[cvs] Anonymous CVS change

Rodolfo Segleau segleaur@mechanus.org
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 23:30:28 -0500

Quoting Jon Parise <jon@horde.org>:

> On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 12:52:02AM -0500, Rodolfo Segleau wrote:
> > export CVSROOT=:pserver:cvsread@anoncvs.horde.org:/repository
> That looks correct.
> > > I would suspect a bad CVSROOT.
> > 
> > could be, has the CVSROOT changed?
> No, just the IP address of anoncvs.horde.org.
OK, I doubled checked and on all the modules (except the first one I try to 
fetch) I get this error:

[sigil] cvs-release > cvs co -r HEAD imp    
cvs [checkout aborted]: recv() from server anoncvs.horde.org: EOF

Outta of ideas and really wanting to test out the new cvs code. Hehe, I've 
gotten braver in that sense, just threw into production the CVS snapshot I had 
from the end of May. Working well and without issues (except the sorting, which 
I never figured out why it doesn't sort alphabetically). 
