commit: chora cvs.php index.php chora/config mime_drivers.php.dist .cvsignore chora/docs CHANGES chora/graphics text.gif chora/graphics/mime text.gif chora/lib base.php chora/lib/MIME/Viewer text.php chora/templates/index ...

Anil Madhavapeddy
10 Jul 2001 19:54:33 -0000

avsm        2001/07/10 12:54:33 PDT

  Modified files:
    .                    cvs.php index.php 
    config               .cvsignore 
    docs                 CHANGES 
    lib                  base.php 
  Added files:
    config               mime_drivers.php.dist 
    graphics/mime        text.gif 
    lib/MIME/Viewer      text.php 
  Removed files:
    graphics             text.gif 
  convert to the new MIME_Viewer API.
  Since I couldn't think of anything better, Chora overrides text/plain from
  Horde, and performs URL syntax highlighting using its new local driver.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.103     +3 -2      chora/cvs.php
  1.9       +2 -1      chora/index.php
  1.8       +1 -0      chora/config/.cvsignore
  1.28      +4 -0      chora/docs/CHANGES
  1.49      +7 -1      chora/lib/base.php
  1.5       +7 -0      chora/templates/index/