[cvs] commit: imp filters.php imp/lib Filter.php
imp/templates/filtersblacklist.inc list.inc manage.inc
Michael M Slusarz
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 12:39:19 -0700 (PDT)
slusarz 2002/08/02 12:39:19 PDT
Modified files:
. filters.php
lib Filter.php
templates/filters blacklist.inc list.inc manage.inc
IMP_Filter framework now uses a new data structure - this new structure
allows for the creation and storage of "AND" filters (although the query
code needed for this has not been implemented yet).
Blacklists are now stored separately. This is a more efficient during loading,
allows us to search for _all_ blacklist addresses in a _single_ imap
query (instead of a separate query for each address before), and ensures that
blacklist filters will always be applied before other filters.
TODO: implement UI for adding "AND" rules; implement code to correctly
formulate "AND" queries for the IMAP server.
Revision Changes Path
2.58 +37 -28 imp/filters.php
1.20 +273 -149 imp/lib/Filter.php
1.7 +1 -1 imp/templates/filters/blacklist.inc
1.23 +1 -6 imp/templates/filters/list.inc
1.29 +3 -3 imp/templates/filters/manage.inc
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