[cvs] Anonymous CVS change
Jon Parise
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 13:30:32 -0400
On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 10:43:11AM +0200, Sameh Ghane wrote:
> > [sigil] cvs-release > cvs co -r HEAD imp
> > cvs [checkout aborted]: recv() from server anoncvs.horde.org: EOF
> >
> > Outta of ideas and really wanting to test out the new cvs code.
> Same here. I wait one minute and try again, it usually works.
> I don't think it was NFS' fault, because as soon as I get a TCP connection to
> the cvspserver, it is dropped. Like when using tcp_wrappers.
> The only way we can figure out what happens is to trace inetd and its children
> (truss, strace, ktrace, ...) on the server side, when the error pops up.
> I can reproduce this behavior or help investigate if anyone cares.
Ah, that behavior is intentional. I'm limited the number of
consecutive connections an IP address can make over the course of a
minute (currently set to five connects per minute per IP). We also
have a "global" limit of ten simulateous connections at any given
time. Additional connections will be dropped.
This is all largely temporary until I can shuffle the resources around
a bit more (we're swapping out one of our machines soon for a
Jon Parise (jon@csh.rit.edu) . Information Technology (2001)
http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/ : Computer Science House Member