commit: horde/lib Prefs.php horde/lib/Prefs ldap.php session.php sql.php
7 May 2001 17:09:16 -0000

jon         2001/05/07 10:09:16 PDT

  Modified files:
    lib                  Prefs.php 
    lib/Prefs            ldap.php session.php sql.php 
  - Set the default scope to 'horde'.
  - Convert the '_filled' cache flag to a hash of scopes (more granularity).
  - Added cleanupCommon() to house common driver cleanup tasks.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.44      +37 -13    horde/lib/Prefs.php
  1.8       +3 -6      horde/lib/Prefs/ldap.php
  1.7       +5 -5      horde/lib/Prefs/session.php
  1.15      +3 -6      horde/lib/Prefs/sql.php