cvs commit: nag/lib api.php horde/lib Registry.php kronolith/lib api.php imp compose.php imp/lib api.php

Chuck Hagenbuch
Fri, 5 Oct 2001 10:27:40 -0700 (PDT)

chuck       2001/10/05 10:27:40 PDT

  Modified files:
    lib                  api.php 
    lib                  Registry.php 
    lib                  api.php 
    .                    compose.php 
    lib                  api.php 
  Make the headers of API-generated summaries use the application's name as
  configured in the Registry, and link to the actual app. Also add
  Registry::getInitialPage(), to encapsulate some more logic.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.51      +19 -3     horde/lib/Registry.php
  2.353     +2 -2      imp/compose.php
  1.9       +6 -4      imp/lib/api.php
  1.20      +5 -3      kronolith/lib/api.php
  1.7       +7 -2      nag/lib/api.php