commit: nag index.php menu.php nag/config conf.php.dist nag/docs CHANGES nag/lib Nag.php base.php
25 Apr 2001 15:09:52 -0000

chuck       2001/04/25 08:09:52 PDT

  Modified files:
    .                    index.php menu.php 
    config               conf.php.dist 
    docs                 CHANGES 
    lib                  Nag.php base.php 
  define the HORDE_BASE constant in config/conf.php, and use it when referring
  to any of Horde's files.
  You _must_ update your conf.php to match conf.php.dist after this update.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +2 -1      nag/index.php
  1.3       +2 -2      nag/menu.php
  1.5       +12 -1     nag/config/conf.php.dist
  1.9       +2 -0      nag/docs/CHANGES
  1.11      +3 -3      nag/lib/Nag.php
  1.5       +9 -12     nag/lib/base.php