other
  changes while I figure out the best way to approach this problem.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.15      +2 -2      chora/diff.php
  1.7       +1 -0      chora/docs/CHANGES
  1.61      +9 -2      chora/lib/CVSLib.php
  1.11      +97 -5     chora/lib/CVSLib/Diff.php